Excel Tutorial: How To Insert Character Between Text In Excel (2024)


Excel is a powerful tool for organizing and manipulating data, and knowing how to insert characters between text can save you time and effort. Whether you need to add a space, comma, hyphen, or any other character to your text, understanding this feature can streamline your workflow and make your spreadsheets more professional and readable. In this tutorial, we will explore the different methods for inserting characters between text in Excel and why it is important to know how to do so.

Key Takeaways

  • Knowing how to insert characters between text in Excel can save time and effort in organizing data.
  • The CONCATENATE function and TEXTJOIN function are useful tools for inserting characters between text in Excel.
  • The MID function and SUBSTITUTE function also offer alternative methods for inserting characters in Excel.
  • Other methods such as using Find and Replace feature and custom formulas can also be utilized for inserting characters between text.
  • Practicing and mastering these techniques can make spreadsheets more professional and readable.

Understanding CONCATENATE function in Excel

The CONCATENATE function in Excel is used to combine or join multiple text strings into one string. This function can be particularly useful when you need to insert a specific character or text between existing text strings.

A. Explanation of CONCATENATE function

The CONCATENATE function takes multiple text arguments and combines them into a single text string. It is a simple and straightforward way to merge text in Excel.

B. How to use the CONCATENATE function to insert characters between text

To insert a character between text in Excel using the CONCATENATE function, follow these steps:

  • Select the cell where you want to insert the combined text string.
  • Enter the CONCATENATE formula: In the formula bar, type =CONCATENATE(
  • Specify the text strings: Enter the cell references or text strings you want to combine, separated by a comma.
  • Insert the character: In between the cell references or text strings, insert the character you want to place between the text.
  • Close the formula: Close the parentheses and press Enter to see the combined text string in the selected cell.

Using the TEXTJOIN function

When working with text in Excel, you may encounter the need to insert a specific character between each text item. The TEXTJOIN function in Excel provides a simple and efficient way to accomplish this task.

A. Explanation of TEXTJOIN function

The TEXTJOIN function allows you to join together text from a range of cells, with a specified delimiter separating each item. This can be particularly useful when you need to concatenate text with a specific character or symbol in between.

B. Step-by-step guide on using TEXTJOIN to insert characters between text

  • Step 1: First, select the cell where you want the combined text to appear.
  • Step 2: Enter the formula =TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [text2][text2], ... with the range of cells or text items you want to join together.
  • Step 3: Press Enter to apply the formula and see the combined text with the specified delimiter inserted between each item.
  • Step 4: If the ignore_empty argument is set to TRUE, any empty cells in the range will be ignored in the concatenation. If set to FALSE, empty cells will be included in the result.

Utilizing the MID function for inserting characters

When working with text in Excel, you may encounter the need to insert characters between existing text. This can be easily achieved using the MID function, which allows you to extract a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at a specified position.

A. Explanation of MID function

The MID function in Excel is used to extract a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at a specified position. Its syntax is MID(text, start_num, num_chars), where text is the text string from which you want to extract characters, start_num is the position at which to start the extraction, and num_chars is the number of characters to extract.

B. Example of using MID function to insert characters between text

Let's say you have a list of product codes in Excel, and you want to insert a hyphen between the first three characters and the last three characters of each code. You can achieve this by using the MID function as follows:

  • Step 1: In a new column, enter the formula =MID(A2, 1, 3) & "-" & MID(A2, 4, 3), assuming the product codes are in column A starting from cell A2. This formula extracts the first three characters, inserts a hyphen, and then extracts the last three characters.
  • Step 2: Drag the fill handle of the cell with the formula down to apply it to the entire list of product codes.


By utilizing the MID function, you can easily insert characters between text in Excel, making it a powerful tool for manipulating text data in spreadsheets.

Exploring the SUBSTITUTE function

Excel offers a powerful function called SUBSTITUTE which allows users to find and replace specific text within a cell. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the SUBSTITUTE function to insert characters between text in Excel.

A. Explanation of SUBSTITUTE function

The SUBSTITUTE function in Excel allows you to replace one or all instances of a specific character or text string within a cell. The function takes four arguments: the text within which you want to make the replacement, the text you want to replace, the text you want to substitute in place, and an optional argument to specify which occurrence of the text to replace.

B. How to use SUBSTITUTE to insert characters between text in Excel

Using the SUBSTITUTE function to insert characters between text in Excel is a simple process. Here are the steps to do so:

  • First, select the cell where you want to insert the characters between text.
  • Next, enter the formula using the SUBSTITUTE function. For example, if you want to insert a hyphen (-) between each character in the text, the formula would be: =SUBSTITUTE(A1, "", "-")
  • Press Enter to apply the formula, and you will see the characters inserted between the text in the selected cell.

By using the SUBSTITUTE function in Excel, you have the ability to easily insert characters between text, which can be incredibly useful for a variety of data manipulation and formatting tasks.

Other methods for inserting characters between text

Aside from the methods mentioned earlier, there are other ways to insert characters between text in Excel. These methods include using the Find and Replace feature and using custom formulas.

  • Using Find and Replace feature
  • The Find and Replace feature in Excel can also be used to insert characters between text. Simply follow these steps:

    • Step 1: Press Ctrl + H to open the Find and Replace dialog box.
    • Step 2: In the "Find what" field, type the specific text where you want to insert the character.
    • Step 3: In the "Replace with" field, type the specific text along with the character you want to insert.
    • Step 4: Click Replace All to insert the character between the text.

  • Using custom formulas
  • Custom formulas in Excel can also be utilized to insert characters between text. Here's how you can do it:

    • Step 1: Use the =CONCATENATE function to combine text with the character you want to insert.
    • Step 2: Enter the cell references or text within the brackets of the CONCATENATE function.
    • Step 3: Press Enter to apply the formula and insert the character between the text.


In conclusion, we have discussed three different methods for inserting a character between text in Excel. The first method involves using the CONCATENATE function, the second method uses the & operator, and the third method utilizes the TEXTJOIN function.

We encourage you to practice and master these techniques as they can greatly enhance your efficiency and productivity when working with text in Excel. By familiarizing yourself with these methods, you will be better equipped to handle a wide range of data manipulation tasks and improve your overall proficiency with the software.

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Excel Tutorial: How To Insert Character Between Text In Excel (2024)


Excel Tutorial: How To Insert Character Between Text In Excel? ›

To insert a character between text in Excel, leverage built-in functions such as CONCATENATE, CONCAT, and the ampersand (&) operator. For example, to add a space after the nth character, use the formula =LEFT(A2, n) &" "& RIGHT(A2, LEN(A2) - n) where n is the nth character position.

How do you enter between text in Excel? ›

To start a new line of text or add spacing between lines or paragraphs of text in a worksheet cell, press Alt+Enter to insert a line break. Double-click the cell in which you want to insert a line break (or select the cell and then press F2).

How do I separate text by character in Excel? ›

Try it!
  1. Select the cell or column that contains the text you want to split.
  2. Select Data > Text to Columns.
  3. In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, select Delimited > Next.
  4. Select the Delimiters for your data. ...
  5. Select Next.
  6. Select the Destination in your worksheet which is where you want the split data to appear.

How do I get a string between two special characters in Excel? ›

You can use the TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER functions in Excel to extract all text in a cell between two specific characters or strings. This particular example extracts all of the text between the characters “this” and “that” in cell A2.

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