saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl) (2024)

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saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/16 21:50

hi guys so i just wanted to know your opinion
so ive been studying japanese quite a while but i never interacted with a japanese speaking person yet
but i feel like i may of picked up a bad speech habit?

mostly in my lessons currently i speak formally but one problem

i HATE saying watashi

i really dont know what about it i dislike. i felt very limited in first pronouns and i ended up saying ore over watashi but at the time i started using ore i didnt know it could be taken as being arrogant and way too self confident

i just dont know how i can break the habit, i liked ore cause it seemed easier on the tongue opposed to watashi , i think i mainly did it cause i didnt want to sound "cute" but i didnt want to come off as rude. is it fine if i just say it in informal convos or would that make things worse?. my worry isnt using a pronoun thats mainly for boys and stuff, im just worried that if what i here is true, people will find me rude.

what do you guys think, opinions and advice?

by lia (guest)
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/17 09:04

For a female, "atashi" is more feminine in casual conversations.

Normally I avoid personal pronouns completely either by context or keigo.

by ... (guest)rate this post as useful
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/17 10:26

If you are a girl, I advise you against using "ore" as a first-person pronoun. It is for "boys," and even among "boys," it's used very informally, by boys who want to sound "macho," "tough, or "important," it can come across as very arrogant.

I don't know in what circ*mstances you might get to talk to Japanese people in everyday life, but if you are a traveler to Japan and use it, people would be just surprised and would feel sorry for you thinking that you learned the language from the wrong source; if you come to Japan as a student and use it with buddies your habit would be considered very peculiar and the teacher will probably tell you not to use it; if you come to Japan for work and use it, that's a complete no-no.

"Watashi" is neutral in meaning, it is not "cute" or anything. And once you start hearing native Japanese speakers speak, you will notice that it is not really emphatically pronounced "waa-taa-shii" and not that difficult on the tongue :)

by ... (guest)rate this post as useful
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/17 12:05

It sounds strange a girls says herself "Ore". It's alright to say between you and someone you know well(close friends or relatives) but if you say to a third person or someone you don't know well, they'll see you as a gender dysphoria (gender identity disorder) person. So you must be careful.

by tokyo friend 48rate this post as useful
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/17 12:07

Girls, there are people who "boku" occasionally.
However, it seems that it is quite unusual person.
Etc. northeast of women,it may have a person of "Ora".
However, young women do not say too much.
Woman named "Ore" is would seem as bad.
Since the "Watashi" and I is a equal, please use as it is.
In addition, Japanese often do not say subject.

by haro1210rate this post as useful
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/17 14:42

Saying ore in formal contexts is never appropriate, no matter your gender. With your friends, virtually anything goes, just be aware that because girls virtually never use it, it will be percieved as weird. But if they're really your friends, they will accept it and it will just be your little quirk, we all have one (or several).

In formal contexts, watashi is the only acceptable first-person pronoun, but it's rarely used because the same meaning can be conveyed through appropriate keigo use: a verb in humble form unmistakably means that the subject is "I" (or "my group").

by Firasrate this post as useful
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/17 16:24

It appears you don't yet have much real life conversational skill or interaction with Japanese.
In conversation, "I" is often omitted like in Spanish and Japanese who are learning English have hard time adding "I" in making sentences at the beginning because they are not used to say so.
For an example, at a store or a restaurant, you say "kore kudasai".
Does it say "watashi" anywhere? But it is understood "I will have this" or "Please give this to me".
"ora" sounds a country bumpkin speaking. "ore" sounds a delinquent or a chip on the shoulder or bossy. Sometimes "uchi" is used by female.
Anyway try how far you can go without saying "watashi" or "I" but clearly comprehended in conversation.

by ay (guest)rate this post as useful
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/17 16:55

I don't know where you guys got the idea that using "ore" makes someone sound "tough" (let alone like a "delinquent"). My experience is that it is the standard informal first-person pronouns for males, used by virtually everybody except elementary school students.

by Firasrate this post as useful
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/17 17:17

Slightly off the topic:
My experience is "ore" it is not a standard informal first-person pronouns for males. Guys who want to present themselves as somewhat rough use it, but lately I see that "boku" is used more widely. I thought "boku" was for elementary/junior high kids, but this is stretching into guys and men in their 50s and 60s even, when they want to show they are "young at heart" :) Word usage does change over time, I must admit...

by ... (guest)rate this post as useful
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/17 17:50

Most males around me (in their 20s to 50s) use "ore" all the time. I live in Gunma. Maybe there are regional differences?

by Ujirate this post as useful
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/17 23:12

Yeah, a girls using "ore" sounds like a red-neck.

I imagine you're in your low teans. When you're young and female, you sometimes hate being so and end up acting like a stupid male. I was like that in my youth.

But then I met this mannish male who suggested me a differet perspective of cuteness. Until then, I had thought that cute/kawaii things are just pretty things or feminine things. But this guy called a lot of things "cute" when they were handsome or stylish or cool or what not.

Being an atashi/watashi is not that bad. All you have to do is to look for a role model you can look up to who calls herself watahi/atashi. There are cool ladies or even guys who calls her/himself watashi/atashi.

And if that doesn't work, just stick to "boku."

by Uco (guest)rate this post as useful
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/18 02:04

thanks for all the feedback i didnt expect id get all these replies!, youre right. i guess tbh i just didnt like the idea of having a restricted usage of a first pronoun, and i thought the idea of woman having to sound polite and males getting to have more freedom made me uncomfortable. but im feeling more confident knowing that both men and women use watashi as they get older.

by lia (guest)rate this post as useful
Re: saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl)2015/5/18 19:32

the idea of woman having to sound polite and males getting to have more freedom

That totally doesn't apply to reality, at least not to Japanese teans today. You will see for yourself if you ever make it to Japan ;)

by Uco (guest)rate this post as useful

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saying ore instead of watashi? (im a girl) (2024)
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