Top Names Over the Last 100 Years (2024)

Top Names Over the Last 100 Years

The following table shows the 100 most popular given names for male and female babies born during the last 100 years, 1923-2022. For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. These time-tested popular names were taken from a universe that includes 177,999,594 male births and 172,616,756 female births.

Please note that popular names listed below are not necessarily consistently popular in every year. For example, the name James, ranked as the most popular male name overthe last 100 years, has been ranked as low as number 19. Similarly, the most popular female name in the table, Mary, ranked as low as 136.

Popular names for births in 1923-2022

Males Females
Rank Name Number Name Number
1 James 4,625,363 Mary 3,054,624
2 Robert 4,357,620 Patricia 1,551,159
3 John 4,354,502 Jennifer 1,469,664
4 Michael 4,345,849 Linda 1,448,284
5 David 3,564,272 Elizabeth 1,403,790
6 William 3,484,904 Barbara 1,385,994
7 Richard 2,423,956 Susan 1,102,248
8 Joseph 2,300,049 Jessica 1,047,635
9 Thomas 2,134,536 Sarah 987,732
10 Christopher 2,049,683 Karen 986,072
11 Charles 2,037,956 Lisa 965,306
12 Daniel 1,905,388 Nancy 960,589
13 Matthew 1,620,154 Betty 886,110
14 Anthony 1,409,172 Sandra 873,576
15 Mark 1,349,030 Margaret 867,664
16 Donald 1,308,961 Ashley 852,892
17 Steven 1,284,623 Kimberly 842,541
18 Andrew 1,257,112 Emily 839,846
19 Paul 1,252,337 Donna 819,879
20 Joshua 1,231,302 Michelle 813,985
21 Kenneth 1,204,693 Carol 803,285
22 Kevin 1,178,755 Amanda 773,876
23 Brian 1,170,328 Melissa 755,534
24 George 1,085,858 Deborah 740,449
25 Timothy 1,074,172 Stephanie 739,354
26 Ronald 1,071,731 Dorothy 735,900
27 Jason 1,043,551 Rebecca 729,249
28 Edward 1,041,890 Sharon 720,831
29 Jeffrey 977,308 Laura 711,837
30 Ryan 952,133 Cynthia 705,803
31 Jacob 947,952 Amy 683,154
32 Gary 900,434 Kathleen 679,592
33 Nicholas 899,086 Angela 660,294
34 Eric 882,217 Shirley 651,356
35 Jonathan 857,270 Brenda 606,300
36 Stephen 837,588 Emma 600,812
37 Larry 801,849 Anna 596,649
38 Justin 783,529 Pamela 592,701
39 Scott 770,424 Nicole 591,425
40 Brandon 765,418 Samantha 584,239
41 Benjamin 758,472 Katherine 565,185
42 Samuel 721,821 Christine 556,599
43 Gregory 708,305 Helen 552,703
44 Alexander 691,200 Debra 548,274
45 Patrick 666,181 Rachel 545,644
46 Frank 660,209 Carolyn 537,523
47 Raymond 646,002 Janet 535,102
48 Jack 633,602 Maria 530,981
49 Dennis 610,563 Catherine 527,338
50 Jerry 600,515 Heather 524,158
51 Tyler 597,268 Diane 515,002
52 Aaron 592,045 Olivia 514,993
53 Jose 568,068 Julie 507,070
54 Adam 560,808 Joyce 496,038
55 Nathan 558,970 Victoria 492,988
56 Henry 552,968 Ruth 492,514
57 Zachary 545,562 Virginia 478,066
58 Douglas 545,422 Lauren 472,870
59 Peter 535,380 Kelly 472,293
60 Kyle 482,820 Christina 471,271
61 Noah 464,528 Joan 463,668
62 Ethan 462,185 Evelyn 453,238
63 Jeremy 442,079 Judith 449,653
64 Walter 441,463 Andrea 439,496
65 Christian 438,912 Hannah 439,385
66 Keith 430,292 Megan 438,548
67 Roger 425,514 Cheryl 436,892
68 Terry 422,214 Jacqueline 420,029
69 Austin 421,556 Martha 408,819
70 Sean 421,344 Madison 404,874
71 Gerald 418,373 Teresa 403,495
72 Carl 411,580 Gloria 402,354
73 Harold 408,283 Sara 399,548
74 Dylan 397,475 Janice 398,076
75 Arthur 392,380 Ann 397,270
76 Lawrence 391,246 Kathryn 395,600
77 Jordan 390,269 Abigail 395,172
78 Jesse 386,986 Sophia 388,604
79 Bryan 385,005 Frances 384,820
80 Billy 374,725 Jean 381,720
81 Bruce 374,490 Alice 380,182
82 Gabriel 373,275 Judy 377,385
83 Joe 370,795 Isabella 376,977
84 Logan 366,868 Julia 376,489
85 Alan 353,230 Grace 374,617
86 Juan 351,173 Amber 371,731
87 Albert 348,721 Denise 371,274
88 Willie 347,731 Danielle 369,890
89 Elijah 341,144 Marilyn 368,240
90 Wayne 333,019 Beverly 367,097
91 Randy 328,589 Charlotte 366,983
92 Vincent 323,905 Natalie 363,042
93 Mason 320,453 Theresa 362,271
94 Roy 320,261 Diana 361,781
95 Ralph 312,806 Brittany 359,479
96 Bobby 312,771 Doris 356,209
97 Russell 312,092 Kayla 342,898
98 Bradley 309,375 Alexis 342,478
99 Philip 309,217 Lori 337,992
100 Eugene 308,677 Marie 337,979
Source: 100% sample based on Social Security card application data as of of March 2023. See the limitations of this data source.
Top Names Over the Last 100 Years (2024)
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