Pranayama Sequence: Basic Pranayama for 15 minutes including Savasana (2024)

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(Tummee Reference Yoga Sequence)

15 mins,Beginner

  • Theme:Set the intention to make deeper connection with the body and mind
  • Focus:Lungs, Chest, Ribcage, Abdomen
  • Props:Blanket
  • Level:Beginner
  • Duration:15 mins


Designed using Yoga Sequence Builder

Below yoga sequence should be used as a guide by yoga teachers to create their own yoga class plans


Pranayama Sequence: Basic Pranayama For 15 minutes including Savasana

Pranayama is just a tool to help enhance the asana practice when done along with the postures. Breathing deep and coordinating the movements of the body through each yoga pose is also part of pranayama. The practice of Pranayama is not only done differently by different styles of yoga, but also the time of practice varies, meaning, it could be done at the start of the yoga sequence, middle of the yoga sequences, or as part of every yoga poses, and most commonly at the end of the yoga sequence.

The given Pranayama Sequence is done at the end of the yoga practice, first setting an intention, and then focusing on warming, connecting, deeper breathing, calming, relaxing and surrendering, and chanting with deep inner silence. Hence you begin with:

  • Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breathing Technique) for warming up the body, and this would be easy as the body would already be warm due to asana practice.
  • Dirga Pranayama (Three Part Breath) - for building deeper awareness of the body, breath, and mind through connections.
  • Nadi Shodhana (Alternative Nostril Breathing) - for deeper breathing in a regularized and controlled way, helping in clearing the passages too.
  • Bhramari Pranayama (Bumble Bee Breath) - for calming both the body and the mind.
  • Savasana (Corpse Pose) for relaxing and surrendering, while being aware of the breath.
  • OM - to chant for about 12 times and then connect to the inner silence.

While there can be many ways to practice pranayama, what is important is to keep a balance through the practice without constantly changing the temperature of the body. Adding an additional variation of pranayama every month is a better option than trying to incorporate all the variations of pranayama in one session. Going with how the body feels, the energy shifts that happen, the silence and calmness derived, are some of the ways you can decide to add or take the pranayama practice to the next level. Learning to incorporate ratios with the inhalation and exhalation, is one such method.

Designed using Yoga Sequence Builder
(Create your own yoga class plans today)

(all images are copyright)

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Pranayama Sequence: Basic Pranayama for 15 minutes including Savasana: Yoga Poses, Cues, Steps, and Breathing instructions

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  • Pranayama Sequence: Basic Pranayama for 15 minutes including Savasana (1)




    1. Skull Shining Breathing Technique(Kapalabhati Pranayama)

    A. At the end of the sequence, irrespective of the style of yoga the body temperature is already warm and hence as part of pranayama, practicing Skull Shining Breathing Technique is recommended.
    B. The practice of Skull Shining Breathing Technique also helps to clear the nasal passage, making it easy to go deeper into Pranayama.
    C. Sit comfortably on the mat with legs crossed in Easy Pose. Bring the right foot first to be placed at the perineum, and then bring the left foot to be placed on the floor just outside of the right foot, such that the ankles are in line with each other.
    D. Gently lift the hips off the floor as you take support from the hands and sit down again to make sure you are seated on both the sit bones.
    E. Placing the hands on the thighs, exhale out completely.
    F. Inhale, and slowly begin the practice of exhaling in quick successions from the nostrils, making a loud sound with each exhalation.
    G. While doing this the shoulders don't move at all, its the belly that moves IN with each exhalation.
    H. With force pull the belly in as each breath goes out through the nostrils creating a sound.
    I. The exhalation process should be continuous and smooth.

    You could choose to sit on a blanket to elevate the lower part of the spine for easy breathing, while also keeping the hips comfortable.

  • Pranayama Sequence: Basic Pranayama for 15 minutes including Savasana (2)



    2. Uddiyana Bandha

    A. Continuing from Skull Shining Breathing Technique, at the end of the last exhalation you will practice Uddiyana Bandha.
    B. Exhale out completely and then pull the belly and lower abdomen in moving the navel towards the spine.
    C. Hold the breath, before taking another inhalation.
    D. Lock the abdominal area, and close your eyes.

  • 3. Chin Lock(Jalandhara Bandha)

    A. Along with Uddiyana Bandha, lock the chin to come into Chin Lock or Jalandhara Bandha.
    B. Lock the neck, throat, and windpipe as you rest the chin against the chest and collar bone.
    C. Hold the breath locking the abdomen and the chin for about 15 seconds, or as comfortable.
    D. Then to release, release the Chin Lock first, then Abdominal Lock, and exhale out completely what ever is left inside the lungs.
    E. And relax to go back to 2 rounds of normal breathing.
    F. Then, Inhale again and repeat the entire process of Skull Shining Breathing to take the practice to about 12 rounds.
    G. With each round of practice hold the Locks longer, to help clear the passages or channels in the body, preparing for deeper practices of pranayama.
    H. Release and relax.

  • Pranayama Sequence: Basic Pranayama for 15 minutes including Savasana (4)

    4. Cool Down

    A. At the end of the sequence, the best way to cool the body is through soft grounding yoga poses or through the practice of Pranayama.
    B. Cooling down through Pranayama also helps you to feel grounded and calm, while also encouraging you to improve the functioning of the lungs and the diaphragm.
    C. The following Pranayama Practices are to ensure you stay relaxed and calm in order to also prepare the body for a complete Savasana.

  • Pranayama Sequence: Basic Pranayama for 15 minutes including Savasana (5)




    5. Three Part Breath(Dirga Pranayama)

    A. Before beginning the practice of Pranayama after cleansing the nostrils with Skull Shining Breathing Technique, connecting to the breathing process is very essential.
    B. Continuing to sit in Easy Pose, bring the hands to rest on the chest and belly.
    C. Exhale out completely making a deep sound at the back of the throat, but through the nostrils.
    D. Then, close your eyes and take a deep inhalation and exhale out completely.
    E. Do this for about 6 rounds.
    F. Then begin with the practice of Three Part Breath, where the breathing happens in a step by step way as you consciously fill into the belly.
    G. First fill into the lower belly/abdomen, then inhale deeper and fill into the upper abdomen/ rib cage, and the final inhalation fill into the chest/lungs.
    H. To exhale, contract the chest first, then the rib cage, upper abdomen, and finally the lower abdomen ending with the navel.
    I. Repeat this for about 6 times to help connect to the body and the breath in a rhythm.

    Please find the steps for Three Part Breath at

  • Pranayama Sequence: Basic Pranayama for 15 minutes including Savasana (6)

    6. Prithvi Mudra

    A. While practicing Three Part Breath, you could choose to also practice it along with Prithvi Mudra.
    B. Holding the fingers in a certain way, and here, with the thumb and the ring finger in contact at the tips with the rest of the fingers extended softly, helps to connect deeper with the right channels opening up.
    C. In this case Prithvi Mudra is the Earth active element also encouraging one to feel grounded.
    D. Hence practicing Pranayama with Prithvi Mudra brings in more benefits of feeling surrendered and calm.

  • Pranayama Sequence: Basic Pranayama for 15 minutes including Savasana (7)




    7. Alternate Nostril Breathing(Nadi Shodhana)

    A. Once the breathing is smooth with clear passage through the nostrils and down to the throat, windpipe and lungs, then pranayama practices becomes easy and efficient.
    B. Starting with Alternative Nostril Breathing, you get a better feel for which side of the body is open or blocked as the case may be, as it is believed at any given point of time it is always only one nostril that is active and clear in passage while the other nostril may seem blocked and tight.
    C. Bring the right hand's thumb and ring finger to touch at the tips , while the middle and index fingers rest inside of the palms, with the little finger extended out.
    D. Placing the thumb over the right nostril and the ring finger over the left nostril, close the left nostril and breath through the right nostril.
    E. After a full inhalation, block the right nostril and open the left nostril to exhale out completely.
    F. Inhale through the left nostril, and close it, exhale through the right nostril.
    G. Repeat this going alternate with the nostrils, but ensure the the time of inhalation and exhalation is same initially.
    H. To take the practice a step further, the time of inhalation and exhalation is different with the exhalation being longer than the inhalation, and this can be as per your body comfort.
    I. So you could inhale counting for about 10 seconds, and while exhaling with the alternative nostril, continue for 15 seconds.
    J. Continue this practice for about 12 rounds, i.e 12 pairs of both the nostrils (24 times) going deeper with each round, both, in terms of inhalation and exhalation. Please do not HOLD the breath in any round.
    K. Each round includes a complete cycle of inhalation through both nostrils and exhalation through both nostrils.
    Inhale - right nostril
    Exhale - left nostril
    Inhale - left nostril
    Exhale -right nostril
    And therefor you will do this for 12 rounds.

  • Pranayama Sequence: Basic Pranayama for 15 minutes including Savasana (8)




    8. Bumble Bee Breath(Bhramari Pranayama)

    A. After the practice of Nadi Shodhana for about 12 rounds alternating the nostrils, we will continue to take the connection deeper with Bumble Bee Breath.
    B. Closing the ears, eyes, and nose with the fingers, sit extending the spine.
    C. Inhale deep through both the nostril, and hold the breath within for about 2-3 seconds.
    D. Then, slowly exhale out through the nostrils and at the back of your throat as you make a sound from behind the throat like that of a bee.
    E. It should sound like HMMmmmmm.......................
    F. Exhale out completely as you create vibrations in the body with this sound HMMmmm.....
    G. Hold the breath, and inhale again and continue to practice this exhaling with the sound being generated at the back of your throat.
    H. Repeat this for about 12 times, taking each round of exhalation longer (close to 20 seconds), and with shorter inhalations.
    I. Release and relax keeping the body soft, mind quiet, and breath soft.
    J. Stay here for about 1 minute in silence.

  • View all 13 yoga poses with cues. Sign-up for free to yoga sequence builder to view, copy, and edit the sequence. Get started today for free!

Note: Above yoga sequence is for educational purposes only. Please consult a medical professional and/or a licensed yoga teacher or yoga therapist before starting any exercise regime, including yoga.

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Pranayama Sequence: Basic Pranayama for 15 minutes including Savasana (2024)
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