Learn Numbers in Japanese: How to Count From 1-100 (2025)

Japanese may seem intimidating to learn since it has two syllabaries (sets of written characters representing syllables), several thousand characters, and several hundred counters (category words used when counting).

However, once you have grasped the underlying rules, it is not as difficult to learn Japanese as you might imagine. Especially if you can practice what you’ve learned in Japanese lessons with a qualified tutor.

We’ll explain everything you need to know about numbers in Japanese, including the hiragana, kanjis, and counters.

Basics of counting in Japanese

In the Japanese counting system, we cannot just use numerals to count objects except for the numbers 1 to 10 in some instances. This is because the Japanese language does not have a familiar singular/plural structure. When we count beyond 10, we have to combine the Japanese numerals with what are known as counters.

In this context, a “counter” is an indicator word that shows what kind of object you’re counting and groups similar objects together.

Counters are categorized according to the shape and quality of the object(s) being counted. For example, the counter which is used to count long items is different from the counter for small items. Among the many categories, some of the most common counters are “tsu,” “hon,” “ko,” “nin,” “dai,” and “hiki.” We will dive deeper into these counters later on in this article.

Numbers can be written in kanji (Chinese) characters or letters. Numbers from 1 to 10 can be written in single kanji characters, while two or more kanjis are combined for numbers beyond 10. However, there are single kanjis for hundred (百), thousand (千), ten thousand (万), hundred million, (億) and trillion (兆).

For hundred thousand, million, and billion, a combination of kanjis is used.

  • Hundred thousand: 十万
  • Million: 百万
  • Billion: 十億

Sino-Japanese readings vs. Native Japanese readings

Chinese characters or kanji characters in the Japanese language can be read either as “kun-yomi” or “on-yomi.” “Kun-yomi,” or the Native Japanese reading, originated in Japan.

“On-yomi,” or the Sino-Japanese reading, was adapted from the Chinese language. When two or more kanjis are combined to create a single word, “on-yomi” reading is used. When a kanji character is used alone in its original form, the “kun-yomi” reading is used.

Example: 木 (tree, wood)

kun-yomi: Ki, Ko

on-yomi: Moku, Boku

As we touched upon earlier, the Native Japanese reading can only be used to count from 1 to 10. Sino-Japanese reading should be used to count numbers beyond 10.

Grammar for Japanese numbers

We already learned that numerals are used together with counters. When using them in a sentence, two distinct patterns can be identified. The first one is where the “numeral + counter” is followed by the function “の” (no) with the noun coming at the end of the phrase. Below is an example.

  • 3 relatives: San-nin (3 people) no (of) shinseki (relatives)

In the second pattern, the noun comes at the beginning of the phrase followed by the particle “を” (wo) and then the “numeral + counter”.

  • 1 pencil: Enpitsu (pencil) wo (of) ippon (1 piece)

In the first pattern, the number is emphasized and in the second pattern, the noun is emphasized.

Learn Numbers in Japanese: How to Count From 1-100 (2)

How to count from 1 to 10 in Japanese

We can use both Native Japanese counting and Sino-Japanese counting methods when counting from 1 to 10. Native Japanese counting has a universal counter that can be used to count almost anything apart from a few exceptions like people, time, and money.

Native Japanese counting has a “tsu” sound at the end (except for the number 10), which makes it easier to distinguish from the Sino-Japanese reading.

Native Japanese counting: “hitotsu” (1), “futatsu” (2), “mittsu” (3), “yottsu” (4), “itsutsu” (5), “muttsu” (6), “nanatsu” (7), “yattsu” (8), “kokonotsu” (9), and “tou” (10).

Sino-Japanese reading can be found in the table below under “English pronunciation.” It has two reading options for numbers 4, 7, and 9. Both readings are correct. However, when combining with counters, one reading (“yon”, “nana”, “kyuu”) is used more often than the other.

NumberKanji symbolSino-JapaneseEnglish pronunciation
4し、よんshi, yon
7しち、ななshichi, nana
9く、きゅうku, kyuu

How to say zero in Japanese

The most common word to express zero in Japanese is “ゼロ,” which is pronounced as “zero.” “Zero” is a loan word from English; therefore, we use Katakana characters to write “zero.”

The kanji character “零,” which is pronounced as “rei,” also represents “0.” In some instances, “まる” (“maru”) is also used to express zero. “Maru” in Japanese also means “circle.”

How to count from 11 to 100 in Japanese

Now that we have learned how to count from 1 to 10, let’s have a look at the numbers beyond 10. As previously mentioned, we have to use the Sino-Japanese counting system to count beyond 10. It’s quite simple once you’ve mastered the basics of Japanese language structure.

Let us start with 11 first. 11 consists of 10 + 1, so we have to combine “juu” with “ichi” to get “juuichi.” The same rule applies from 12 to 19. As you can see in the table below, we have two different readings for 14, 17, and 19. However, “juuyon,” “juunana,” and “juukyuu” are more commonly used compared to “juushi,” “juushichi,” and “juuku.”

Now, let us have a look at 20. Twenty is 2 (“ni”) times 10 (“juu”). So, we can create 20 (“ni-juu”) by combining 2 with 10. This rule applies in creating 30 (“san-juu”), 40 (“yon-juu”), 50 (“go-juu”), 60 (“roku-juu”), 70 (“nana-juu”), 80 (“hachi-juu”), and 90 (“kyuu-juu”), too. However, we do not use “juu-juu” for 100. Instead, we call it “hyaku.”

NumberKanji symbolSino-JapaneseEnglish pronunciation

Japanese numbers beyond 100

For numbers between 101 and 199, you need to add the prefix “hyaku.” For example, 112 is “hyaku juu-ni.” Two hundred is two times 100, so you simply have to add 2 (“ni”) before “hyaku.”

There are three numbers in the hyaku-category that are pronounced slightly differently. They are “san-byaku” (300), “roppyaku” (600), and “hayppyaku” (800). The rest of the “hyaku” category follows the rule of “number + hyaku.”

NumberKanji symbolSino-JapaneseEnglish pronunciation
1 million百万ひゃくまんhyaku-man
10 million千万せんまんsen-man
100 millionおくoku
1 billion十億じゅうおくjuu-oku
1 trillionちょうchou

Let’s try out three large numbers.

  • 555: 500 + 50 + 5 = go-hyaku go-juu go
  • 1,234: 1000 + 200 + 30 + 4 = sen ni-hyaku san-juu yon
  • 135,485: 100, 000 + 30,000 + 5000 + 400 + 80 +5 = Juu san-man go-sen yon-hyaku hachi-juu go

7 common counters in Japanese

What are counter words?

Counters are used to express the number of objects by combining them with numerals. There are hundreds of counter categories in Japanese. These categories identify the shape, texture, or nature of the object or the being.

For instance, we use one counter for counting small, round items and another counter for flat items. There is a counter for counting people and a separate counter for small animals.

However, the majority of the counter categories are not in general use, so you do not have to learn all the counters to master the Japanese language.

Learn Numbers in Japanese: How to Count From 1-100 (4)

Japanese counter words for time

When it comes to counting, “時” or “ji” implies “o’clock.” Therefore, 1 o’clock becomes “ichi-ji.”

Time in EnglishJapanese Pronunciation
1 o’clockichi-ji
2 o’clockni-ji
3 o’clocksan-ji
4 o’clockyon-ji
5 o’clockgo-ji
6 o’clockroku-ji
7 o’clocknana-ji
8 o’clockhachi-ji
9 o’clockku-ji
10 o’clockjuu-ji
11 o’clockjuu-ichi-ji
12 o’clockjuu-ni-ji

“Fun” is used to express “minute(s).” So if you want say 20 minutes, you can simply add “20” to “minutes”: “nijuppun.” As you can see here, “fun” has become “pun” for easier pronunciation. This slight difference occurs in the case of 1, 3, 6, 8, and 10 minutes.

Time in EnglishJapanese pronunciation
1 minuteippun
2 minutesnifun
3 minutessanbun
4 minutesyonfun
5 minutesgofun
6 minutesroppun
7 minutesnanafun
8 minuteshappun
9 minuteskyuufun
10 minutesjuppun

Japanese counter words for people

人 (にん/nin)

“人” or “nin” is used for counting people in Japanese. You need to add “nin” as a suffix to the number. However, there are two exceptions, which are “hitori” (1 person) and “futari” (2 people). The remaining numbers follow the rule of number + “nin” as in “san-nin” (3 people), “yo-nin” (4 people), “go-nin” (5 people), “roku-nin” (6 people), “shichi-nin” (7 people), “hachi-nin” (8 people), “kyuu-nin” (9 people), and “juu-nin” (10 people).

In the case of 4 people, it becomes “yo-nin” instead of “yon-nin.” If you want to say “all the people” or “everyone,” you can either say “minna” or “mina-san,” but the latter is more respectful.

  • There are two teachers: Sensei (teacher/s) ga (of) futari (2) imasu (there are).

Japanese counter words for animals

匹 (ひき/hiki), 頭 (とう/tou), 羽 (わ/wa)

“Hiki” is used for small animals such as dogs, cats, and insects, and “tou” is used for large animals like elephants, cows, horses, etc. There is a separate counter for birds, which is “wa.” This counter is also used for rabbits.

Similar to the previous cases, the number is followed by the counter. As in the case of the “fun” counter, the “hiki” counter changes its pronunciation slightly for numbers 1, 3, 6, 8, and 10.

  • “Hiki” category: ippiki, nihiki, sanbiki, yonhiki, gohiki, roppiki, nanahiki, happiki, kyuuhiki, juppiki
  • “Tou” category: ittou, nitou, san-tou, yon-tou, go-tou, roku-tou, nana-tou, hachi-tou, kyuu-tou, juttou
  • “Wa” category: ichi-wa, ni-wa, san-wa, yon-wa, go-wa, roku-wa, nana-wa, hachi-wa, kyuu-wa, juu-wa

Japanese counter words for objects

箇 (つ/ tsu)

In general, most objects can be counted using the universal counter we came across earlier except for people, money, or time. This method only goes up to 10, but it can be used for almost any object.

  • Please give me 1 orange: Orenji (orange/s) wo (of) hitotsu (1) kudasai (please).

Japanese counter words for long objects

本 (ほん/hon)

“Hon” is used to count long objects. Examples include pens, pencils, umbrellas, roads, etc. A few numbers of “hon” are pronounced either as “bon” or “pon” to create a smoother pronunciation. These exceptions are “ippon” (1), “sanbon” (3), “roppon” (6), “happon” (8), and “juppon” (10).

The remaining numbers follow the rule of number + “hon” as in “ni-hon” (2), “yon-hon” (4), “go-hon” (5), “nana-hon” (7), and “kyuu-hon” (9).

  • Please let me borrow 1 pen: Pen (pen/s) wo (of) ippon (1) kashite kudasai (please let me borrow).

Japanese counter words for small objects

個 (こ, Ko)

“Ko” can be used to count small objects — for example, apples, small balls, or eggs. Counting these items would sound like this: “ikko” (1), “niko” (2), “sanko” (3), “yonko” (4), “goko” (5), “rokko” (6), “nanako” (7), “hakko” (8), “kyuuko” (9), and “jukko” (10).

Japanese counter words for mechanical objects

台(だ, Dai)

“Dai” is used to count mechanical objects such as vehicles and various machines including household appliances.

Other common counters include “mai,” which is used to count flat objects like paper, sheets, and cards; and “satsu,” which is used to count books, magazines, documents, and the like. “Kai” is used to count the number of times or frequency of something.

Days of the month in Japanese

The two key words needed to express days of the month are “gatsu” (month) and “nichi” (day). To create the months from January to December, you simply have to add “gatsu” to the numerical value of the month.

Months of the year:

Month in EnglishJapanese pronunciation

To create the date, 日 (にち/nichi) is added next to the number.

However, from 1st to the 10th of the month and for the 20th of the month, an irregular pronunciation is applied: “tsuitachi” (1st), “futsuka” (2nd), “mikka” (3rd), “yokka” (4th), “itsuka” (5th), “muika” (6th), “nanoka” (7th), “youka” (8th), “kokonoka” (9th), “touka” (10th), and “hatsuka” (20th).

The year is expressed in “年” (“toshi/nen”). Once you have created the year with four digits, simply add “nen” as a suffix.

For instance, the year 1985 is “sen kyuu-hyaku hachi-juu go nen. There is a traditional way of mentioning years in Japan which was created based on various emperors’ ruling periods: Taisho, Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa. This calendar is used for official documents in Japan, even today.

Japanese number superstitions

Certain numbers and their combinations are considered auspicious or inauspicious among Japanese people. These are considered when choosing hotel and hospital room numbers.

When giving souvenirs (“omiyage”), unlucky numbers are avoided. Gifts in pairs are considered to bring good luck for the receiver. Combs (“kushi”) are not given as gifts because the two words “ku” + “shi” bear the meanings of pain and death. There are similar negative feelings attached to clocks and scissors as well.

Lucky numbers in Japanese culture

The numbers 7 and 8 are considered lucky numbers in Japanese culture. The number 7 has links with Buddhism while 8 is considered significant due to its shape, which represents eternity.

The number 3 is also believed to bring prosperity as the kanji is a combination of 1 and 2 and suggests creativity. Finally, the number 5 is considered a good number because it represents the five elements in natural sciences.

Unlucky numbers in Japanese culture

The numbers 4 and 9 are considered unlucky numbers in Japanese culture. The reason behind this is that number 4 has an “on-yomi” reading of “shi” which means “death” in Japanse. One of the pronunciations of 9, “ku,” has a similarity to words like torture or pain. Therefore, 9 is not considered a good number.

In some instances, the number 13 is also considered unlucky. Although the reason is unknown, we can assume it could be similar to the Western superstition about the number 13.


The application of counters may sound too complicated for someone who has just started learning Japanese words and numbers. The best way to learn Japanese counting faster is to master the numerals from 1 to 100 first without trying to remember the counters at the same time.

As you work independently or with a Japanese language tutor, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the “Hiragana” alphabet as well as the basic pronunciations. When learning counters, you may start with the seven common counters we just learned: 時 (“ji”), 人 (“nin”), 匹 (“hiki”), つ (“tsu”), 本 (“hon”), 個 (“ko”), and 台 (“dai”).

Both “hon” and “ko” are widely used counters that cover a large number of items. Another tip is to master the universal “tsu” counting method, which is useful for all your daily needs such as buying your essentials or ordering food or coffee.

Understanding how to use these common counters fluently will make your Japanese sound more natural and more understandable to a native speaker.

Learn Numbers in Japanese: How to Count From 1-100 (5)

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Learn Numbers in Japanese: How to Count From 1-100 (2025)


How do you count to 100 in Japanese? ›

So it's going to be Sanju. And 40 young ji okay keep going cause. You locusts you Nanaji Hachi you

How do you count numbers in Japanese? ›

Learn Japanese Numbers and How to Count in Japan
  1. 零 (rei) = 0.
  2. 一 (ichi) = 1.
  3. 二 (ni) = 2.
  4. 三 (san) = 3.
  5. 四 (yon / shi) 4.
  6. 五 (go) 5.
  7. 六 (roku) 6.
  8. 七 (shichi ou nana) 7.
22 Apr 2020

How do you memorize numbers in Japanese? ›

So one is itchy. 2 is 3 is 4 is 5 is 6 aha Roku remember we threw in Goku in there to give us that

What is the rule for counting in Japanese? ›

The biggest and most important counter that uses wago is the general counter for "things". It uses wago all the way through "ten things." They are 1つ (ひとつ), 2つ (ふたつ), 3つ (みっつ), 4つ (よっつ), 5つ (いつつ), 6つ (むっつ), 7つ (ななつ), 8つ (やっつ), 9つ (ここのつ), 10 (とお).

Is it yon or 4 Shi? ›

As noted above, yon (4) and nana (7) are preferred to shi and shichi. It is purported that this is because shi is also the reading of the word death (死), which makes it an unlucky reading (see tetraphobia); while shichi may sound too similar to ichi (1), shi or hachi (8).

Is 7 Nana or Shichi? ›

Japanese numbers: 1 to 10
しち / ななsevenshichi / nana
きゅう/くninekyu / ku
6 more rows

How do I count to 10 in Japanese? ›

To count to ten in Japanese, say ichi (pronounced "each") for one, ni ("knee") for two, san ("sahn") for three, shi ("she") for four, and go ("goh") for five. Then, say rok ("loh-koo") for six, shichi ("she-tchee") for seven, hachi ("ha-tchi") for eight, kyuu ("kyoo") for nine, and juu ("joo") for ten.

How do numbers work in Japanese? ›

The Japanese number system is spread into units of four. So a number such as 10,000,000 is actually split up as 1000,0000. However, thanks to the strong influence of the Western world and the standardization of numbers, when numbers are actually written, the split-off is three digits.

How do I count to 20 in Japanese? ›

Native Japanese counting: “hitotsu” (1), “futatsu” (2), “mittsu” (3), “yottsu” (4), “itsutsu” (5), “muttsu” (6), “nanatsu” (7), “yattsu” (8), “kokonotsu” (9), and “tou” (10).

What is 9999 Japanese? ›

Numbers from 1001 to 1999, 2001 to 2999, ... and 9001 to 9999 are formed with multiples of 1000 and number from 1 to 999: e.g. 1051 is sen gojū ichi (1000+50+1), 3006 is sanzen roku (3000+6) and 9999 is kyūsen kyūhyaku kyūjū kyū (9000+900+90+9).

What is 10 called in Japanese? ›

Ten/10: Juu

kanji: 十 hiragana: じゅう

Why is counting in Japanese so complicated? ›

One reason might be the ambiguous nature of nouns in Japanese. The word 猫・ねこ in Japanese could mean the following things in English. The cat, a cat, the cats, some cats, or cats in general. And so counters are used to say how many while clearing up ambiguity.

How long does it take to learn Japanese? ›

According to the US Department of State, Japanese is one of the hardest languages for English natives to learn. It doesn't have many similarities in structure to English. They estimate it takes 88 weeks of learning, or 2200 hours, to reach fluency.

How do Japanese counters work? ›

Japanese counters for units of time

To make sure people understand you are talking about seconds, minutes or hours, you have to use counters in Japanese. So you'll express seconds with ~秒 (byou), minutes with ~分 (fun or pun), hours with ~時 (ji), months with ~月 (getsu), and years with ~年 (nen).

Does shi mean death? ›

shi – 死 (し) : a noun meaning 'death' in Japanese. Native speakers use this to refer to the state of being dead in Japanese. So, the usage of this noun is similar to that of the English one, “death”.

What is the kanji for death? ›

means 'death'

What means Ko in Japanese? ›

newborn babe, child, young of animals.

Is KU a kyu or 9? ›

The number 9 is pronounced 'ku' (also 'kyu'), and 'ku' also means suffering. The characters here are 九 for “9” and 苦 for “suffering”.

Why do Japanese have 2 7 words? ›

So why does Japanese have multiple words for the same number? It's partly to do with superstition - “shi” sounds like the Japanese word for death and “ku” can mean suffering; “shichi” can also mean “place of death”.

Why are there 2 ways to say 4 in Japanese? ›

One is native Japanese and the other is based on Chinese numbers. They complement each other and are used in different situations. There are two ways to say numbers. A big simplification is that the native Japanese system is used to count to ten and the Chinese system used to count higher.

What does 7 mean in Japanese? ›

The number seven has also ingrained itself into both the celebration of life and the mourning of death in Japan. After a baby is born its birth is celebrated on its seventh day of life, conversely after someone's death there is seven days of mourning, then they are mourned once again seven weeks after the death.

How do you read 21 in Japanese? ›

Twenty is "ni-juu" (2X10) and for twenty-one, just add one (nijuu ichi).

How many types of counting are there in Japanese? ›

There are two different counting systems in Japan: the Sino-Japanese and the Native Japanese number systems. Sino-Japanese comes from Chinese origins, while Native Japanese originates from Japan.

Is Japanese hard to learn? ›

The Japanese language is considered one of the most difficult to learn by many English speakers. With three separate writing systems, an opposite sentence structure to English, and a complicated hierarchy of politeness, it's decidedly complex.

How do you write 1000000 in Japanese? ›

1,000,000: hyaku-man (one million) 「100万」 10,000,000: issen-man 「1000万」

How do you read 300 in Japanese? ›

The number for 300 is pronounced as sanbyaku (さんびゃく).

What does 16 mean in Japan? ›

Numbers in Japanese
16十六(jū roku)十六番目(jū roku banme)
17十七(jū nana)十七番目(jū nana banme)
18十八(jū hachi)十八番目(jū hachi banme)
19十九(jū kyū)十九番目(jū kyū banme)
57 more rows

How do you say zero in Japanese? ›

The Loan Word ゼロ

All joking aside, the most common way to say zero in Japanese is with the word ゼロ (zero) which of course is a loan word from English. I've seen it written in katakana as ゼロ many, many times. Whenever you see it written as the numeral 0 it will also be pronounced this same way.

What is first Japanese? ›

In Japanese, you add 第~ (dai) before the number. So first is 第一 (dai ichi)、第二 (dai ni), and so on.

What is Ichiman in Japanese? ›

Ichiman is comparable (linguistically) to 1 million.

What is Happyaku in Japanese? ›

はっぴゃく, やお happyaku, yao. Parts of speech noun (common) (futsuumeishi) eight hundred.

How do you say 6000 in Japanese? ›

10,000 is [ichi man], not just [man].
1,001 - 10,000.
6,000 (六千)rokusen6,000
7,000 (七千)nanasen7,000
8,000 (八千)hassen8,000
9,000 (九千)kyūsen9,000
6 more rows

How do you say 800 in Japanese hiragana? ›

800 is happyaku instead of hachi hyaku.

What does 3 mean in Japanese? ›

3 – 三 (san)

As you can see in the kanji, or Japanese character, it is a combination of one, 一 (ichi), and two , 二 (ni). It represents creation, time (past, present, and future), and the three elements of body, mind and spirit. When pronounced as a counting number, 3 can also be mittsu.

What is your name to Japanese? ›

おなまえは?” (o namae wa?)

How old are you Japanese? ›

It can be written with two different kanji: the traditional 歳 and the simplified and most commonly used 才. To ask someone "how old are you?," you can say: Nan sai desu ka (何歳ですか); Or in a more formal way, O ikutsu desu ka (おいくつですか).

What does ichi mean in Japanese? ›

The numeral that is contained here, ichi (一, one), is rather essential in Japanese. It is the first character that children learn at school, and it is about the only one that consists of a single stroke if we discount katakana's no (ノ) and two or three more obscure fellow Kanji.

What number is yon in Japanese? ›

In modern Japanese, the digits are given the On'yomi readings except 4 and 7, which are called yon and nana respectively. Alternate readings are used in month names, day-of-month names, and fixed phrases.

Do Japanese use kanji for numbers? ›

Originally, Japanese language is written vertically. In this writing direction, people tend to choose numeric Kanjis until today. In addition, Kanji is a tradition of Japan. So, numbers in Japanese bills are definitely written in Kanji characters.

How do you count to 5 in Japanese? ›

When counting up (0 to 10)
  1. いち (ichi)
  2. に (ni)
  3. さん (san)
  4. し (shi)
  5. ご (go)
  6. ろく (roku)
  7. しち (shichi)
  8. はち (hachi)
28 May 2022

Can I learn Japanese in 2 years? ›

The average length of time to learn advanced Japanese is 2-3 years. At the intermediate level, you can understand most of what your teacher says, and you can follow along with TV programs. When it comes to using the language with other Japanese speakers, however, you still have some limitations.

What is the hardest language to learn? ›

1. Mandarin Chinese. Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world. Mandarin Chinese is challenging for a number of reasons.

Is it possible to learn Japanese by yourself? ›

Learning Japanese by yourself? Yes, it's possible to do that – millions of people are doing it all over the world. It takes a bit of work but you can truly make Japanese progress alone.

How do you count minutes in Japanese? ›

The basic pattern is [number]時[number]分 , in which 時 indicates the hour and 分 indicates the minutes. 3時45分 would be 3:45, and 12:01 would be 12時1分.

How do you count fruit in Japanese? ›

[ Counting in Japanese ] Fruits and Vegetables - YouTube

What are the numbers 1 to 20 in Japanese? ›

Native Japanese counting: “hitotsu” (1), “futatsu” (2), “mittsu” (3), “yottsu” (4), “itsutsu” (5), “muttsu” (6), “nanatsu” (7), “yattsu” (8), “kokonotsu” (9), and “tou” (10).

How do you read 100000000? ›

100,000,000 (one hundred million) is the natural number following 99,999,999 and preceding 100,000,001. In scientific notation, it is written as 108.

How do you say the numbers 1 to 10 in Japanese? ›

To count to ten in Japanese, say ichi (pronounced "each") for one, ni ("knee") for two, san ("sahn") for three, shi ("she") for four, and go ("goh") for five. Then, say rok ("loh-koo") for six, shichi ("she-tchee") for seven, hachi ("ha-tchi") for eight, kyuu ("kyoo") for nine, and juu ("joo") for ten.

What does 16 mean in Japan? ›

Numbers in Japanese
16十六(jū roku)十六番目(jū roku banme)
17十七(jū nana)十七番目(jū nana banme)
18十八(jū hachi)十八番目(jū hachi banme)
19十九(jū kyū)十九番目(jū kyū banme)
57 more rows

What is 10 called in Japanese? ›

Ten/10: Juu

kanji: 十 hiragana: じゅう

How do you read 300 in Japanese? ›

The number for 300 is pronounced as sanbyaku (さんびゃく).

What is this number 1000000000000000000000000? ›

Some Very Big, and Very Small Numbers
NameThe NumberSymbol
6 more rows

How do you say 1000000000000000000000000? ›

How do you say 1000000000000000000000? (24 ...

What is higher than a trillion? ›

After a billion, of course, is trillion. Then comes quadrillion, quintrillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, and decillion.

What number is Nana in Japanese? ›

Oh, yeah...Japanese has multiple words for the same number! Seven can be either "nana" or "shichi", for example.

How do you say 1st 2nd 3rd in Japanese? ›

First of all, the number system is in units of four instead of three, which can make converting into English quite difficult. Also, there are things called counters, which are required to count different types of objects, animals, or people.
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19 Feb 2022

Why does 893 mean Yakuza? ›

The name Yakuza meaning Japanese gangsters comes from "893" (yattsu, ku, san). This name originates from a card game called oichokabu (おいちょかぶ), which is usually played with a deck of hanafuda (花札) "flower cards".

Why is Miku 39? ›

In Japanese, words can be made into numbers as a sort of shortcut. Numbers 1–10 have a kanji to them with a few different ways to read each of them. The number 3 is pronounced “Mi (み)” and 9 is pronounced “ku (く)” so 39 is pronounced “Miku”. That's the main reason why it's being used.

Why is 7 lucky Japanese? ›

Lucky seven

This is not imported, but steeped in the country's religious traditions. Seven is an important number in Buddhism. Japanese Buddhists celebrate a baby's seventh day and mourn the seventh day after a person dies when the soul is said to cross over. Do you know your math in Japanese?

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.