How Long Does Mayo Last (Opened, Unopened Shelf Life + Expiration) (2024)

Home Cooking Basics

Published by Izzy

on Jan 28, 2021

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How Long Does Mayonnaise Last? Expiration dates are a general guideline, but it also depends on many factors like whether it’s opened or unopened, homemade or store-bought, and storage conditions. Find out whether you can still use your mayo along with storage tips.

How Long Does Mayo Last (Opened, Unopened Shelf Life + Expiration) (2)

Mayonnaise is a delicious blend of creamy and tangy goodness that goes so well with both sweet and savory dishes. However, it’s an easily perishable condiment because of egg yolk, which is the main ingredient in its creamy constitution.

Egg yolk quickly goes bad when left out at room temperature. Commercial producers of mayonnaise have found a way to delay this with pasteurization. The procedure kills harmful bacteria that could grow if left unchecked and allows mayonnaise to last longer before expiring.

Once you open up a jar of mayonnaise, the clock starts ticking. So it’s important to know how much time you have until it expires.

How Long DoesMayonnaise Last?

How Long Does Mayo Last (Opened, Unopened Shelf Life + Expiration) (3)

How Long Does Mayo Last After Opening?

Experts recommend that you keep your mayonnaise stored in the refrigerator once you have opened it. For store-bought bottles such as Hellmann’s, the opened mayonnaise will remain in good quality for 2-3 months when refrigerated. The cold temperature in the fridge slows down the rate at which bacteria in mayonnaise grows, extending its shelf life.

How Long Does Mayo Last Unrefrigerated?

Mayonnaise is very perishable becauseegg yolk is one of the key ingredients in its composition. Once you open a jar,it has a shelf life of only about 8hours if it is unrefrigerated. So if you’ve accidentally left it outovernight, it will be no good to you in the morning.

How Long Does Unopened Mayo Last?

An unopened jar of mayonnaise isshelf-stable for 3-4 months after itsbest by date. You can see the date written on the side of the mayonnaisejar. Three to four months is the shelf life when you decide to store it in thepantry. It can last for up to a year if left unopened and kept refrigeratedthroughout.

How Long Does Mayo Last (Opened, Unopened Shelf Life + Expiration) (4)

How Long Does Homemade Mayonnaise Last?

The mayonnaise that you make at home can only last up to a week in the refrigerator. When this time passes, discard it because there is an increased risk of the salmonella bacteria developing in the egg yolk. Commercial manufacturers pasteurize eggs to prevent this, but the eggs you have at home may not have undergone pasteurization.

How to StoreMayonnaise?

An unopened jar of store-bought mayonnaise can be stored in your pantry, as it doesn’t require refrigeration. Keeping it in your refrigerator is also good because the cold temperatures will extend its shelf life. Once you open a jar, always store it in your refrigerator until it is all used up. Store homemade mayonnaise in the fridge as well.

How Long Does Mayo Last (Opened, Unopened Shelf Life + Expiration) (5)

How to Tell Mayo isBad?

When you open a jar and see any mold or spore growth insideit, the mayonnaise is bad. A putrid smell, a darker shade of color than usual,and an off taste when you taste it are other signs of expiration in yourmayonnaise.

What Happens If You EatExpired Mayo?

If you experience some light stomach aches, it might not betoo serious if your store-bought mayonnaise just expired. But go to see adoctor if you have severe pain in the stomach. If the mayonnaise was homemade,there is a high risk of getting food poisoning because of un-pasteurized eggyolk. It may be a breeding ground for salmonella after a week, so you shoulddiscard it.

What Can I Do WithExpired Mayo?

Don’t toss out that jar of expired mayonnaise: there arestill some ways for you to make use of it. Dab a little bit of it onto a drycloth and rub your stainless steel appliances and silverware with it until theyshine again! Put some of it in between squeaking hinges in your house and enjoythe noiseless opening and closing of doors and windows!

About Izzy

I'm Izzy, a food lover and photographer. Here you’ll find a collection of simple recipes that are perfect for busy people. My blog aims to help you make and enjoy delicious and healthy food at home.

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How Long Does Mayo Last (Opened, Unopened Shelf Life + Expiration) (2024)
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