Steam Deck back to being the global top seller (by revenue) on Steam (2024)

After a brief stint at number 2 thanks to the popularity of V Rising, the Steam Deck has moved firmly back into place at number 1 on the top sellers list.

Thanks to SteamDB tracking it, we can see that the Steam Deck has been the top seller by revenue for the last 3 weeks. We don't know how many units that is though, since Valve don't allow anyone to see. This means that overall, the Steam Deck has been at least number 1 or number 2 on the global top sellers for around 15 weeks now.

While we don't know the number, we know it's going to be quite high. When you take into account that V Rising hit over 1.5 million sales, Elden Ring still sits in the top-ten and has sold multiple million and…you get the idea. While the Steam Deck costs a lot more, it still means it has sold quite a lot. So the Steam Deck is very much a big success for Valve overall.

ICYMI: Faster Zombies to Steam Deck: The History of Valve and Linux Gaming

It quickly became my own number 1 way to play games. The convenience of it is just simply amazing. I fully expect it to continue flicking between number 1 and 2 for another year yet, which will depend on what big releases appear on Steam to push it down momentarily.

Be sure to follow GamingOnLinux on YouTube for lots of Steam Deck videos!

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Steam Deck back to being the global top seller (by revenue) on Steam (2024)
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