Signal: Was kostet der Messenger? (2024)

In den App-Stores für Android-Smartphones und iPhones gibt es zahlreiche Messenger-Apps. Signal gehört zu den beliebtesten Anwendungen. Fallen für Signal Kosten an?

Für viele Nutzer ist Signal eine willkommene Alternative zum WhatsApp-Messenger, der vor allem nach dem Verkauf an „Facebook“ bei einigen unten durch ist. Ihr könnt Signal komplett kostenlos nutzen.


Signal ist kostenlos

Anders als andere beliebte Messenger wie Threema könnt ihr Signal also gratis auf euer Android-Smartphone oder iPhone herunterladen. Es fallen auch keine Abo-Gebühren an. Ein kostenpflichtiges Premium-Abo, welches irgendwelche zusätzlichen Funktionen freischaltet, gibt es ebenfalls nicht. Ihr müsst nicht einmal Werbung hinnehmen, die zur Finanzierung vieler anderer Gratis-Apps gerne mehr oder weniger aufdringlich eingeblendet wird. Der Messenger wird vor allem durch Spenden finanziert.


Kosten, die durch die Nutzung von Signal anfallen könnten, sind höchstens auf euren Mobilfunkvertrag zurückzuführen. Der Messenger greift auf das Internet zu. Je nach Handytarif könnte durch eine dauerhafte Nutzung ein begrenztes Datenvolumen verbraucht und eine kostenpflichtige Datenautomatik aktiviert werden. Vor allem im Ausland solltet ihr den Datenverbrauch im Auge behalten, da außerhalb der EU teils sehr hohe Roaming-Gebühren anfallen können. Diese gelten aber nicht nur für Signal, sondern den gesamten Datenverkehr über das Smartphone.

Signal: Geld spenden und Entwicklung unterstützen

Falls ihr mithelfen wollt, dass der Signal-Messenger so gut bleibt, wie er ist, oder sogar noch besser wird, könnt ihr für die Weiterentwicklung der App Geld spenden. Das klappt über die entsprechende Seite als Einmalspende. Alternativ nutzt ihr die „Signal Boost“-Funktion über die Einstellungen der App. Seid ihr ein Unterstützer, könnt ihr ein entsprechendes Abzeichen auf eurem Profilbild anzeigen lassen. Die Funktion ist aber natürlich freiwillig. Wer sich nicht beteiligen möchte, kann Signal ohne Einschränkungen kostenlos nutzen.

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Signal: Was kostet der Messenger? (2024)


How much does Signal messenger cost? ›

Signal is free to use and there are no ads, no affiliate marketers, and no tracking in Signal. As Signal is an independent nonprofit, development is supported by grants and donations from people like you.

Is Signal free to use? ›

Signal is a messaging app with privacy at its core. It is free and easy to use, with strong end-to-end encryption that keeps your communication completely private. Send texts, voice messages, photos, videos, GIFs, and files for free. Signal uses your phone's data connection, so you avoid SMS and MMS fees.

Why use Signal instead of Messenger? ›

State-of-the-art end-to-end encryption (powered by the open source Signal Protocol) keeps your conversations secure. We can't read your messages or listen to your calls, and no one else can either. Privacy isn't an optional mode — it's just the way that Signal works.

Is Signal safer than Messenger? ›

What messaging app is the most secure? According to our privacy experts, Signal is probably the most secure messaging app. Its open-source encryption protocol has become the industry standard for end-to-end message and voice encryption.

Is Signal free to use internationally? ›

It uses end-to-end encryption protocols to secure all communications to other Signal users. All calls, including long-distance and international calls, are encrypted and made over a Wi-Fi or data connection and are free of charge.

Does Signal charge for international messages? ›

It is free and easy to use and offers end-to-end encryption for messages, voice calls, and video calls. Signal's commitment to user privacy means that it doesn't collect or store user data, making it a popular choice for individuals concerned about their digital privacy.

Is Signal Russian owned? ›

The Signal Technology Foundation, commonly known as the Signal Foundation, is an American non-profit organization founded in 2018 by Moxie Marlinspike and Brian Acton.

What are the disadvantages of Signal app? ›

Signal's Drawbacks

For one thing, you won't be able to see the previous chat history when you join a group. That's because those messages can only be read by their intended recipients, which, at the time, didn't include you. You'll also periodically see warnings that a contact's Safety Number has changed.

Does anyone still use Signal? ›

Even with this influx, Signal is still quite a niche messaging platform, with much less usage than its end-to-end competitor, Telegram. It those few weeks, Signal did shoot past it in global downloads on both stores, however that has subsided in late 2021 and it is at normal levels of downloads in 2022.

Why you should not use Signal app? ›

Predation 🚨 Rating: Signal's strong stance on privacy is great — until it's used for nefarious reasons. It's a known tactic of predators to encounter a child on some public platform (think Instagram or Roblox), and then ask to move the conversation to a more private platform, like Signal.

Do cheaters use Signal app? ›

Many people who cheat on their partners use secret messaging apps, like Signal, which allow them to chat with others discreetly. Depending on the cheating your partner is engaging in, whether sexual, emotional, or otherwise, there are different apps they might use to cheat or hide their behavior.

Does Signal show your phone number? ›

You can choose if you want the people you chat with on Signal to see your phone number as part of your Profile Details. By default, your phone number is not visible in your profile details page to people who don't already have it saved. You can change this setting to make it visible to everyone if you want to.

Why would someone use Signal app? ›

Signal gives you encrypted messages, as well as voice and video calls. It relies on data, so it's a great option for free calls and texts over Wi-Fi. This can be a huge advantage for those of us who don't want to pay for SMS text messages and phone calls, or who want to make free international calls.

What country is Signal from? ›

Signal does not operate independently of this tech ecosystem. We are a US-based organization, with a primarily US-based team.

Can police read Signal messages? ›

Signal is designed to never collect or store any sensitive information. Signal messages and calls cannot be accessed by us or other third parties because they are always end-to-end encrypted, private, and secure. Did you mean to view: Send a message.

Why does my boyfriend have Signal app? ›

Signal is a more secure encrypted messenger. He may need this for work communications. Many people with security clearance use Signal to discuss topics which cannot be left unencrypted and unsecure. What hidden apps do cheaters use?

Does Signal use your phone number? ›

Signal uses your existing phone number. The number must be able to receive an insecure SMS or phone call. Do not share this verification code with anyone. Signal will never ask for this code.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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