Numbers and Counting – Learn Japanese (2024)


  • 1 The Number System
  • 2 Counting and Counters
  • 3 Using 「目」 to show order

Numbers and counting in Japanese are difficult enough to require its own section. First of all, the number system is in units of four instead of three, which can make converting into English quite difficult. Also, there are things called counters, which are required to count different types of objects, animals, or people. We will learn the most generic and widely used counters to get you started so that you can learn more on your own. To be honest, counters might be the only thing that’ll make you want to quit learning Japanese, it’s that bad. I recommend you digest only a little bit of this section at a time because it’s an awful lot of things to memorize.

The Number System

The Japanese number system is spread into units of four. So a number such as 10,000,000 is actually split up as 1000,0000. However, thanks to the strong influence of the Western world and the standardization of numbers, when numbers are actually written, the split-off is three digits. Here are the first ten numbers.

Kanji and readings for numbers 1 to 10

As the chart indicates, 4 can either be 「」 or 「よん」 and 7 can either be 「しち」 or 「なな」. Basically, both are acceptable up to 10. However, past ten, the reading is almost always 「よん」 and 「なな」. In general, 「よん」 and 「なな」 are preferred over 「」 and 「しち」 in most circ*mstances.

You can simply count from 1 to 99 with just these ten numbers. Japanese is easier than English in this respect because you do not have to memorize separate words such as “twenty” or “fifty”. In Japanese, it’s simply just “two ten” and “five ten”.

  1. 三十一 (さんじゅういち) = 31
  2. 五十四 (ごじゅうよん)= 54
  3. 七十七 (ななじゅうなな)= 77
  4. 二十 (にじゅう) = 20

Notice that numbers are either always written in kanji or numerals because hiragana can get rather long and hard to decipher.

Numbers past 99

Here are the higher numbers:


Notice how the numbers jumped four digits from 10^4 to 10^8 between and ? That’s because Japanese is divided into units of four. Once you get past 1万 (10,000), you start all over until you reach 9,999万, then it rotates to 1億 (100,000,000). By the way, is 100 and is 1,000, but anything past that, and you need to attach a 1 so the rest of the units become 一万 (10^4)、一億 (10^8)、一兆 (10^12).

Now you can count up to 9,999,999,999,999,999 just by chaining the numbers same as before. This is where the problems start, however. Try saying 「いちちょう」 、「ろくひゃく」、or 「さんせん」 really quickly, you’ll notice it’s difficult because of the repetition of similar consonant sounds. Therefore, Japanese people have decided to make it easier on themselves by pronouncing them as 「いっちょう」、 「ろっぴゃく」、and 「さんぜん」. Unfortunately, it makes it all the harder for you to remember how to pronounce everything. Here are all the slight sound changes.

  1. 四万三千七十六 (よんまんさんぜんななじゅうろく)
  2. 七億六百二十四万九千二百二十二 (ななおくろっぴゃくにじゅうよんまんきゅうせんにひゃくにじゅうに)
  3. 五百兆二万一 (ごひゃくちょうにまんいち)

Notice that it is customary to write large numbers only in numerals as even kanji can become difficult to decipher.

Numbers smaller or less than 1


  1. 零 【れい】 – zero
  2. ゼロ – zero
  3. マル – circle; zero
  4. 点 【てん】 – period; point
  5. マイナス – minus

Zero in Japanese is 「」 but 「ゼロ」 or 「マル」 is more common in modern Japanese. There is no special method for reading decimals, you simply say 「」 for the dot and read each individual number after the decimal point. Here’s an example:

  • 0.0021 = ゼロゼロゼロ

For negative numbers, everything is the same as positive numbers except that you say 「マイナス」 first.

  • マイナス二十九 = -29

Counting and Counters

Ah, and now we come to the fun part. In Japanese, when you are simply counting numbers, everything is just as you would expect, 、 and so on. However, if you want to count any type of object, you have to use something called a counter which depends on what type of object you are counting and on top of this, there are various sound changes similar to the ones we saw with 六百, etc.. The counter themselves are usually single kanji characters that often have a special reading just for the counter. First, let’s learn the counters for dates



  1. 平成 【へい・せい】 – Heisei era
  2. 昭和 【しょう・わ】 – Showa era
  3. 和暦 【わ・れき】 – Japanese calendar
  4. 一日 【いち・にち】 – one day

The year is very easy. All you have to do is say the number and add 「」 which is pronounced here as 「ねん」. For example, Year 2003 becomes 2003年 (にせんさんねん). The catch is that there is another calendar which starts over every time a new emperor ascends the throne. The year is preceded by the era, for example the year 2000 is: 平成12年. My birthday, 1981 is 昭和56年 (The Showa era lasted from 1926 to 1989). You may think that you don’t need to know this but if you’re going to be filling out forms in Japan, they often ask you for your birthday or the current date in the Japanese calendar (和暦). So here’s a neat converter you can use to convert to the Japanese calendar.

Saying the months is actually easier than English because all you have to do is write the number (either in numerals or kanji) of the month and add 「」 which is read as 「がつ」. However, you need to pay attention to April (4月), July (7月), and September (9月) which are pronounced 「しがつ」、 「しちがつ」、and 「くがつ」 respectively.

Finally, we get to the days of the month, which is where the headache starts. The first day of the month is 「ついたち」 (一日); different from 「いちにち」 (一日), which means “one day”. Besides this and some other exceptions we’ll soon cover, you can simply say the number and add 「」 which is pronounced here as 「にち」. For example, the 26th becomes 26日にじゅうろくにち). Pretty simple, however, the first 10 days, the 14th, 19th, 20th, 29th have special readings that you must separately memorize. If you like memorizing things, you’ll have a ball here. Notice that the kanji doesn’t change but the reading does.

Days of the month
What day何日なん・にち

In Japan, the full format for dates follows the international date format and looks like: XXXX年YY月ZZ日. For example, today’s date would be: 2003年12月 2日


Now, we’ll learn how to tell time. The hour is given by saying the number and adding 「」 which is pronounced here as 「」. Here is a chart of exceptions to look out for.

英語4 o’clock7 o’clock9 o’clock

Notice how the numbers 4, 7, and 9 keep coming up to be a pain in the butt? Well, those and sometimes 1, 6 and 8 are the numbers to watch out for.

The minutes are given by adding 「」 which usually read as 「ふん」 with the following exceptions:

英語1 min3 min4 min6 min8 min10 min

For higher number, you use the normal pronunciation for the higher digits and rotate around the same readings for 1 to 10. For instance, 24 minutes is 「にじゅうよんぷん」 (二十四分) while 30 minutes is 「さんじゅっぷん」 (三十分). There are also other less common but still correct pronunciations such as 「はちふん」 for 「八分」 and 「じっぷん」 for 「十分」 (this one is almost never used).

All readings for seconds consists of the number plus 「」, which is read as 「びょう」. There are no exceptions for seconds and all the readings are the same.

Some examples of time.

  1. 1時24分(いちじ・にじゅうよんぷん)
  2. 午後4時10分 (ごご・よじ・じゅっぷん)
    4:10 PM
  3. 午前9時16分 (ごぜん・くじ・じゅうろっぷん)
    9:16 AM
  4. 13時16分 (じゅうさんじ・じゅうろっぷん)
  5. 2時18分13秒 (にじ・じゅうはっぷん・じゅうさんびょう)

A Span of Time

Ha! I bet you thought you were done with dates and time, well guess again. This time we will learn counters for counting spans of time, days, months, and years. The basic counter for a span of time is 「」, which is read as 「かん」. You can attach it to the end of hours, days, weeks, and years. Minutes (in general) and seconds do not need this counter and months have a separate counter, which we will cover next.

  1. 二時間四十分 (にじかん・よんじゅっぷん)
    2 hours and 40 minutes
  2. 二十日間 (はつかかん)
    20 days
  3. 十五日間 (じゅうごにちかん)
    15 days
  4. 二年間 (にねんかん)
    two years
  5. 三週間 (さんしゅうかん)
    three weeks
  6. 一日 (いちにち)
    1 day

As mentioned before, a period of one day is 「一日」 (いちにち) which is different from the 1st of the month: 「ついたち」.

Pronunciations to watch out for when counting weeks is one week: 「一週間」 (いっしゅうかん) and 8 weeks: 「八週間」 (はっしゅうかん).

To count the number of months, you simple take a regular number and add 「か」 and 「」 which is pronounced here as 「げつ」 and notがつ」. The 「か」 used in this counter is usually written as a small katakana 「ヶ」 which is confusing because it’s still pronounced as 「か」 and not 「け」. The small 「ヶ」 is actually totally different from the katakana 「ケ」 and is really an abbreviation for the kanji 「箇」, the original kanji for the counter. This small 「ヶ」 is also used in some place names such as 「千駄」 and other counters, such as the counter for location described in the “Other Counters” section below.

In counting months, you should watch out for the following sound changes:

英語1 month6 months10 months

Just like minutes, the high numbers rotate back using the same sounds for 1 to 10.

  1. 十一ヶ月 (じゅういっかげつ)
    Eleven months
  2. 二十ヶ月 (にじゅっかげつ)
    Twenty months
  3. 三十三ヶ月 (さんじゅうさんかげつ)
    Thirty three months

Other Counters

We’ll cover some of the most common counters so that you’ll be familiar with how counters work. This will hopefully allow you to learn other counters on your own because there are too many to even consider covering them all. The important thing to remember is that using the wrong counter is grammatically incorrect. If you are counting people, you must use the people counter, etc. Sometimes, it is acceptable to use a more generic counter when a less commonly used counter applies. Here are some counters.

日本語When to Use
To count the number of people
To count long, cylindrical objects such as bottles or chopsticks
To count thin objects such as paper or shirts
To count bound objects usually books
To count small animals like cats or dogs
To count the age of a living creatures such as people
To count small (often round) objects
To count number of times
ヶ所(箇所)To count number of locations
To count any generic object that has a rare or no counter
Counting 1 to 10 (some variations might exist)

The changed sounds have been highlighted.
You don’t count 0 because there is nothing to count. You can simply use 「ない」 or 「いない」. The chart has hiragana for pronunciation but, as before, it is usually written with either numbers or kanji plus the counter with the single exception of 「とお」 which is simply written as 「」.

For higher numbers, it’s the same as before, you use the normal pronunciation for the higher digits and rotate around the same readings for 1 to 10 except for 「一人」 and 「二人」 which transforms to the normal 「いち」 and 「」 once you get past the first two. So 「一人」 is 「ひとり」 while 「11人」 is 「じゅういちにん」. Also, the generic counter 「~つ」 only applies up to exactly ten items. Past that, you can just use regular plain numbers.

Note: The counter for age is often sometimes written as 「」 for those who don’t have the time to write out the more complex kanji. Plus, age 20 is usually read as 「はたち」 and not 「にじゅっさい」.

Using 「」 to show order

You can attach 「」 (read as 「」) to various counters to indicate the order. The most common example is the 「」 counter. For example, 「一番」 which means “number one” becomes “the first” when you add 「」 (一番目). Similarly, 「一回目」 is the first time, 「二回目」 is the second time, 「四人目」 is the fourth person, and so on.

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Numbers and Counting – Learn Japanese (2024)


What is 9999 Japanese? ›

Numbers from 1001 to 1999, 2001 to 2999, ... and 9001 to 9999 are formed with multiples of 1000 and number from 1 to 999: e.g. 1051 is sen gojū ichi (1000+50+1), 3006 is sanzen roku (3000+6) and 9999 is kyūsen kyūhyaku kyūjū kyū (9000+900+90+9).

How long does it take to learn Japanese with japanesepod101? ›

Although the length of time needed to achieve proficiency can vary depending on many factors, FSI estimates the average approximate time for Category I languages to be 24-30 weeks (600-750 class hours).

Is 3 months enough to learn Japanese? ›

How Long Does it Take to Learn Japanese on Average? With consistent studying and speaking, for about 30 minutes to an hour a day, you could speak at a conversational level in Japanese in about 3 months.

How do you memorize numbers in Japanese? ›

So one is itchy. 2 is 3 is 4 is 5 is 6 aha Roku remember we threw in Goku in there to give us that

What is the Japanese word for 700000? ›

Part 3: How to count from 100,000 to 1 Million in Japanese
700,000nana juu man七十万
800,000hachi juu man八十万
900,000kyuu juu man九十万
1,000,000hyaku man百万
6 more rows
19 Feb 2018

What is first Japanese? ›

In Japanese, you add 第~ (dai) before the number. So first is 第一 (dai ichi)、第二 (dai ni), and so on.

Is 2 years enough to learn Japanese? ›

The average length of time to learn advanced Japanese is 2-3 years. At the intermediate level, you can understand most of what your teacher says, and you can follow along with TV programs. When it comes to using the language with other Japanese speakers, however, you still have some limitations.

Can you become fluent in Japanese in 5 years? ›

Depending on how much time you spend talking with and listening to Japanese speakers and on how actively you try to learn to read and to write the language, yes, 5 years should get you pretty fluent.

How much Japanese can you learn in 2 years? ›

For most Westerners, it is possible to be somewhat conversational in 2–3 years if you live in Japan. If you add in learning to read Kanji it is closer to 5 years. Some people can do it faster, but 5 years is a pretty realistic estimate for most people.

How many hours should I study Japanese a day? ›

Study Japanese every day

Grab a few recommended textbooks and knuckle down for at least twenty minutes a day (ideally an hour or two, but twenty minutes is better than nothing). This will give you the basics and the “correct” forms of grammar, situationally appropriate language, clear examples and practice exercises.

How fast can I learn Japanese? ›

Japanese is one of the most difficult languages for English natives to master. This is because it does not have a lot of likeness in structure to English. Approximately it will take 88 weeks, or 2200 hours of studying, to become fluent. But this article shows tips and tools to expedite and make the process easier.

Why is learning Japanese so hard? ›

The Japanese language is considered one of the most difficult to learn by many English speakers. With three separate writing systems, an opposite sentence structure to English, and a complicated hierarchy of politeness, it's decidedly complex.

What is 10 called in Japanese? ›

Ten/10: Juu

kanji: 十 hiragana: じゅう

Is 7 Nana or Shichi? ›

Japanese numbers: 1 to 10
しち / ななsevenshichi / nana
きゅう/くninekyu / ku
6 more rows

Is 4 in Japanese yon or shi? ›

As noted above, yon (4) and nana (7) are preferred to shi and shichi. It is purported that this is because shi is also the reading of the word death (死), which makes it an unlucky reading (see tetraphobia); while shichi may sound too similar to ichi (1), shi or hachi (8).

How do you say 100000000 in Japanese? ›

How to say Numbers in Japanese: Numbers Over 100,000,000
  1. 100,000,000: ichi-oku 「1億」
  2. 1,000,000,000: juu-oku ( one-billion) 「10億」
  3. 10,000,000,000: hyaku-oku 「100億」
  4. The unit after oku is choo (兆), which consists of 12 zeroes: 1,000,000,000,000.
22 Nov 2014

What does 14 mean in Japanese? ›

Numbers in Japanese
14十四(jū yon)十四番目(jū yon banme)
15十五(jū go)十五番目(jū go banme)
16十六(jū roku)十六番目(jū roku banme)
17十七(jū nana)十七番目(jū nana banme)
57 more rows

What is your name to Japanese? ›

おなまえは?” (o namae wa?)

How do you say 11 in Japanese? ›

11 is 十一 (juuichi) or 10 (juu) + 1 (ichi); following the exact same rule, 12 is 十二 (juuni) or 10 (juu) + 2 (ni).

How do you say 1 in Japanese? ›

One (1) is 一 (ichi, pronounced "ee-chee"). Two (2) is 二 (ni, pronounced "nee"). Three (3) is 三 (san, pronounced "sahn"). Four (4) is 四 (shi, pronounced "shee").

What does 3 mean in Japanese? ›

3 – 三 (san)

As you can see in the kanji, or Japanese character, it is a combination of one, 一 (ichi), and two , 二 (ni). It represents creation, time (past, present, and future), and the three elements of body, mind and spirit. When pronounced as a counting number, 3 can also be mittsu.

How much Japanese can I learn in 1 year? ›

You can become fluent in a year. As in, incredibly fluent. But the majority of people simply do not have the time, let alone mental ability (as in, they'd burn out from over study) and funds to do this. Basic conversations are easy and 18 months is a long time.

Which language is hardest to learn? ›

15 of the hardest languages to learn, for English speakers -...
  • Russian.
  • Hindi.
  • Vietnamese.
  • Thai.
  • Korean.
  • 13. Japanese.
  • Mandarin Chinese.
  • Arabic.
7 Nov 2021

Is it easier to learn Japanese or Chinese? ›

Japanese is slightly easier to learn. But, Chinese is much more widely spoken. Both languages have their pros and cons.

Is studying Japanese worth it? ›

There are lots of social benefits of learning Japanese. Being able to communicate with more people means you are able to meet and get to know more people. If you know how to speak Japanese, you'll find it much easier to make Japanese friends than someone who doesn't speak Japanese.

What's the easiest language to learn? ›

15 of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers - ranked
  • Frisian. Frisian is thought to be one of the languages most closely related to English, and therefore also the easiest for English-speakers to pick up. ...
  • Dutch. ...
  • Norwegian. ...
  • Spanish. ...
  • Portuguese. ...
  • Italian. ...
  • French. ...
  • Swedish.
24 Oct 2021

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Japan? ›

In more rural areas you can certainly find such apartments, but in any city you should expect to pay 50,000 yen or more. The average rent for a studio apartment in Tokyo is about 90,000 yen!
Cost of Living Expenses.
Other expenses¥6,576
Excess entertainment expenses​¥12,934
Total expenditures¥148,351
13 more rows
8 Mar 2021

How long does it take to get to B2 Japanese? ›

According to CEFR, to reach B2 (high intermediate) level of any language, it takes 1,000 - 1,200 hours of study time both inside and outside of the classroom.

Can I become fluent in Japanese in a year? ›

Depending how much you study, this could be do-able in a little over a year. Aiming to read native-level material or watch TV shows in Japanese? That's a more long-term goal, and you're probably looking at around three to five years of learning.

Is it possible to learn Japanese by yourself? ›

Learning Japanese by yourself? Yes, it's possible to do that – millions of people are doing it all over the world. It takes a bit of work but you can truly make Japanese progress alone.

Is Japanese easier than Korean? ›

This makes learning Korean much easier than Japanese. Japanese has 46 letters in its alphabet. Meanwhile, Korean only has 24. If you're looking for which is easier to learn between Korean or Japanese, Korean wins this round too.

How can I become fluent in Japanese FAST? ›

11 Simple Steps to Learn Japanese Fast
  1. Learn the Japanese alphabet. The best way to learn Japanese is to start with the basics: learning the alphabet. ...
  2. Practice grammar. ...
  3. Learn some key phrases. ...
  4. Set up a schedule. ...
  5. Use apps to get started. ...
  6. Pay attention to flashcards. ...
  7. Chat online with native speakers or other learners. ...
  8. Read manga.
11 Oct 2022

How do you memorize kanji fast? ›

Best Japanese Kanji Learning Method
  1. Rote Memorization. The best way to learn any language is through repetition. ...
  2. Mnemonics. ...
  3. Learn 常用漢字 (Jouyou Kanji) ...
  4. Study the Kanji of Words that You Most Commonly Use. ...
  5. Learn Radicals. ...
  6. Learn the Kanji of Words on Your Vocabulary List. ...
  7. Read Japanese Reading Material. ...
  8. Use a Dictionary.

How long will it take a 14 year old to learn Japanese? ›

Depending on how many hours per day you can study Japanese, attaining a basic level of fluency can take between six months and one year. Once you've reached a basic level of Japanese fluency, you should be able to: Ask for and understand directions.

Does learning Japanese in your sleep work? ›

It's unlikely you'll learn Japanese when you're asleep

Even if you are asleep listening to the best Japanese course on the planet, your brain is unlikely to register anything you hear, because while you're sleeping you're not really “hearing” it at all. While it's not possible to learn new information while you sleep.

Can you learn Japanese in 10 days? ›

While it may not be possible to become fluent in Japanese in just ten days, it IS possible to learn the basics of speaking in a short period of time and move on to becoming fluent. Don't be discouraged. You can and will learn Japanese much faster than you expect.

Is Japanese harder than French? ›

French is by far an easier language to learn than Japanese for English speakers. The Foreign Services Institute, a division of the US State Department lists French as a very easy language to learn requiring 750 class hours. FSI designates Japanese as 'super-hard' with 2200 class hours needed.

Is Japanese harder than English? ›

In fact, the US Foreign Service Institute considers Japanese to be one of the most difficult languages to learn for an English speaker (along with Arabic, Chinese, and Korean). While it may take an average learner 30 weeks to master French, it will take approximately 88 weeks for Japanese.

How old are you Japanese? ›

It can be written with two different kanji: the traditional 歳 and the simplified and most commonly used 才. To ask someone "how old are you?," you can say: Nan sai desu ka (何歳ですか); Or in a more formal way, O ikutsu desu ka (おいくつですか).

How do you say 1st 2nd 3rd in Japanese? ›

First of all, the number system is in units of four instead of three, which can make converting into English quite difficult. Also, there are things called counters, which are required to count different types of objects, animals, or people.
28 more rows
19 Feb 2022

What is the Japanese word for 1000? ›

Thousand (1000, 2000, so on)

1000 is 千 (sen).

Is KU a kyu or 9? ›

The number 9 is pronounced 'ku' (also 'kyu'), and 'ku' also means suffering. The characters here are 九 for “9” and 苦 for “suffering”.

Should I use shi or yon? ›

How do you choose between yon and shi for 4, or nana and shichi for 7 in Japanese? Yon is the typical reading of 4 in Japanese, except when counting months. When in doubt, use yon. Nana is the most common reading of 7, however shichi is often acceptable, for example when naming months.

Why do Japanese have 2 7 words? ›

So why does Japanese have multiple words for the same number? It's partly to do with superstition - “shi” sounds like the Japanese word for death and “ku” can mean suffering; “shichi” can also mean “place of death”.

Does shi mean death? ›

shi – 死 (し) : a noun meaning 'death' in Japanese. Native speakers use this to refer to the state of being dead in Japanese. So, the usage of this noun is similar to that of the English one, “death”.

What is the old name of Tokyo? ›

Originally named Edo, the city started to flourish after Tokugawa Ieyasu established the Tokugawa Shogunate here in 1603.

What means Ko in Japanese? ›

newborn babe, child, young of animals.

How do you read 9999? ›

About the Number 9999

9999 in Words – Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine.

What word comes after 9999? ›

9999 is the natural number following 9998 and preceding 10000.

Is 7 Nana or Shichi? ›

Japanese numbers: 1 to 10
しち / ななsevenshichi / nana
きゅう/くninekyu / ku
6 more rows

How do you read 1111? ›

1111 in English words is read as “One thousand one hundred eleven.”

What is the number before 1 million? ›

First let's write the number in the numeric form, hence, one million will be 1,000,000. Last whole number before 1,000,000 will be the number found by subtracting 1 from the existing value. Hence, 1000000 – 1 = 999,999, which is the last whole number.

What is the largest 4 digit even number? ›

Answer: 9998 is the largest 4 digit even number.

How do you spell 1000000000? ›

1,000,000,000 (one billion, short scale; one thousand million or one milliard, one yard, long scale) is the natural number following 999,999,999 and preceding 1,000,000,001.

What is the largest 1 digit number? ›

The smallest one-digit number is 1 and the largest one-digit number is 9.

What number is before 200000? ›

100,000One hundred thousand600,000
200,000Two hundred thousand700,000
300,000Three hundred thousand800,000
400,000Four hundred thousand900,000
500,000Five hundred thousand

Why is 4 shi or yon? ›

As noted above, yon (4) and nana (7) are preferred to shi and shichi. It is purported that this is because shi is also the reading of the word death (死), which makes it an unlucky reading (see tetraphobia); while shichi may sound too similar to ichi (1), shi or hachi (8).

Is KU a kyu or 9? ›

The number 9 is pronounced 'ku' (also 'kyu'), and 'ku' also means suffering. The characters here are 九 for “9” and 苦 for “suffering”.

Should I use shi or yon? ›

How do you choose between yon and shi for 4, or nana and shichi for 7 in Japanese? Yon is the typical reading of 4 in Japanese, except when counting months. When in doubt, use yon. Nana is the most common reading of 7, however shichi is often acceptable, for example when naming months.

Is 9 unlucky in Japan? ›

Many businesses even hang the number above their door. However, in Japan specifically, the number 9 is a bad-luck number that sounds like “suffering” when spoken aloud; so a price of $9.99, while common in the West, would be viewed negatively.

Is 8 lucky in Japan? ›

Although slightly less well-known, eight is also a lucky number. This is due to its shape – 八. Called suehirogari (末広がり), it's lucky because it widens at the bottom which reminds one of prosperity and growth. Japanese people tend to be quite superstitious and this is why lucky and unlucky numbers are important.

What is a lucky color in Japan? ›

Blue is also one of Japan's most important lucky colors, with the others in the category being yellow, white, purple, green, and red.

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Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.