New Words in English (2024)

Learning new words in English helps us in multiple ways. It eases the trouble of expression and brings clarity to communication. A rich vocabulary will allow us to use the right set of words at the right time and encourage our listeners to quickly grab the ideas we are trying to convey through communication.

Enriching vocabulary is very vital for acquiring mastery of the English language. Comprehension of new words with meaning boosts the confidence of an individual and empowers one to actively participate in English conversations between friends, family members, and others. Practising new words on a regular basis improves your communication skills. Utilise this article and start learning more words in the English language.

Table of Contents

  • Newly Added Words in English and Their Meaning
  • 30 New Words in English with Meanings to Use in Everyday Communication
  • Tips for Learning New Vocabulary in English
  • Frequently Asked Questions on New Words in English

Newly Added Words in English and Their Meaning

English vocabulary is very vast. Day by day, new words are getting added to the list. Constantly updating yourself is something you should do. The following list will introduce you to the newly added words in English vocabulary. Take a look.

List of Newly Added Words In English

Newly Added Words in EnglishMeanings
Amotivationa reduction in the motivation to initiate or persist in goal-directed behaviour
Angeliferousresembling an angel
Angeredfill someone with anger
Angstingto feel or express anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity
Athleisurea fashion trend characterised by athletic clothing that is both comfortable and aesthetically appealing
Aweddeovercome with anger, madness, or distress
Blerta fool
Chillaxcalm down and relax
Compto give goods or services to someone without asking for payment
Coulrophobiaextreme or irrational fear of clowns
Denialista person who refuses to admit the truth of a concept or proposition that is supported by the majority of scientific or historical evidence
Eco-anxietythe chronic fear of environmental cataclysm that comes from observing the seemingly irrevocable impact of climate change and the associated concern for one’s future and that of next generations
Hellaciousvery great, bad, or overwhelming
Hyggea quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being
Pronoidthe belief that the world is conspiring to do good for you
Quillinga piece of quilled lace or other fabric used as a trim
Sheroa woman admired or idealised for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a heroine
Unfathomednot fully explored or understood

30 New Words in English with Meanings to Use in Everyday Communication

Imagine a situation where one of your close friends introduces a new word in between your conversation, and you fail to comprehend its meaning. How bad will that be? To avoid such situations in your lives, you have to strengthen your vocabulary. Start practising new words and using them as an alternative to the ones you use in everyday conversations. Go through the list and start using them in your conversations.

New Words to UseMeanings
Abundancea very large quantity of something
Accentuatemake more noticeable or prominent
Acquiesceaccept something reluctantly but without protest
Alignplace or arrange things in a straight line
Amendmake minor changes in a text in order to make it fairer
Annihilatedestroy utterly
Belatedcoming later than expected
Benedictionthe utterance or bestowing of a blessing, especially at the end of a religious service
Beratescold or criticise someone angrily
Beseechask someone urgently to do something
Bestowpresent an honour, right, or gift
Ceasebring or come to an end
Compileproduce (something, especially a list, report, or book) by assembling information collected from other sources
Conspiracya secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful
Deducearrive at a conclusion by reasoning
Discreteindividually separate and distinct
Elucidatemake something clear; explain
Enchantfill someone with great delight
Envisagecontemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event
Facilitatemake an action or process easy or easier
Henceforthfrom this time on or from that time on
Herebyas a result of this document or utterance
Intriguearouse the curiosity or interest of
Mislayunintentionally put an object where it cannot readily be found and so lose it temporarily
Optimumbest or most conducive to a favourable outcome
Proximitycloseness in space, time, or relationship
Reiteratesay something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity
Scrutiniseexamine or inspect closely and thoroughly

Tips for Learning New Words in English

If you are determined to learn, then nothing on this earth can stop you. By regularly practising new words in English with meaning, a person can easily master the English language.

To simplify your effort, start considering learning new words in English as a fun activity, play word games, and use them while conversing with your family and friends. Use the tips mentioned below to expand your vocabulary in the English language.

  • Always keep a dictionary.

Vocabulary can be introduced to you at any time, so it is better to always keep a dictionary and a thesaurus handy with you. Use whatever version of the dictionary you prefer; it can be an online dictionary or a print one. Use it the moment when you encounter an unknown word and get familiar with it.

  • Prepare the list of words in a handy book and keep it.

Keeping a separate handy book to enlist and learn new words is a very good move. by doing so, you can easily check the list of English vocabulary whenever you want and clear your uncertainties. This will improve your confidence to participate in conversations.

  • Read everything – Enhance your reading habit.

Reading books, magazines, and newspapers is one of the easiest ways to enrich your vocabulary. The more you read, the more you get introduced to new words. Try to note down the words which are unfamiliar to you while reading. Learn how to spell and pronounce words correctly. Also, figure out the meaning by checking the context in which the words are used. Even a single word could contain different meanings; it’s the context in which the words are used that determines the actual meaning of it.

  • Watch movies and shows in English.

Learning becomes much easier when we start enjoying it. Watching movies and shows that interest us is the most gratifying way to improve our vocabulary. Try to play the movies and shows with subtitles. Note the words down in your handbook and find their meaning as well so that you learn and remember them. Subscribing to podcasts and youtube channels in English will also help improve your vocabulary.

  • Try to learn atleast a word a day.

You might have heard the proverb, ‘Little drops of water make the mighty ocean,’ right? The same methodology works here. Learning a word a day is a simple thing, and anyone can effortlessly do it. Realise the fact behind the technique of ‘a word a day, and little by little, let’s build a wide and varied vocabulary.

  • Word games and challenges

There are numerous word games and challenges to improve your comprehension of English vocabulary. Playing word games will help you to discover the meaning of many new words. Games like crossword puzzles, anagrams, jumble solvers, etc., are great tools to expand your vocabulary. You can also challenge your friends and family members while playing such games and learn new vocabulary words in the English language with fun.

  • Engage in conversations

Engaging in conversation is the best way to improve your vocabulary. Try to use the newly learnt vocabulary in between conversations and familiarise yourself with such usages. Replace your diffidence and start expressing yourselves in the English language.

Frequently Asked Questions on New Words in English


List 15 newly added words in English Vocabulary.

  • Labyrinth
  • Amotivation
  • Angeliferous
  • Angered
  • Athleisure
  • Awedde
  • Blert
  • Chillax
  • Coulrophobia
  • Denialist
  • Eco-anxiety
  • Hellacious
  • Hygge
  • Pronoid
  • Quilling
  • Shero


List 10 new words with their meaning.

  • Accentuate – make more noticeable or prominent
  • Acquiesce – accept something reluctantly but without protest
  • Benediction – the utterance or bestowing of a blessing, especially at the end of a religious service
  • Berate – scold or criticise someone angrily
  • Beseech – ask someone urgently to do something
  • Defer – postpone
  • Discrete – individually separate and distinct
  • Elucidate – make something clear; explain
  • Enchant – fill someone with great delight
  • Scrutinise – examine or inspect closely and thoroughly


List five techniques to learn new vocabulary words in English

  • Always keep a dictionary
  • Prepare the list of words in a handy book and keep it
  • Read everything – Enhance your reading habit
  • Watch movies and shows in English
  • Enjoy playing word games and challenges
New Words in English (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.