How Ancient Greeks Believed the World Was Formed (2024)

How did the world start according to your worldview? Was there a sudden cosmic spark emerging from nowhere? Did life then emerge from some sort of almost living form? Did a supreme being create the world in seven days and form the first woman from the rib of the first (male) human? Was there a great swirling chaos from which emerged a frost giant and a salt-licking cow? A cosmic egg?

Greek mythology contains creation stories that are very different from either the familiar story of Adam and Eve or the Big Bang. In Greek myths about the early world, themes of parental treachery alternate with tales of filial betrayal. You'll also find love and loyalty. There are all the essentials of good plot lines. Birth and cosmic creation are linked. Mountains and other physical parts of the world are born through procreation. Granted, it is procreation between things that we don't think of as procreating, but this is an ancient version and part of the ancient mythological worldview.

1. Parental Treachery: In Generation 1, the sky (Uranus), who is seemingly without any love at all for his offspring (or maybe he just wants his wife all to himself), hides his children inside his wife, Mother Earth (Gaia).

2. Filial Betrayal: In Generation 2, the Titan father (Cronus) swallows his children, the newborn Olympians. In Generation 3, the Olympic gods and goddesses have learned from the examples of their ancestors, so there is more parental treachery:

1st Generation

"Generation" implies a coming into being, so that which was there from the beginning is not and cannot be generated. What has always been there, whether it be a god or a primeval force (here, Chaos), is not the first "generation." If for convenience, it requires a number, it can be referred to as Generation Zero.

Even the first generation here gets a bit tricky if examined too closely since it could be said to cover 3 generations, but that's not terribly relevant for this look at parents (particularly, fathers) and their treacherous relations with their children.

According to some versions of Greek mythology, at the beginning of the universe, there was Chaos. Chaos was all alone [Hesiod Theog. l.116], but soon Gaia (Earth) appeared. Without the benefit of a sexual partner, Gaia gave birth to

  • Uranus (Sky) to provide covering and father half-siblings.

With Uranus serving as the father, mother Gaia gave birth to

  • the 50-headed Hecatonchires
  • the Cyclopes (Cyclops)
  • the 12 Titans

2nd Generation

Eventually, the 12 Titans paired off, male and female:

  • Cronus and Rhea
  • Iapetus and Themis
  • Oceanus and Tethys
  • Hyperion and Theia
  • Crius and Mnemosyne
  • Coeus and Phoebe

They produced rivers and springs, second generation Titans, Atlas and Prometheus, moon (Selene), sun (Helios), and many others.

Much earlier, before the Titans had paired off, their father, Uranus, who was hateful and rightly fearful that one of his sons might overthrow him, shut all his children inside his wife, their Mother Earth (Gaia).

"And he used to hide them all away in a secret place of Earth so soon as each was born, and would not suffer them to come up into the light: and Heaven rejoiced in his evil doing. But vast Earth groaned within, being straitened, and she made the element of grey flint and shaped a great sickle, and told her plan to her dear sons." - Hesiod Theogony, which is all about the generation of gods.

Another version comes from 1.1.4 Apollodorus*, who says Gaia was angry because Uranus had thrown his first children, the Cyclopes, into Tartarus. [See, I told you there was love; here, maternal.] At any rate, Gaia was angry with her husband for imprisoning their children either within her or in Tartarus, and she wanted her children released. Cronus, the dutiful son, agreed to do the dirty work: he used that flint sickle to castrate his father, rendering him impotent (without power).

3rd Generation

Then the Titan Cronus, with his sister Rhea as a wife, sired six children. These were the Olympic gods and goddesses:

  1. Hestia
  2. Hera
  3. Demeter
  4. Poseidon
  5. Hades
  6. Zeus

Cursed by his father (Uranus), the Titan Cronus was afraid of his own children. After all, he knew how violent he had been towards his father. He knew better than to repeat the mistakes his father had made in leaving himself vulnerable, so instead of imprisoning his children in his wife's body (or Tartarus), Cronus swallowed them.

Like her mother Earth (Gaia) before her, Rhea wanted her children to be free. With the help of her parents (Uranus and Gaia), she figured out how to defeat her husband. When it was time to give birth to Zeus, Rhea did it in secret. Cronus knew she was due and asked for the new baby to swallow. Instead of feeding him Zeus, Rhea substituted a stone. (No one said the Titans were intellectual giants.)

Zeus matured safely until he was old enough to force his father to regurgitate his five siblings (Hades, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia). As G.S. Kirk points out in The Nature of Greek Myths, with the oral rebirth of his brothers and sisters, Zeus, once the youngest, became the oldest. At any rate, even if the regurgitation-reversal doesn't persuade you that Zeus could claim to be the oldest, he became the leader of the gods on snow-capped Mt. Olympus.

4th Generation

Zeus, a first generation Olympian (although in the third generation since the creation), was father to the following second generation Olympians, put together from various accounts:

  • Athena
  • Aphrodite
  • Ares
  • Apollo
  • Artemis
  • Dionysus
  • Hermes
  • Hephaestus
  • Persephone

The list of Olympians contains 12 gods and goddesses, but their identities vary. Hestia and Demeter, entitled to spots on Olympus, sometimes surrender their seats.

Parents of Aphrodite and Hephaestus

Although they may have been Zeus' children, the lineage of 2 second-generation Olympians is in question:

  1. Some claim Aphrodite (goddess of love and beauty) sprang from the foam and severed genitals of Uranus. Homer refers to Aphrodite as the daughter of Dione and Zeus.
  2. Some (including Hesiod in the introductory quote) claim Hera as the sole parent of Hephaestus, the lame blacksmith god. " But Zeus himself gave birth from his own head to bright-eyed Tritogeneia (29), the awful, the strife-stirring, the host-leader, the unwearying, the queen, who delights in tumults and wars and battles. But Hera without union with Zeus -- for she was very angry and quarreled with her mate -- bare famous Hephaestus, who is skilled in crafts more than all the sons of Heaven."
    Hesiod Theogony 924ff

It is interesting, but to my knowledge insignificant, that these two Olympians who had uncertain parentage married.

Zeus as Parent

Many of Zeus' liaisons were unusual; for instance, he disguised himself as a cuckoo bird to seduce Hera. Two of his children were born in a manner he might have learned from his father or grandfather; that is, like his father Cronus, Zeus swallowed not only the child but the mother Metis while she was pregnant. When the fetus had fully formed, Zeus gave birth to their daughter Athena. Lacking the proper feminine apparatus, he gave birth through his head. After Zeus had frightened or burned his mistress Semele to death, but before she was completely incinerated, Zeus removed the fetus of Dionysus from her womb and sewed it into his thigh where the wine god-to-be developed until ready for rebirth.

*Apollodorus, a 2nd Century B.C. Greek scholar, wrote a Chronicles and On the Gods, but the reference here is to the Bibliotheca or Library, which is falsely attributed to him.

How Ancient Greeks Believed the World Was Formed (2024)


How Ancient Greeks Believed the World Was Formed? ›

The Greek creation myth

creation myth
A creation myth or cosmogonic myth is a type of cosmogony, a symbolic narrative of how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it. While in popular usage the term myth often refers to false or fanciful stories, members of cultures often ascribe varying degrees of truth to their creation myths. › wiki › Creation_myth
. The Ancient Greeks believed that in the beginning, the world was in a state of nothingness which they called Chaos. Suddenly, from light, came Gaia (Mother Earth) and from her came Uranus (the sky) along with other old gods (called primordials) like Pontus (the primordial god of the oceans).

How did the Greeks believe the world was created? ›

In the beginning there was Chaos, a yawning nothingness. Out of the void emerged Gaia (the Earth) and other divine beings — Eros (love), the Abyss (part of the underworld), and the Erebus (the unknowable place where death dwells). Without male assistance, Gaia gave birth to Uranus (the Sky), who then fertilized her.

What did the ancient Greeks believed about their world? ›

The Greeks believed in gods and goddesses who, they thought, had control over every part of people's lives. The Ancient Greeks believed that they had to pray to the gods for help and protection, because if the gods were unhappy with someone, then they would punish them.

What was the ancient Greek view of the world? ›

In this system the entire universe was part of a great sphere. This sphere was split into two sections, an outer celestial realm and an inner terrestrial one. The dividing line between the two was the orbit of the moon. While the earth was a place of transition and flux, the heavens were unchanging.

How was the universe created from ancient Greek? ›

The Ancient Greeks believed that the universe started as a void of disorder embodied in the primordial deity, Chaos. Chaos was one of the three primordial beings present at the start of the universe along with Gaia, or Earth, and Uranus, the god of the heavens.

What did the Greeks think the universe was made of? ›

Plato, the Greek philosopher who lived in the 5th century B.C.E., believed that the universe was made of five types of matter: earth, air, fire, water, and cosmos. Each was described with a particular geometry, a platonic shape.

How old did the ancient Greeks think the world was? ›

Herodotus - Greek historian, dated the age of the Earth using the rate of growth he observed in the Nile Delta; Earth was several thousand years old.

What is the Greek creation myth called? ›

Greek creation myths (cosmogonies) and views of the universe (cosmologies) were more systematic and specific than those of other ancient peoples.

How did the Greek philosophers view the universe? ›

Unfortunately, many of these Greek philosophers and astronomers placed the Earth in the center of their models of the universe. They thought, if the heavens are divine, and the gods created man, well then certainly the universe must be geocentric, meaning the Earth is the center of the universe.

What god did the ancient Greeks believe in? ›

In ancient Greek religion and mythology, there were 12 gods called Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus. They were called 'Olympians' because they lived in Mount Olympus. They were immortal but looked and behaved like humans.

How did the Greeks use mythology to explain the world? ›

The Ancient Greeks used myths about Gods to help them understand things happening around them such as the forces of nature. There were sea gods, woodland gods, sky gods, underwater gods, half-gods and human heroes undertaking courageous or romantic adventures.

What did the Greeks think of the planets? ›

The main idea was that each planet (and also, of course, the sun and moon) went around the earth in a cycle, a large circle centered at the center of the earth, but at the same time the planets were describing smaller circles, or epicycles, about the point that was describing the cycle.

What did the Greeks call planets? ›

Without telescopes, the ancient Greeks could only see five planets in the solar system. Since they moved across the sky like stars, the Greeks called them wandering stars. In fact, the word 'planet' comes from the Greek word 'planetes' which means 'wanderer'.

Who was the first Greek god? ›

In Hesiod's creation myth, Chaos is the first being to ever exist. Chaos is both seen as a deity and a thing, with some sources seeing chaos as the gap between Heaven and Earth.

How was the universe created according to Plato? ›

The world is created by the “Demiurge [ho demiourgos]” who follows an “eternal pattern” reminiscent of Plato's Forms (Carone, 2000). The materials out of which the kosmos is fashioned are already present. The eternal patterns or Forms, the Demiurge himself, and the materials, all pre-exist the creation.

How was everything created in Greek mythology? ›

From Love came Light and Day. Once there was Light and Day, Gaea, the earth appeared. Then Erebus slept with Night, who gave birth to Ether, the heavenly light, and to Day the earthly light. Then Night alone produced Doom, Fate, Death, Sleep, Dreams, Nemesis, and others that come to man out of darkness.

Did the Greeks believe the gods created the universe? ›

Most Greeks believed in the religion of the day, the “Olympian” religion, which said that the Titans created the universe. In that story, the most important of the Titans were Uranus (the Sky Deity) and Gaea (Mother Earth), and their coming together created everything.

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