Best Way to Learn Korean in 2022 (10 Expert Tips) (2024)

Learning Korean is challenging. But it’s not as hard as you might think.

With the right learning source and methods, it can actually be interesting and very enjoyable.

So, if you’re wondering what is the best way to learn Korean, you should try to find the one that works for you.

If you find a learning source that fits your learning style and needs, you’ll undoubtedly achieve your goals.

You just need to be patient – it takes time to learn a new language.

But with these tips for learning Korean, you can make the most of your lesson time, regardless of what your learning source is.

And if you follow these steps, you’ll have fun along the way too!

Table of Contents

10 Best Ways to Learn Korean

If there are no Korean classes in your area, don’t worry. There are other ways to learn Korean.

In fact, with so many fantastic online resources, you can learn Korean in a quick and easy way.

And you can do it from the comfort of your home.

However, there’s no magical, superfast way to learn Korean by yourself. It’s all about your inner motivation, self-discipline, and perseverance.

Plus, you’ll probably come across some roadblocks on your learning journey. But that doesn’t mean you’re not good at languages.

And that’s why we’re writing this article – to help you minimize potential problems and make your Korean lessons as efficient and as enjoyable as possible.

1. Find a good learning source

First of all, you need to find a reliable learning source.

We know this sounds obvious. But it’s easy to feel lost among all the choices available to you these days.

There are online Korean courses, game-like apps, flashcard apps, online tutoring…

So, how to choose the best Korean learning source for you?

Well, you need to know what your learning style is.

Are you a visual or an aural learner? Do you want to learn on the go?

Best Way to Learn Korean in 2022 (10 Expert Tips) (1)

Furthermore, you should set clear, realistic goals. If you want to reach fluency, try to break down your goals into actionable steps.

Think about your reasons for wanting to learn Korean for a minute.

If you want to learn Korean because you’re planning a trip to Seoul, you should find a program that will teach you practical vocab useful for traveling.

And if you want to become a fluent speaker, you should combine different sources and perhaps find an online teacher.

Either way, finding good Korean classes and study tools should be your first step.

If you decide to explore different resources during your learning process, that’s fine. But it would be good to find a primary source that will provide you with structure and regular lessons.

2. Use a language learning app

One of the ways to add structure to your learning process is by using a language-learning app.

Luckily, there are many great Korean learning apps out there.

They are affordable (and some of them are free), convenient, and fun.

But more importantly, they are effective. They use online study tools, smart technology, and modern learning methods.

One of the most popular apps for learning Korean is Rocket Korean (from Rocket Languages.)

Rocket Korean is focused on the development of all main language skills: writing, speaking, listening, and reading.

The app is a mix of audio tracks, video clips, interactive exercises, and useful study tools.

And it has speech recognition technology to help you master your Korean pronunciation.

So, the Rocket Korean app will teach you all about the language as well as Korean culture.

But it won’t overwhelm you with too much information at once. Lessons are short and comprehensible. They are designed to be taken in a linear fashion, but you can also jump back and forth.

Flexibility is one of the biggest benefits of using an app to learn Korean. You can learn at your own pace and choose what you want to focus on.

And you can learn on the go – you just need your phone.

Best Way to Learn Korean in 2022 (10 Expert Tips) (3)

Without a doubt, language apps like Rocket Korean can help you fit language learning into your daily routine.

After all, taking bite-sized lessons is better than spending hours with a textbook or an app. You need to give yourself time to internalize new information.

But Korean apps will help you memorize everything. Many of them use spaced repetition – it’s an effective memory technique based on recalling certain facts at specific time intervals.

And it’s not all about study tools and memory techniques – language apps also feature games, quizzes, and challenges.

It’s important to add fun to your learning process. That’s how you’ll stay motivated. Plus, games and quizzes are a good way to test and strengthen your knowledge.

3. Learn Hangul

One of the first things you need to learn is the Korean alphabet.

Many people find learning the Korean writing system very intimidating. But try not to see it that way.

Hangul is a quite logical system.

The word Hangul comes from the Chinese characters 韓㐎 – “Han” means “Korean” and “gul” means “letter.”

The alphabet consists of consonants and vowels that form syllable blocks. There are14 consonantsand10 vowels, to be more precise.

There are several techniques that can help you memorize them. Most of them are based on associations and stories.

You can create your own associations too – simply look at the letter and say the first thing that pops into your head. Maybe the letter reminds you of an animal, or a part of the body, or something else…

Visual cues and associations are very important, especially if you’re a visual learner.

You should also have audio tracks to learn how each letter is pronounced. Luckily, the Korean alphabet sounds have a lot of similarities to the English alphabet.

So, you shouldn’t be afraid of learning how to write in Korean.

After all, you can’t travel to Korea without being able to read. And being able to get around a foreign country with confidence should be one of the biggest advantages of learning a new language, right?

Best Way to Learn Korean in 2022 (10 Expert Tips) (4)

At first glance, the Korean alphabet might look strange and confusing. And impossible to master.

But as you progress, you’ll get more comfortable with Hangul characters. You just need to practice.

4. Build your vocabulary

Now you need to start building your vocabulary.

You can start with commonly-used words and popular expressions.

Try to learn them through context. That’s a more effective and natural way of learning a new language.

Of course, you can create word lists. But if you see the word in context first, you’ll understand it better. And you’ll learn basic grammar concepts and sentence structure.

Also, you can learn Korean words quickly by breaking them down into components.

Learning loan words is also very helpful. English loan words (or Konglish) have been appropriated into Korean. For example, 센스 (sen-seu) is a Konglish word for someone who can read situations well (similar to sensing something.)

You can also take advantage of Korean word families. For example, the world languages all end with the same “어(eo)” syllable – “dorigeo” is the German language, and “italliaeo” is the Italian language.

These tricks can help you acquire the Korean vocabulary a little faster.

The important thing is to focus on the practical vocabulary useful for everyday life conversations and situations.

5. Use flashcards

If you want to learn new words properly, you should find a good aid in memorization.

And vocabulary flashcards are a classic solution.

Flashcard is a card bearing information on both sides. So, you can write a Korean word on one side and the English translation on another.

You can use a flashcard app or download Korean flashcards.

You can also create your own set of flashcards. The very act of making a flashcard will help you memorize that word.

Writing the romanization of Korean words as reading guide is also helpful.

6. Watch Korean TV

And now comes the fun part: watching Korean TV shows and movies.

The thing is, you need to surround yourself with the Korean language.

And if you’re planning to visit Korea anytime soon, you should do it in your own home.

You can start by choosing a Korean TV show or a movie. There’s a lot of Korean content on Netflix, for example. From the popular “Squid Game” to classic Korean movies.

In the beginning, watch a TV show with subtitles. This will help you pick up new words.

Best Way to Learn Korean in 2022 (10 Expert Tips) (5)

If you want, you can also write them down. Focus on repetitive words first, and pay attention to the way that they’re pronounced.

That said, you should pick a casual TV show with lots of everyday conversations first.

When you feel confident enough, you can watch it without subtitles. But even if you feel like you can’t understand a lot, watching Korean TV without subtitles will force you to guess words from context.

And learning how to guess words from context is very useful.

After all, you’re never going to learn all the Korean words.

Nevertheless, watching movies and TV shows in Korean will undoubtedly increase your comprehension.

And you won’t even notice you’re actually studying.

7. Listen to Korean music and podcasts

Another fun way to surround yourself with the Korean language is to listen to Korean podcasts and songs.

If you’re just starting out, find simple, casual podcasts focused on a topic you’re familiar with.

Even if you just listen to it passively, you’ll make some progress.

You’ll get used to the rhythm, accent, and natural flow of the language.

You’ll expand your vocabulary too.

Discovering Korean singers and artists can also be interesting. And if you’re into K-pop, even better. Just make sure you don’t pick songs with a lot of English in them.

But Korean music isn’t only K-pop. You just need to do some digging.

Nonetheless, listening to Korean songs can improve your language skills – it can help you learn the correct pronunciation and popular expressions.

And it will bring you closer to Korean art and culture.

8. Practice reading

Don’t forget about practicing reading too.

Try to pick up Korean magazines and newspapers.

Read easy-going articles first and circle the words you don’t know. Write them down and look them up in a dictionary. You can also create flashcards.

Once you feel like you can understand a lot, try to read about more complex topics.

You can also read stories, comic books, and books.

Best Way to Learn Korean in 2022 (10 Expert Tips) (6)

If you want to read a book in Korean, start with a familiar book or your favorite book in Korean translation.

To be able to read the Hangul characters with ease, you need to read as much as you can.

9. Find a language partner

Is there a better way to learn conversational Korean than having a conversation with a native speaker?

There are many great websites that can connect you with Korean native speakers and fellow language learners.

Once you acquire basic vocabulary, it’s crucial to actually use the language.

And it’s not enough to just keep mimicking natural conversations. You need to have someone who will listen to you and who will respond.

You can learn a lot from a Korean native language partner. You can learn the slang and idioms, expand your vocabulary, listen to their accent, and observe their mannerisms.

Online tutoring is also a great idea for people who want to work on a specific skill or simply bring their study routine to another level.

Even if you don’t want to take virtual Korean classes, you can occasionally get in touch with a Korean teacher and seek advice. It’s always very helpful to get personalized feedback.

How would you know if you’re doing something wrong otherwise?

Besides, we all want to learn a foreign language because we want to be able to communicate with a different group of people. Therefore, finding a language partner and talking to native speakers should be an important part of your learning process.

10. Immerse yourself in Korean

Of course, it would be ideal to spend some time in Korea and find native speakers there.

If you’re planning to do that, make sure you use that opportunity to meet the locals.

You won’t only improve your Korean speaking skills but you’ll also get valuable cultural insights and interesting information about the Korean way of life.

But if you don’t have a chance to fly to Korea anytime soon, find other ways to immerse yourself in the Korean language.

Best Way to Learn Korean in 2022 (10 Expert Tips) (7)

We’ve already mentioned listening to music and watching Korean TV shows.

But you can also be more creative than that.

For example, you can label some objects in your house. Put the “냉장고

(naengjang-go)” sign on your fridge and 책장 (chaegjang) on your bookshelf.)

Find a simple but traditional Korean recipe (written in Korean) and try to make it. Just make sure you got all the ingredients right first J

Finally, check if there’s a Korean restaurant or a Korean community in your living area.

The point is: mix it up a little.

Learning Korean is only about flashcards and audio lessons. It’s also about immersion.

And there are so many different ways you can surround yourself with the language.

After all, that’s also how you’ll stay motivated to learn more.

Yes, learning Korean is challenging, but it shouldn’t be daunting.

And whether you’ll find the easiest way to learn Korean actually depends on you.

Final Thoughts

We hope this article encouraged you to start learning Korean and not to be afraid of it.

Korean is a beautiful and interesting language, and you should approach it in the right way.

Find a program that fits your learning style and goals.

Don’t skip important lessons and familiarize yourself with the Korean alphabet first.

Try to be consistent. Even if short 10-minute lessons will make a difference.

Talk to native speakers. If you’re not planning a trip to Korea, find a language partner online. Practice, practice, practice!

Surround yourself with the Korean language. Watch Korean TV, listen to Korean songs, and read books in Korean translation.

And be patient. You probably want to learn Korean as quickly as possible, but you shouldn’t rush. Set achievable goals and take it step-by-step. That way, you’ll get there sooner than you think.

Finally, enjoy the process! Learning Korean can be fun and engaging – you just need to make your lessons immersive and versatile.

Best Way to Learn Korean in 2022 (10 Expert Tips) (2024)


How can I learn Korean tips fast? ›

  1. Create a Korean Language Learning Schedule. ...
  2. Choose the Right Language Learning Method. ...
  3. Learn Korean Hangul. ...
  4. Focus on High-Frequency Korean Words. ...
  5. Use Konglish to Reach Fluency FASTER! ...
  6. Change How You Use Flashcards. ...
  7. Buy a Good Korean Textbook. ...
  8. Practice with a Korean Speaker.

Can I learn Korean in 10 days? ›

While it may not be possible to become fluent in Korean in just 10 days, it IS possible to learn the basics of speaking in a short period of time and move on to becoming fluent. Don't be discouraged. You can and will learn Korean much faster than you expect.

How can I learn Korean fluently at home? ›

Download the lessons and lessen dialogue tracks play them throughout your day when you're going for

Can I learn Korean in 3 days? ›

It takes three months (90 days) to learn enough Korean to have a 3-minute conversation in Korean if you study for 7-10 hours per week. After one year of studying at this pace, you can become conversationally fluent. However, we will give you some ballpark estimates for how long it takes to learn Korean.

How do Korean students study so much? ›

Self-study at night, known as "yaja" (야자) in Korean, usually refers to studying until 10 p.m at school after dinner. Depending on the school, there are places where late-night studying is conducted, but it's not compulsory. It's for students who applied because they feel the need to study more.

Which is harder Korean or Japanese? ›

Unlike other East-Asian languages, Korean isn't a tonal language. This means, that the meaning of the word doesn't change, regardless of what your accent is like. This makes learning Korean much easier than Japanese.

Is Korean maths harder than Indian? ›

In comparison to the Korean education system, the Indian students have it easier.

How many hours a day should I study? ›

Study Every Day: Establish a daily routine where you study in one place a minimum of 4 -5 hours each day. There are different kinds and 'levels' of study discussed below. What is important is that study becomes the centerpiece of your day and the continuous element in your work week.

Is Korean tough? ›

Although Korean might be ranked as one of the more difficult languages to learn by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), it is by no means impossible. So don't worry about the “hours” it takes to learn Korean. You can learn Korean fast — and you may even already know more Korean than you think!

Which app is good for learning Korean? ›

What Are the 10 Best Apps to Learn Korean?
  • Korean – Lessons+ Android | iOS. ...
  • TenguGo Hangul. Android | iPhone. ...
  • Korlink's Talk to Me in Korean. ...
  • Korean Vocabulary Free – Flashcards for Beginners and Kids. ...
  • Dongsa Korean Verb Conjugator. ...
  • Eggbun. ...
  • Learn Korean Language by Drops. ...
  • Sejong Korean Grammar-Basic/Sejong Korean Vocab-Basic.
28 Jul 2021

How can I learn Korean in 20 minutes? ›

Learn Korean in 20 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need - YouTube

Is Korean worth learning? ›

Learning the Korean language is certainly a good hedge. It could help make your career or business more relevant in the future. Korea is already one of the strongest economies in Asia, and if trends continue, learning Korean could be just as important as learning Mandarin for business and career prospects.

How can I speak Korean fluently? ›

So, in earnest, let's look at the steps you'll need to take to effectively learn Korean.
  1. Set clear goals, a timeline, and a schedule. ...
  2. Get a good textbook/method. ...
  3. Learn Hangul. ...
  4. Find a bunch of awesome tools online. ...
  5. Get exposed to as many sentences and dialogues as possible. ...
  6. Learn as much about the culture as possible.
8 Jun 2015

How can I study 18 hours a day? ›

Here are some of the best science-backed techniques to focus while studying:
  1. Meditate for at least 20 minutes every day.
  2. Create a study schedule.
  3. Use soothing study music.
  4. Turn off all the technology that distracts you.
  5. Prepare a perfect study spot.
  6. Get up for a walk or workout.
  7. Train your mind to focus for a longer time.

Is Korean easy for Indian? ›

Korean is undoubtedly a complicated language to learn. Since it is unrelated to European languages like English, French, German, or Spanish or Indian languages, it looks difficult for Indians. The alphabet's Hangeul (한글), grammar, verbs, and pronunciation is incredibly simple.

Should I learn Korean or Chinese? ›

Relatively, Korean would be an easier language to learn. Thanks to its phonetic alphabet and more simplistic grammar rules, Korean is not the most challenging Asian language to learn. Chinese on the other hand is much more widely spoken. This means that finding study materials and practice partners would be easier.

Can Koreans understand Chinese? ›

Korean and Chinese can't understand each other. They have a distinctive language family, Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan (also known as Trans-Himalayan family) while Korean is a Koreanic language (consisting of the modern Korean language collectively with extinct primeval relatives).

Which country is best in maths? ›

China ranked first in 2021, and the Russian Federation moved up from the third spot to the second spot, swapping places with the U.S. The U.S was followed in the rankings by Taiwan, Singapore, the Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Romania, Hong Kong and Iran, respectively.

Which education is best India or Korea? ›

STATIndiaSouth Korea
Primary education, pupils137.75 million Ranked 1st. 44 times more than South Korea3.14 million Ranked 34th.
Compulsary education starting age6 Ranked 46th. The same as South Korea6 Ranked 133th.
Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary per million
22 more rows

Which country has the hardest education? ›

Following countries are well known for their toughest education system across the globe:
  • South Korea.
  • Japan.
  • Singapore.
  • Hong Kong.
  • Finland.

What are the 3 secret study tips? ›

3 Secret Study Tips
  • Know what your lecturers want. Before you start studying a topic, write down your lecturer's learning objectives for that topic. ...
  • Make a study plan. Many people waste time when they study because they don't have a plan. ...
  • Use effective study techniques.

How can I avoid sleeping while studying? ›

‍To overcome sleepiness while studying, avoid sitting for long hours. Take short breaks every two hours or so. Walk around the house, step outdoors for a short walk, do some stretching exercises, or dance to your favorite tunes. Indulge in any activity that requires you to move around or gives you a break from sitting.

Which time is best for study? ›

Most of the students prefer to study in the early morning, generally from 4 or 5 AM in the morning as the brain is more likely to concentrate. It could be the best option for students who have more stamina early in the day.

Is Chinese harder than Korean? ›

Generally speaking, we might assert that Korean is easier for an English speaker to learn than Mandarin Chinese. But this is very relative. In fact, the US Foreign Service Institute assigns Mandarin Chinese and Korean the same level of difficulty. Both languages are in “Category Four”.

What is hardest language to learn? ›

1. Mandarin. As mentioned before, Mandarin is unanimously considered the most difficult language to master in the world! Spoken by over a billion people in the world, the language can be extremely difficult for people whose native languages use the Latin writing system.

Is Korean food healthy? ›

Is Korean food healthy? Considering the ingredients and cooking methods of the traditional Korean diet, it's generally considered healthy. Because they're often high in vegetables and cooked without much oil, Korean meals are often lower in calories than traditional American meals (2, 3 ).

How can I learn Korean fast for free? ›

11 Best Ways to Learn Korean for FREE
  1. Talk To Me In Korean.
  2. KoreanClass101 (free trial)
  3. Naver Korean-English Dictionary.
  4. italki.
  5. Lang 8.
  6. FSI Korean courses.
  7. 99Korean.
  8. How To Study Korean.

How can I say my name is in Korean? ›

제 이름은 (name)입니다. (je i-reum-eun [name]-im-ni-da) This is formal. It means My name is ___________.

What does Krom mean in Korean? ›

Keurom - *Krom* - 그럼 - Certainly; Of course; Indeed.

What is the hardest Korean word? ›

  • iryoil. 일요일 (n) Sunday. Sipchiril iryoil. 십칠일 일요일 Sunday the 17th.
  • gwail. 과일 (n) fruit. gwail han jogak. 과일 한 조각 ...
  • saram. 사람 (n) person.
  • gyehoek. 계획 (n) plan. Dallyeoge geumyoirui gyehoegeul jeogeuseyo. 달력에 금요일의 계획을 적으세요. ...
  • gwiyeoun. 귀여운 (a) cute.
  • sarang. 사랑 (n) love.
  • cheolchangsal. 철창살 (n) grille bar.
  • masitda. 맛있다 (a) delicious.

What are some cute Korean words? ›

Cute Korean Phrases
EnglishKorean (한국어)Romanization
You are handsome!잘 생겼어요!jal saenggyeosseoyo!
You are pretty!예쁘네요!yeppeuneyo!
You are charming!매력적이네요!maeryeokjeogineyo!
You are so cute!너무 귀여워요!neomu gwiyeowoyo!
24 more rows

What is the Korean alphabet A to Z? ›

The Korean alphabet or Hangul consists of 24 basic letters: 14 consonants (ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ) and 10 vowels (ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ).

How can I learn Korean in 1 year? ›

You can learn Korean in a year if you study for over 6 hours every day. Or almost 43 hours every week. That's an extremely intense study schedule, even more than a full-time job. With 20 minutes of daily study, it would take 20 years to reach Korean fluency.

What is Waeyo Korean? ›

“Why?” is one of the most important questions in any language. To express “why” in Korean, you use the word “wae” (왜), which you can then make more formal by adding the suffix “yo” (요) .

What makes learning Korean hard? ›

Korean language has a lot of connectors and sometimes the sentences can get really lengthy with so many connectors. Your poor brain will be busy figuring out the connectors in the first half of the sentence while your Korean friend would already have spoken 5 more sentences.

What is the best language to learn? ›

The 7 Best Languages To Learn
  • Spanish. Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language after Mandarin, and not a surprise at the top of languages to learn. ...
  • German. ...
  • Arabic. ...
  • Mandarin. ...
  • Portuguese. ...
  • Russian. ...
  • French.
19 Oct 2022

How can I look like a Korean girl? ›

Get skin care products, including a lotion which makes your skin moist, a primer base (pore cover), a liquid foundation like BB cream, and face powder. You will also need black or brown eyeliner, eye shadows, eyebrow liner, teardrop liner which is kind of a glitter popular among Korean girls, and lip tint.

Can I learn Korean by myself? ›

In this blog, we will walk you through 16+ easy ways which you can use to learn Korean by yourself. Contrary to common belief, mastering this language is entirely possible if only you know the best resources and ways to do it. You can even learn Korean from the comfort of your home!

What should I learn first in Korean? ›

The first thing you'll want to do is learn the alphabet. The Korean Alphabet (한글 | Hangeul) is one of the simplest alphabets to learn, even if you are an absolute beginner. You can learn this writing system in a few hours with some simple lessons.

What does Korean says before eating? ›

잘 먹겠습니다 (jal meokgetseumnida)

Explanation: Koreans say this before eating to show appreciation to the person who prepared for the food. It's kind of like saying “thanks for preparing this, I'm going to have a good meal because of you”.

What is the easiest way to memorize the Korean alphabet? ›

Step 1: Break down & Memorize the 14 consonants into 4 groups. For simplicity's sake, I did 4 (4, 4, 4, 2). That breaks them down to #1 (g,n,d,r) #2 (m, b, s, o ) #3(j, ch, k, t) #4 (p,h). Memorize these 4 groups of ENGLISH letters first.

How can I get better at spelling in Korean? ›

How to improve your Korean spelling
  1. Begin with “invented spelling” but immediately seek feedback. Beginning writers should be encouraged to guess the spelling, in other words, try to figure out the letters that match the sounds. ...
  2. Practice oral spelling (like this 3-year-old in English)
7 Jul 2013

How can I learn Korean in 20 minutes? ›

Learn Korean in 20 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need - YouTube

How long will it take to learn Korean? ›

The FSI puts Korean as a Category V language. Which means, it's one of the hardest languages to master. They estimate 2200 hours of study before you can reach fluency in Korean. Or 88 weeks of extremely intense study.

Can you learn Korean by yourself? ›

In this blog, we will walk you through 16+ easy ways which you can use to learn Korean by yourself. Contrary to common belief, mastering this language is entirely possible if only you know the best resources and ways to do it. You can even learn Korean from the comfort of your home!

What is the Korean alphabet A to Z? ›

The Korean alphabet or Hangul consists of 24 basic letters: 14 consonants (ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ) and 10 vowels (ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ).

How difficult is Korean? ›

Although Korean might be ranked as one of the more difficult languages to learn by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), it is by no means impossible. So don't worry about the “hours” it takes to learn Korean. You can learn Korean fast — and you may even already know more Korean than you think!

How can I speak Korean fluently? ›

So, in earnest, let's look at the steps you'll need to take to effectively learn Korean.
  1. Set clear goals, a timeline, and a schedule. ...
  2. Get a good textbook/method. ...
  3. Learn Hangul. ...
  4. Find a bunch of awesome tools online. ...
  5. Get exposed to as many sentences and dialogues as possible. ...
  6. Learn as much about the culture as possible.
8 Jun 2015

How many Korean words do you need to be fluent? ›

Most people have embraced the 10,000-word vocabulary as the ideal word count for being fluent in Korean. With this level of language mastery, you will be able to read Korean web pages comfortably and effortlessly.

Where do I start learning Korean? ›

Learn Hangul. There is a fairly obvious place to begin learning Korean, and that is Hangul—the Korean alphabet. If you want to pursue the language seriously, you are going to need to be able to read. The alphabet has 24 letters: 14 consonants and 10 vowels.

Is Korean worth learning? ›

Learning the Korean language is certainly a good hedge. It could help make your career or business more relevant in the future. Korea is already one of the strongest economies in Asia, and if trends continue, learning Korean could be just as important as learning Mandarin for business and career prospects.

Why is BTS called army? ›

The term ARMY was called by BTS themselves, and it stands for “Adorable Representative MC for Youth”. The meaning of a military army is also implied, which ties in with the concept of BTS as a bulletproof armour.

What is BTS full form? ›

What does BTS mean in Korean? ›

BTS, in full Bangtan Sonyeondan (Korean: “Bulletproof Boy Scouts” or “Bangtan Boys”), also called Beyond the Scene, South Korean K-pop (Korean pop music) band that shot to international stardom in the late 2010s.

What should I study first in Korean? ›

The first thing you'll want to do is learn the alphabet. The Korean Alphabet (한글 | Hangeul) is one of the simplest alphabets to learn, even if you are an absolute beginner. You can learn this writing system in a few hours with some simple lessons.

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.