Teaching English in China vs. South Korea (2024)

Deciding to teach English abroad is a thrilling step, filled with possibilities.

If you're caught in the dilemma of choosing between China and South Korea, this article is your guiding light.

Both nations offer a rich tapestry of culture and history, but they differ significantly in what they offer to ESL teachers.

Whether it's the diverse landscapes of China or the modern vibrancy of South Korea, understanding these differences is key to making an informed decision.

1. Salary and Living Costs

- China: ESL teachers can earn between $1,800 - $3,000 monthly, with living costs varying significantly between rural and urban areas.

- South Korea: Similar salary range, but generally higher living costs, especially in cities like Seoul.

2. Cultural Experiences

- China: A vast country with 56 ethnic groups, offering a diverse cultural experience.

- South Korea: A more concentrated cultural experience, with deep historical roots and a uniform culture.

3. Classroom and Work Environment

- China: Offers flexibility with about 20-25 teaching hours per week across various educational institutions.

- South Korea: Generally, a busier schedule with approximately 30 teaching hours, primarily in public schools or Hagwons.

4. Benefits and Perks

- Both countries offer attractive benefits like housing, flight reimbursem*nts, and health insurance, but there are nuances:

- China: Accommodation often provided or subsidized.

- South Korea: Free housing and round-trip airfare.

5. Visa Process

- China: A more comprehensive process requiring a bachelor's degree, TEFL certification, and sometimes work experience.

- South Korea: A smoother process, especially for those in the EPIK program, requiring a degree and a clean criminal record.

6. Living Experience Beyond Teaching

- China: Expansive with a mix of large expat communities in cities and more isolated experiences in rural areas.

- South Korea: Compact with a vibrant expat community and easier access to neighboring countries.


Choosing between teaching English in China or South Korea depends on your personal and professional aspirations.

China offers a journey into a diverse cultural landscape, while South Korea provides a more uniform yet modern experience.

Both promise enriching personal and professional growth. Consider what resonates most with your aspirations and teaching style.

For a more detailed comparison and insights on teaching in China and South Korea, click the link below.

If you found this overview helpful, share it with your network and help aspiring ESL teachers make an informed choice!

Teaching English in China vs. South Korea (1)
Teaching English in China vs. South Korea (2024)
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