Inclusive teaching strategies (2024)

The following evidence-based strategies aim to provide teachers with an overview of inclusive teaching practices to support the inclusion of students with a diverse range of abilities and strengths. Many of these strategies are relevant for all students, while others will be relevant to some students.

How might you provide routine and structure?

Create a consistent routine

Make the structure of each day similar but change tasks within the structure to keep the day interesting. Prepare students for changes in routine by letting them know when a change is coming up, and including visual supports (such as social stories) or other individually determined supports (such as pairing with a friend) where relevant.

Provide a visual schedule

Visual cues (such as schedules or cue cards) can let students know what is coming up, and how they should move from one activity to another.

Prepare students for an upcoming transition

Students who find moving from one activity to another challenging will be better prepared if they are aware it is coming up. Provide reminders about upcoming transitions, such as visual supports, countdown timers or regular reminders.

Inclusive teaching strategies (1)

Provide a safe space (physically and emotionally)

Provide a sensitive environment

Provide an environment that is sensitive to the needs of students who have experienced trauma or adverse childhood experiences.

Access our trauma-sensitive learning environments poster.

Provide encouragement and guide learning

Consider providing effective, actionable feedback immediately when students are learning a task or behaviour. This can be gradually reduced as they become more independent.

Provide a quiet area

Consider providing a quiet area that a student can go if required. This space could include items that may support a student to self-regulate their emotions and/or behaviour.

Express positive regard and support

Providing support and encouragement helps a student achieve better results. Focus on a student’s strengths and show them that they are valued and supported.

Facilitate student voice, autonomy and independence

Opportunity to express their preferences, opinions and emotions, make choices, and direct their own learning, is important for all students.

Set clear classroom expectations

Clearly outline learning intentions and expectations. A few short and simple expectations that guide students what to do (rather than what to avoid), and are reviewed regularly are best.

How can you promote peer interaction?

Provide lots of opportunities for students to engage in collaborative learning

Students get to know each other and build friendships through working together and watching others. Consider ways in which you can facilitate a student’s interactions with others in a group.

Aim for students to remain with the group

Where possible, aim to keep students as part of the group, rather than in separate areas working with specialists, and to be working with similar materials/content as peers (that is tailored to their individual strengths and abilities).

Teach peers how to interact with each other

Teach students how to interact with each other. This may involve teaching peers how to use different styles of communication, or how to include another student. Access our peer inclusion pages and peer information sheets.

Provide developmentally appropriate and discreet support

Students may feel self-conscious about the support that is provided, particularly as they enter pre-adolescence (from about ten years of age).

Developmentally appropriate and discrete support that builds a student's independence may increase confidence and support peer interactions.

For example, supports that are available to all students, are embedded in technology, or use a similar layout and visuals to other materials used in class, are less likely to draw attention to a specific student.

Inclusive teaching strategies (2)

How can I collaborate with others?

Work with parents or carers

To encourage a collaborative approach, set up a system for regular communication with parents or carers about their child’s unique strengths, preferences, and abilities. This includes support they feel their child needs and the preferred mode of communication.

Build a relationship with the learning and support team and all key stakeholders

There may be various health professionals involved in supporting the student. This may include Aboriginal Medical Services (AMS) for some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

Working together can lead to a shared understanding of the student, their goals, and strengths-based strategies that are consistent across other environments like home and the community.

This is particularly relevant when developing a personalised learning and support plan for a student.

Set joint learning outcomes and goals

Work collaboratively with the student’s parents as well as any key stakeholders to set some growth goals.

Aim to set outcomes that focus on the student’s strengths and are challenging enough to support learning and social development.

Tailor activities to be as inclusive as possible

Keep activities and instructions short, clear and engaging

This can help students focus and learn. Frequent breaks may also help.

Consider how tasks can be tailored to different student goals, strengths, abilities and learning profiles

Concrete examples, simplified text, visual supports, breaking tasks into smaller components, using a variety of teaching strategies, and providing alternate ways for students to respond are some of the ways this can be achieved.

Health professionals can help identify environmental adjustments

Engaging with families and health professionals (such as occupational therapists) can help identify environmental adjustments. For example, some students might need extra help to support their posture or physical comfort in the classroom. Bean bags or pillows may help, sometimes the student may need to change position regularly or stand.

This may help with pain management, or particular tasks like handwriting. It is important that you speak with the student and their parents or carers about how you can assist the student to optimise their levels of comfort for classroom participation and engagement. Consider also talking with any allied health professionals working with the student about the best seating position for them.

Computer-assisted instruction (where instructional material is presented on a computer, such as mathematics drill and practice programs) can also be helpful for some students.

Provide additional time

Provide students with the time they need to respond or engage in an activity.

Gain and maintain a student’s attention

Check that you have the student’s attention when giving instructions, and check for understanding of instructions. Instructions provided in multiple formats (such as verbal and visual instructions) are best.

Reduce distractions through careful arrangement of the classroom and consideration of seating. Other distractions may include glare, flickering lights, or noise.

Inclusive teaching strategies (3)

How might you create opportunities for repetition and revision?

Students may need ongoing revision to increase long term attainment of the skill

Time to practise in different settings and with different materials can help students to generalise that skill across learning environments in other situations and places.

Provide help and support when a task is new

When a task is new, students usually learn best with support (such as prompts, demonstrations, or encouragement). Supports can be gradually reduced as students become more confident and independent.

Support can be provided by teachers, School Learning Support Officer (SLSO), Aboriginal SLSO or Aboriginal Education Officer (AEO), or other students.

Access our graduated guidance visual.

Support social, emotional and problem solving skill development

Prompt social behaviours

Consider student development of socially appropriate behaviours through prompting, modelling and practice. For example, actively teach students how to use open-ended questions (such as “How did you spend your weekend?”) when engaging in small talk, or to speak assertively when there is conflict.

Understand behaviour

Identifying what a student is trying to communicate through their behaviour can provide opportunities to guide the student in alternative ways they can make their needs and wants known.

Teach problem solving skills

Teach students how to find solutions to challenges they face, including when and how to seek help. Encourage students to view mistakes, problems, or challenges as an opportunity to learn. Access our problem solving guide.

Support students to manage and self-regulate their emotions

Express empathy, and help students to name what they are feeling. This can be supported with visuals when necessary. Support them with facing fears gradually, at a level they can manage.

Provide opportunities for students to use the tools or strategies that best support them with regulation, such as allowing all students to access noise-cancelling headphones at appropriate times.

Calm down strategies can support students to self-regulate their emotions and behaviour. Access our relaxation breathing script and emotions cards.

Teach organisation skills

Students may need explicit instructions and support to learn organisation, study, note-taking, time-management, and homework management skills.When students start High School it is important to teach them how to read their school timetable. Colour coding and visual symbols may help students understand how to be organised and ready for class.

Teach students how to self-manage

Consider giving students a checklist of behaviours or skills that they would like to work on (for example, include a range of persuasive writing techniques in their piece). Prompt them to check off the list throughout the lesson.

Access our self-monitoring form.

Inclusive teaching strategies (4)

School Excellence Framework alignment

Wellbeing, Effective classroom practice

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers alignment

Standard 1: Know students and how they learn


School leaders and secondary teachers


This guide features evidence-based inclusion strategies for teachers to consider in their daily practice.


November 2021.Share your feedback here

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Inclusive teaching strategies (2024)


What are the 3 teaching strategies for inclusive education? ›

Inclusive teaching strategies
  • Create a consistent routine.
  • Provide a visual schedule.
  • Prepare students for an upcoming transition.

What is an example of inclusive teaching? ›

Incorporating diverse perspectives into course content by expanding reading lists beyond white male authors, offering various ethnic and racial perspectives in case studies, ensuring PowerPoints and lecture examples offer a variety of human examples, and avoiding tokenizing particular individuals, students, or ...

What is the inclusive teaching method? ›

“Inclusive teaching involves deliberately cultivating a learning environment where all students are treated equitably, have equal access to learning, and feel valued and supported in their learning.

What is an example of an inclusive approach? ›

For example if you're planning a sports activity make sure you adapt it for a child who is in a wheelchair. This ensures that they feel included and part of the activity despite their condition. This will improve their confidence and allows them to join in and socialise with other children.

What are the 4 as strategies in teaching? ›

The 4As of adult learning: Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application is illustrated in Figure 6-1. The constructivist approach to teaching asserts that a Learner gains and builds knowledge through experience. It recognizes that life experiences are rich resources for continued learning.

What does an inclusive classroom look like? ›

Inclusion in the classroom means that all children, no matter their racial, religious, or ethnic background, gender, learning style, or ability have equal access to educational opportunities in a learning environment where all students are equally safe, valued, and respected.

How do you teach inclusion in the classroom? ›

  1. Make it Personal. Provide opportunities for students to share their own experiences and perspectives. ...
  2. Include Various Perspectives. Provide a variety of perspectives on the topics you teach. ...
  3. Know Your Students. Get to know your students. ...
  4. Respect Diverse People. ...
  5. Respect Diverse Talents.

What does an inclusion teacher do? ›

The inclusion teacher focus is on scaffolding activities and differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all students, not just the special education students. Provide direct support to students in a classroom by delivering instruction and ensuring learning through a variety of co-teaching models and strategies.

What is an inclusive lesson plan? ›

Definition. Inclusive practice refers to the instructional and behavioral strategies that improve academic and social- emotional outcomes for all students, with and without disabilities, in general education settings.

What are the 6 inclusive practices? ›

What are the six pillars of inclusion? The six pillars of diversity & inclusion are Engage, Equip, Empower, Embed, Evaluate and Evolve. The questions described below are an example of the themes that are addressed in each pillar of the IES.

What are the three key elements of inclusive practices? ›

According to Gallup's workplace survey, these key components include: Mutual respect among all players. Individual empowerment. Active value and appreciation for team members.

What are the three key features of an inclusive classroom? ›

In the overlapping spaces between the major dimensions of an inclusive classroom are features that bind these dimensions together. These features are identified as experiential learning, exhibitions of student learning, student input and self and peer evaluations.

What are 2 to 3 strategies for creating and maintaining an inclusive classroom environment? ›

Use these inclusive classroom strategies to help get you started with building a positive classroom culture:
  • Get to Know Your Students and Let Them Get to Know You. ...
  • Create a Safe Space for Students to Share. ...
  • Deliver Instruction in a Variety of Ways. ...
  • Choose Relevant Literature. ...
  • Invite Guest Speakers to Share Their Stories.

What are the three strategies of inclusive leadership? ›

There are three specific things inclusive leaders can do to help foster a company-wide innovative mindset.
  • Create psychological safety. ...
  • Employ a cultural broker. ...
  • Embrace work-life integration. ...
  • To be an inclusive leader and build an innovative team culture, you can follow these three steps:
Aug 30, 2023

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.