How Long Does It Take To Learn Japanese On Duolingo? (2024)

Our comprehensive guide about learning Japanese with Duolingo, including how long it takes, what to expect, and some tips and tricks.

So you want to learn Japanese? That’s great, but know that there is some good news and some bad news. Let’s talk about the bad news first.

Japanese is one of only five languages on the planet classified as category IV, which is the classification for languages that take the most amount of time and effort to learn, and are “exceptionally difficult” for those who speak native English.

Now, the good news. There are more tools and resources than ever before to help you learn Japanese. No longer do you have to sit through night classes at the local community college to learn Japanese. There are dozens of apps, online programs, podcasts, and YouTube channels to help you along your journey.

Yet, of all these resources, Duolingo might be the most popular. In this post, I discuss what it’s like learning Japanese with Duolingo.

How Much Time Per Day Should You Practice Japanese?

The amount of time you need to dedicate to learning Japanese is a hotly debated topic. Some linguists suggest full immersion and maximizing exposure to the language.

Other experts suggest doing just 30 minutes of language learning per day over an extended period of time to allow your brain to absorb the language and normalize with it. I tend to fall in this latter camp of thinking.

For one, hardly anyone has the time to dedicate hours per day to learning Japanese. So it’s just not practical. Plus, I’m a big believer in consistency over volume.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Japanese On Duolingo? (1)

As long as you can dedicate 30 minutes per day five or six days per week, this should help you pick up Japanese at a relatively steady pace. Of course, because it’s a difficult language, you may want to dedicate more time to your studies if you want to pick it up faster for work or relocation purposes.

Also, for those who are learning for fun as a quirky hobby (looking at you anime fans out there), you can get away with 15 minutes per day.

In the end, there is no right amount of time per day to practice. It is totally situational. Do what works for you depending on your schedule and how quickly you want to learn.

How Many Hours Does It Take To Learn Japanese with Duolingo?

Here’s the harsh reality. Learning Japanese is not a simple feat. It takes around 2,200 hours to learn Japanese. Yes, you read that correctly.

For reference, this is almost four times the length of time it takes to learn simple languages like Spanish and French (Spanish takes just 600 hours).

For those who have used Duolingo before, you know that each lesson takes roughly 5 minutes. So by my math, if it takes 2,200 hours to learn Japanese, and each lesson takes 5 minutes to finish, you only need to complete 26,400 lessons. 😳

Obviously there is not a direct correlation between those 5 minute Duolingo lessons and that 2,200 hour figure, and there are tons of variable at play here (such as desired level of fluency), but just know that it will take a long time.

For your typical, casual learner on Duolingo who does two or three lessons per day, I would bank on spending years on Duolingo to get to an intermediate level of Japanese fluency.

I have no doubt that you can master some Japanese basics within 6 months, but your conversations will be very elementary.

How Long Does It Take To Complete the Duolingo Japanese Course?

Unfortunately, there is no clear cut answer as to how long it takes to complete the Duolingo Japanese course. For one, Duolingo is much more than a sequence of lessons. There are optional review sessions, match madness games, ramp ups, and league competition, among other features.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Japanese On Duolingo? (2)

You can literally spend an hour on Duolingo and not do a single real lesson along the path. In this sense, I view Duolingo almost like a social app and less like a language app.

However, if you blocked out all of these extras and just did the lessons along the learning path, it would still take you two to three years at the rate of four lessons per day. It is a very long path (with over 100 units), with dozens of lessons per unit.

Tips For Learning Japanese with Duolingo

Learning a new language is a challenge, especially when that language is Japanese. However, it is not insurmountable. Part of your success will be based on preparing yourself for the journey (it really is a journey) and using the right resources, including Duolingo. Here are some tips to maximize your success:

Take Notes: Japanese is complex. There’s no question about that. Take lots of notes and make sure that you refer back to them as needed. Write down things you need to look up or words you struggle with, etc.

Practice Makes Perfect: Nothing replaces practice. You can be skilled at many things, but learning a language is a matter of repetition. Make sure that you dedicate time to practice and repeat the Japanese words that you struggle with the most often so that you can master them.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Japanese On Duolingo? (3)

Set a Schedule: You can’t just say, “I’ll learn when I have time” with Japanese. That may be tempting when Duolingo makes it so easy, but you need a routine and a schedule to help your brain and mouth remember all that you are learning. Set a schedule and stick to it for the best results.

Set Realistic Goals: You’re not going to learn a complex language like Japanese overnight. Set realistic goals about your learning journey so that you aren’t setting yourself up for failure. It’s about baby steps.

Best Way To Supplement Duolingo When Learning Japanese

Duolingo is a great choice for learning Japanese basics. However, it’s not a one-source solution. If you really want to master your new language, you should be taking advantage of as many supplemental activities as possible. These include:

  • Reading books (even children’s books are good)
  • Watching TV, movies, and streaming content in Japanese (anime!)
  • Using the captions while you watch (romaji or hiragana/katakana/kanji)
  • Listening to music and reading lyrics
  • Listening to podcasts, audiobooks, etc.
  • Find a good YouTube channel
  • Reading the news in Japanese
  • Using online translators, pronunciation apps, etc.

Japanese is not an easy language to learn, but you can do it if you invest the time and stick with it. And doing Duolingo lessons everyday is a great start. Consistency is key!

How long does it take to learn Japanese on Duolingo?

How long it takes to learn Japanese on Duolingo depends on a number of variables, including desired level of fluency, time commitment per day, and practice outside of Duolingo. For casual Duolingo learners though, expect two to three years of work.

Can you learn Japanese from Duolingo?

In theory Duolingo should be able to carry you to an intermediate level of fluency, but in practice, I haven’t found that to be the case. In my opinion, you will be hard pressed to surpass a level of A2 Japanese on Duolingo.

How far does Duolingo Japanese take you?

Duolingo Japanese says it can take you to a B2 level of fluency, but I don’t see that as reality. I think you will at best become proficient at an A2 level.

How many units in Duolingo Japanese?

Duolingo is constantly adding units to and removing units from its Japanese course, so it’s a bit of a moving target, but there are around 100 units in Duolingo Japanese.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Japanese On Duolingo? (2024)


How Long Does It Take To Learn Japanese On Duolingo? ›

How long it takes to learn Japanese on Duolingo depends on a number of variables, including desired level of fluency, time commitment per day, and practice outside of Duolingo. For casual Duolingo learners though, expect two to three years of work.

Can you be fluent in Japanese with Duolingo? ›

You are not going to become fluent using Duolingo exclusively. For those who already know some Japanese, the beginning might seem extremely rudimentary. Someone who has already achieved the JLPT N2 or N1 proficiency tests will have no issues completing the proficiency test.

Is Duolingo really a good way to study Japanese? ›

Duolingo Is Great as a Supplement

It is great for learning vocabulary and seeing how words are used in context. However, it's generally not great for learning the “why”s or “how”s of language. This includes grammar and semantics–how words interact with each other to create different meanings.

What level of Japanese can you get from Duolingo? ›

The levels vary from N5 (lowest) to N1 (highest). The graph (which is cropped; click on image to see in full) shows that Duolingo coverage is only about 15% the lexis for JLPT N1. Filling the remaining 85% gap (amounting to about 2000 words) will require additional resources, such as this Memrise Course.

How long does it take to learn Japanese fluently? ›

Learning Japanese isn't easy and it will take time. It's probably fair to say that you can expect a commitment of at least three years in order to achieve something resembling fluency. The average learner gets to the advanced level in three or four years.

Is 1 year enough to learn Japanese? ›

However, many experts believe it takes between 4 to 6 months of dedicated study to reach a beginner level. On the other hand, you can expect to spend at least 3 years studying to become fluent in Japanese with near-native level accuracy.

What type of Japanese is used in Duolingo? ›

The Duolingo Japanese course introduces hiragana characters first—this helps learners become familiar with the sounds of Japanese and get to know the characters most often used for grammatical particles and common phrases.

Is Duolingo better than Babbel? ›

Grammar. When it comes to grammar lessons, most people find Babbel superior to Duolingo. Babbel incorporates exercise right into the lessons, whereas Duolingo doesn't prioritize them. That's not to say that Babbel overwhelms you with grammar.

What is the hardest language to learn? ›

Mandarin Chinese

Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world. Mandarin Chinese is challenging for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the writing system is extremely difficult for English speakers (and anyone else) accustomed to the Latin alphabet.

How much Duolingo should you do each day? ›

Try to keep it up every day, even if you just play a few lessons. Each level is very short, so it's not hard to play just even one or two levels a day. Of course, it's more rewarding the more you can play per day, but even at a casual pace you should be able to learn gradually.

How many words do you need to know to be fluent in Japanese? ›

About 3000-5000 words will give you 'basic fluency'. At this level you will be able to find a way to say anything you want to, but it probably won't be the way a native speaker would say it.

How far can Duolingo take you? ›

At Duolingo, we're developing our courses to get you to a level called B2, at which you can get a job in the language you're studying. Reaching that kind of proficiency requires dedication, varied practice opportunities, and a lot of time.

How many hours should I study Japanese a day? ›

Those who spend more hours daily learning and practicing will probably progress faster than those who only dedicate a few hours per week. So for those looking to learn the language as a secondary language, at least 2—4 hours should be spent in a day learning and practicing the language.

Which is harder to learn Japanese or Chinese? ›

What is harder to learn, Japanese or Chinese? Both languages are difficult from an English-speaking perspective. They both have their pros and cons. The hardest component of Japanese is their grammar, while memorizing Chinese characters is the most difficult for English speakers.

Is it easier to learn Japanese or Korean? ›

Our verdict. In this category, Korean is easier. While there are more speech levels in Korean, once you have mastered the conjugation patterns, you just need to learn the rules on how to use the verbs.

Is Duolingo good for learning Japanese 2024? ›

As noted above, if you're simply trying to learn a few phrases before a trip to Tokyo, Duolingo is fine for that. Otherwise, it's nothing more than a supplement. At the next level up, Busuu is a great option for visual learners and those on a budget.

How many people use Duolingo for Japanese? ›

Duolingo: Number of users per language statistics
StudyingUsers (millions)Availability (except EN)
21 more rows

Can you actually learn a language from Duolingo? ›

At best, and this varies, Duolingo can give you a good foundation in a language. Some of the courses, like German, will give you sufficient foundation to start watching movies/tv shows or reading books. But you have to speak the language WITH OTHER PEOPLE to learn it. (Using all caps because it's really important.)

Is Duolingo actually effective? ›

Even with some of the well-developed courses, Duolingo may not be enough to completely teach a language to fluency. As mentioned earlier, Duolingo is great for getting a base in a language—but don't expect to get to advanced fluency on Duolingo alone.

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.