Red Sun (2024)

  1. noun; a catchphrase coined by Kim Young Guk during the early 2000’s in his usage of it and it’s accompanying hand motion while ‘hypnotizing’ others in order to help them in areas of dieting, health, remembering past lives, ect. ect.
  2. noun; a popular phrase used to indicate when a person seems to be under the effects of hypnosis (i.e 'dazed out’) and an observer wishes to make them 'snap out of it’
  3. noun; a Summer Single released by SMTown in 2006

Related terms: SMTown

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Red Sun (2024)


What does it mean when the sun is red? ›

For example, a red sun in the morning might suggest that there is high moisture or dust content in the atmosphere, potentially indicating a rainy or dusty day ahead. Similarly, a red sun during or after a storm could be a result of particles and pollutants in the air, altering the sun's color.

Is Red Sun a good movie? ›

In conclusion, Red Sun is a fantastic Western film with impeccable and creative filmmaking alongside an unreal cast of international all star actors and actresses. RED SUN has to be regarded a masterpiece. A spaghetti-international comedy-Western starring Toshiro Mifune and Charles Bronson HAS to be good. And it is.

What is the movie Red Sun about? ›

What does red sun over paradise mean? ›

In addition, it also explores Sundowner's personal philosophy of how humans are naturally violent, and that by stimulating war, humans are returning to their "natural state." The term "Red Sun over paradise," in Japanese culture, references a bloodstained night after a war, but changing the bloody moon into a red sun.

Is red sun normal? ›

When we see the Sun at sunrise or sunset, when it is low in the sky, it may appear yellow, orange, or red. But that is only because its short-wavelength colors (green, blue, violet) are scattered out by the Earth's atmosphere, much like small waves are dispersed by big rocks along the shore.

Does a red sun mean rain? ›

A red sunrise can mean that a high pressure system (good weather) has already passed, thus indicating that a storm system (low pressure) may be moving to the east. A morning sky that is a deep, fiery red can indicate that there is high water content in the atmosphere. So, rain could be on its way.

Is Red Sun Based on a true story? ›

Wikipedia says it's based off a book by laird koenig. As we know Hollywood uses “based on a true story” pretty loosely ;or it could be like Fargo where it's not at all and just a narrative device.

Where did they film Red Sun? ›

It was filmed in Spain by the British director Young, with a screenplay by Denne Bart Petitclerc, William Roberts, and Lawrence Roman from a story by Laird Koenig. The film was released in the United States on 9 June 1972.

Why is the movie red Rated R? ›

Violence & Scariness. Lots of violence and a high body count. Once the protagonist is first ambushed, barely a scene passes in which people aren't trying to kill or not be killed.

What is the meaning of Spaghetti Western? ›

“Spaghetti” Westerns are a subgenre of Westerns whose name references the circ*mstances and location of their filming. Generally, a Spaghetti Western is a low-budget film produced by Italian directors (hence the “spaghetti” connection) and filmed in Europe, primarily in Almería and the Tabernas Desert.

What causes a red sun? ›

During sunset, the light from the sun must pass through a greater area of the atmosphere, which results in an even greater scattering of blue light. As red has the longest wavelength of visible light, a greater proportion of red light reaches the Earth. Thus, the sun and sky appear a red color during sunsets.

What is the movie red based on? ›

The adventure comedy is loosely based on the three-issue comic book mini-series “Red” that Hamner and writer Warren Ellis published in 2003 and 2004.

What does the red sun mean in Japan? ›

Simply, the use of red color for the sun in Japan's National Flag is attributed to the cultural difference in color perception between the Japanese and Westerners. Those born and raised in Japan are taught to choose red color when drawing or painting the sun.

What does the red sun mean in China? ›

The symbolism is crystal clear: red represents communist thoughts whilst Mao is envisioned as the movement's guiding light, attaining an almost god-like status.

What is red sun in Japanese? ›

The red sun on the Japanese flag represents the Japanese sun goddess Amatarasu (天照), she is the daughter of creator deities Izanagi and Izanami and is central to the Shinto religion.

Why do I turn bright red in the sun? ›

Heat and sun exposure

Prolonged time under the sun or in a hot environment can cause a red face, which is normal. This occurs due to dilation of the blood vessels in the face. Spending too much time in the sun can cause a sun burn, which damages skin cells and leaves the skin red.

Why is the sun red when there is smoke? ›

"When smoke is in the atmosphere, it not only makes the sun dimmer, it increases the amount and size of particulate matter in the atmosphere that absorbs more of the shorter wavelengths, leaving longer wavelengths to reach our eyes," he explained.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.