DTIC MAR 99 · The addition of up to 10 parts per hundred resin ... accelerator cobalt naphthenate (Nuodex DMR, Nuodex Canada-3-Ltd) ... potassium chromate standards. - [PDF Document] (2024)


I ~ National Defence Defense nationaleResearch and Bureau de rechercheDevelopment Branch et developpement

TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 90/208December 1990




R. M. Morchat - I.A. Keough J.G. Dwyer


MAR 0 6,99 UDefence Centre de

Research Recherches pour laEstablishment DefenseAtlantic c Atlantique

Cuad/ d ",ua I mlmmoN 3T i rWApproved ib pu 1M-3 0 09

91304 096



82Y 327 f902) 426-3100 82Y 3Z7


II 1 *National Defence Defense nationaleResearch and Bureau de rechercheDevelopment Branch et d6veloppement



R. M. Morchat - I.A. Keough - J.G. Dwyer

December 1990

Approved by R.T. Schmitke Distribution Approved byDirector/Technical Division

Director fTechnology Division


Defence ' Centre deResearch Recherches pour laEstablishment 6fense

Atlantic Atlantique




The effect of post-curing on the glass transition

temperature (T) of a variety of styrene cross-linked

polyester and vinyl ester resins was determined by monitoring

the changes to Tg using a Differential Scanning Calorimeter.

The effect of adding the inorganic fire-retardant, antimony

trioxide, on the Tg of these resin systems was also


Results indicated that the effect of post-curing was to

increase the amount of cross-linking of the polyester and

vinyl ester resins, as evident by the beneficial increase in

the glass transition temperature and changes to the storage

modulus. The addition of up to 10 parts per hundred resin

(phr) of the fire-retardant, antimony trioxide, had a

negligible effect on the oniet of the glass transition point.


Le contr6le des variations de la temperature de

transition vitreuse (Tg) par analyse calorim~trique

diff~rentielle &compensation de puissance a permis de

determiner les effets du post-traitement sur la Tg de

plusieurs r~sines de polyester et d'ester vinylique

r~ticul~es par le styr~ne. Le pr6sent document explore aussi

les effets de l'addition de trioxyde d'antimoine, un produit

ignifuge inorganique, sur la Tg de ces syst~mes de r~sines.

Les r~sultats de l'etude indiquent que le post-

traitement a pour effet d'augmenter le degr6 de reticulation

des r~sines de polyester et d'ester vinylique, comme en font

foi l'augmentation de la temp~rature de transition vitreuse

et les variations du module de conservation. Cependant,

l'addition jusqu'a 10% de trioxyde d'antimone a un effet

n6gligeable sur la temp6rature de transition vitreuse.





2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 32.1. Resins Evaluated 3

2.2. Sample Preparation 42.2. Instrument Parameters 42.3. Tg and Tmin 5


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°C Degree Celsius

deg Degree

DMA Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

DSC Differential Scanning Calorimeter

El Storage Modulus

GPa Gigapascal

GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic

HPSEC High Performance Size Exclusion Chromatography

min Minute

mcal Millicalories

mL Milliliter

MW Molecular Weight

PHR Parts Per Hundred Resin

sec Second

TGA Thermal Gravimetric Analysis

Tg Glass Transition Temperature

Tmin Peak Minimum Temperature

Tpost-cure Post-Cure Temperature

Cross-Link Density



Reinforced polymeric materials, in particular glass

reinforced plastics (GRP's), are finding increased

utilization in such defence applications as sonar domes,

submarine cdsings and minesweeper hulls. In a marine

environment, GRP materials offer potential advantages over

traditional construction materials in terms of significant

weight savings due to their high strength to weight

characteristics, and low maintenance due to the elimination

of corrosion; however, the fire performance properties of

these polymeric materials continue to be a major concern,

limiting their use in naval vessels. The susceptibility of a

naval warship to damage from fire and associated smoke

dictates that any polymeric material considered for use

should be as fire resistant as possible and be a low smoke


Reliability of these materials under service conditions

is another major concern. An understanding of the physical

behavior, including the chemical, mechanical, and thermal

properties of glass reinforced plastics, requires that the

resin, the reinforcing fibre, the additives (such as fire

retardants), and their interaction must be fully understood.

The aim of an ongoing research effort is to optimize the fire

performance and physical properties of GRP's [1].

Polyester and vinyl ester thermoset resins reinforced

with 'E'-glass fibres are materials of interest for use as

GRP composites in a marine environment. The molecular

structure of thermosetting resins is a highly cross-linked

network that is stable in heat and cannot be made to flow or

melt. This network is constructed by the interconnection of

smaller molecules, such as styrene, during a process called

curing. During the curing process, increasing the

temperature provides the resin with more energy and the

curing proceeds at a faster rate. Thus over the same amount

of time, the amount or degree-of-cure increases, with

increasing cure temperature, up to the point when curing is

complete. Beyond the temperature at which complete curing

takes place (the optimum curing temperature), decomposition

of the resin will eventually occur.

The key property of a thermoset, which ultimately

determines the level of all physical properties, is the

degree-of-cure. The degree-of-cure can influence parameters

such as the Young's modulus and thermal expansion

coefficient, which affect the stability and mechanical

integrity of the resin at elevated temperatures [2].

The degree-of-cure is also an important variable in the

burning characteristics of thermoset polymers. Increasing

the degree-of-cure generally increases the fire retardancy,

probably due to the decrease in the amount of volatile

combustion products as the cross-linked density is increased.

It is for this reason that polymers must be fully cured

before being submitted to any burning tests.

Differential Scanning Calorimetry is an analytical

technique which can be used to monitor the heat capacity of a

polymer and allow for measurement of the exothermic process

of curing and the endothermic glass transition peaks.

The glass transition phenomenon is one of the most

important properties of a polymer [31. The glass transition

temperature (Tg) of polymers is closely connected with the

occurrence of internal stress, the cohesive energy density,

the mechanical property and the cross-link density. The

higher the Tg, the higher the temperature at which the

polymer is useful in structural applications.

Glass transition occurs at a temperature when there is

enough heat energy available to increase the local molecular


motion of the resin enough to enable the resin to go fr'm a

brittle, glass-like state to a more flexible state. In

theory, a more-interconnected resin network requires more

energy to achieve the glass transition. In other words, the

more the resin is cured, the higher the Tg. In fact, at the

glass transition point dramatic changes in physical

properties occur.

Another factor which can affect the physical properties

is the addition of a fire-retardant. Unlike other additives,

fire-retardants can appreciably impair the mechanical

properties of a composite. Fire-retardants can have an

adverse effect on the strength of the resin mixture and also

on the bond strength between the resin and the fibre. Thus,

an understanding is required of the effect the addition of an

inorganic fire-retardant, such as antimony trioxide, has on

the polymerization process.


2.1. Resins Evaluated

Five resins were evaluated in this study: Hetron 99P,

Hetron 197AT, Hetron 27196, Hetron 692TP25 (Ashland

Chemicals) and Derakane 510A (Dow Chemical Canada Inc).

Information from the resin manufacturers' product data sheets

indicated that: Hetron 99P is a fully promoted, thixotropic,

fire-retardant, chemical resistant polyester resin; Hetron

197AT is a Class 1 fire-retardant, chemical resistant, heat

resistant, unsaturated polyester resin; Hetron 27196 and

Hetron 692TP25 are low viscosity, thixotropic, halogenated,

flame retardant polyester resins containing styrene; and

Derakane 510A is a corrosion resistant, chemical resistant,

fire resistant vinyl ester resin. The resins were catalyzed

with 0.15 phr (parts per hundred resin by weight) of the

accelerator cobalt naphthenate (Nuodex DMR, Nuodex Canada


Ltd) and 1.0 phr of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide catalyst

(Lupersol DDM-9, Pennwalt).

All of the resins used in this study contained

proprietary halogenated materials which were intended to

provide fire-retardancy characteristics through the chemical

combination of chlorine and/or bromine molecules with the

polymeric resin.

2.2. Sample Preparation

Solid or liquid samples to be studied by Differential

Scanning Calorimetry were placed in a sample pan and a sample

pan cover was crimped in position using a crimper press.

Tweezers were used for handling both the sample and the pans

as body oils can produce spurious peaks. Maximum peak

sharpness and resolution was obtained when surface contact

between the sample and sample pan was optimum. Thus, sample

configurations such as thin discs or films gave the best


Sample preparation of the resin systems involved mixing

the resins with the required volume of catalyst and fire

retardant and allowing the mixture to cure, at room

temperature (200C), in the aluminum sample pans. Aluminum

pans were used for the analysis since the temperature range

of interest was below the melting point for aluminum.

A pair of hardened samples of the different resin

mixtures was then placed in a drying oven for one hour at

either 500C, 750C, 100 0C or 125 0 C. The temperature of the

drying oven never deviated by more than ± 20C.

2.3. Instrument Parameters

The samples were analyzed on the Perkin-Elmer Model

DSC-2 Differential Scanning Calorimeter [4] and all data were

analyzed using the Perkin Elmer Model 3700 Thermal Analysis


Data Station. The DSC was calibrated using both indium and

potassium chromate standards. The resin samples were heated

from 300 0 K to 500 0 K at 20 deg/min. Ice water was used as the

coolant, and the nitrogen purge gas was set to give a flow of

20 mL/min over the sample. A complete detailed working

description of the Differential Scanning Calorimeter is

provided in a previous document [5].

2.4. Tg and Tmin

The Thermal Analysis Data station uses the output from

the DSC to calculate several different parameters, such as

the glass transition temperatre (Tg) and the peak minimum

temperature (Tmin) • (By convention the peak inflection point,

which is maximum in the endo direction, is designated as the

peak minimum.) Glass transition temperatures were only

obtainable for certain resin mixtures. For the majority of

the resins evaluated the Tg peaks were immediately followed by

an exothermic cure peak, which prevented a precise glass

transition analysis of those resins. The Tmin values,

however, were available for all of the polyester and vinyl

ester resin mixtures. The Tmin values are generally only

several degrees higher than the Tg values and thus these

values were used to demonstrate the effect of post-curing and

an+imony trioxide addition.

Values such as peak minimum, peak onset and heat of

fusion are conventionally calculated by choosing the limits

as points just before and just after the recorded peak;

however, peak minimum values calculated by the data station

are affected by the flatness of the peak baseline (the line

drawn between the two selected points on each side of the

peak). The computer sets the Tmin value as the point with the

greatest perpendicular distance from the peak baseline.

Usually, in a glass transition thermogram, the baseline after

the peak is higher than the baseline before the peak, and

thus the peak baseline slopes upwards. This lowers the Tmin


value as selected by the computer. This principle is

demonstrated in Figure 1, in which the Tmin value calculated

using a sloping baseline is 0.8 degrees lower than that when

a horizontal baseline was forced. Therefore, the peak

minimum values must be obtained by choosing two limits inside

the peak that will produce a horizontal baseline. This

procedure was used to obtain the peak minimum values reported

in Table 1.


Fox [6] has shown that the Tg is related to the cross-

link density of a thermoset through the following equation.

Tg = Tg (copolymerization) + (ATg)MW + KU

where Tg (copolymerization) = the changein Tg as the oligomeric polymerincorporates the cross-linker into itsstructure,

(ATg)MW = the increase in Tg due tothe increase in molecular weight ofthe prepolymer which undergoes chainextention prior to gelation, and

KU = effective cross-link density.

The first two terms on the right hand side of the

equation are constant after gelation because the material is

considered to have an infinite molecular weight due to its

three dimensional network structure. In other words, Tg is

proportional to the cross-link density (1) after gelation.

The Tg of a polymer is not an absolute number because it

depends or the technique used to make the measurement (DSC,

DTA or DMA) as well as the selected test parameters.

However, the Tg's measured under identical conditions can be

compared in order to describe the molecular internal

structure of the material.


Figures 2 through 6 show the combined DSC plots for each

of the individual resin system studied at the various

different cure temperatures. Examination of the DSC

thermograms for Hetron 27196 obtained after a one hour post-

cure at 500 C, 750C and 100 0C (Curves b-d, Figure 2)

demonstrate the observed increase in peak minimum location

and the corresponding change in the total peak shape, as a

function of increasing post-cure temperature. The presence

of an exothermic peak, which follows the endothermic glass

transition peak in the thermograms, is indicative of

incomplete curing of this sample when it was cured at ambient

temperature (curve a). The exothermic peak reduced in size

as the post-cure temperature of the resin was increased,

until it was no longer observed (curve d). The DSC

thermograms for the other four resin systems (Figures 3-6)

exhibit these same trends, albeit to a lesser extent.

It is interesting to note that two of the resin systems,

Hetron 99P and Hetron 692TP25 (Figures 4 and 5), have a small

increase (5-150 C) in the measured Tmin value as a function of

the increasing cure, while the other three resin systems,

Hetron 197AT, Hetron 27196 and Derakane 510A (Figures 2, 3

and 6), have a larger increase (60-750 C) in the measured Tmin

value (Table 1). This may be related to the degree-of-cure

in the initial room temperature curing process.

According to Fox's equation, once the resin is hardened

any observed increase in Tg should be attributed to an

increase in the cross-link density and not to an increase in

the molecular weight (MW). To confirm this, the five

polymers were subjected to MW determinations using high

performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC).

Figure 7 shows a plot of HPSEC retention time, which is

related to the molecular weight, vs. post-cure temperature

for the five resin systems. As can be seen from the data,


the relative molecular weights of the resins did not seem to

increase to any notable extent as the post-cure temperature

was increased; however, the observed increase in the Tmin

values and the disappearance of the curing exotherm in the

corresponding DSC thermograms indicates that, for each given

thermoset resin, the post-curing resulted in a greater cross-

link density (1) and therefore a higher degree-of-cure.

Since the Tg of a polymer is closely related to the

physical properties of the polymer, it is reasonable to

assume then that the resin systems with the least amount of

change to their glass transition point, as a function of

post-curing, would be the polymers with a minimal amount of

change to their physical properties. However, since

increasing the degree-of-cure of a thermosetting polymer

generally increases the fire retardancy, then the resin

system which attained the highest Tmin value upon curing would

be the better fire resistant resin. It must be pointed out

that for several of the resin systems studied, these higher

Tg'S were only achieved by post-curing the resins at 1000 C for

one hour.

The effect of the degree-of-cure on the mechanical

properties of a polyester resin system is demonstrated in

Figure 8. A plot of the measured storage modulus vs.

temperature for a series of increasing degree-of-cure samples

(as reflected by increased post-cure temperatures) indicated

that for samples which were only partially cured (Tpost-cure <

750C), the storage modulus decreased in the temperature range

of 40-800 C; however, for the samples which were more

completely cured (Tpost-cure > 75 0 C), the storage modulus

remained relatively constant in the same temperature range.

The ability of a material to exhibit a minimal change to its

modulus over a wide temperature range is an important

requirement for structural applications.


An earlier study indicated that fire-retardants such as

antimony trioxide can be added to these polyester and vinyl

ester resin systems to impart improved fire performance [7]..

Consequently, the effect that addition of antimony trioxide

has on the glass transition temperature and cross-link

density was investigated.

Using the Differential Scanning Calorimeter, values for

Tmin were obtained for the same five resins with 0, 2.5, 5,

7.5 and 10 phr antimony trioxide loadings. The plots of Tmin

vs post-cure temperature are shown in Figures 9 through 13,

and it can be noted that the Tmin values increased with

increased post-cure temperature for all of the resin systems

irrespective of the amount of antimony trioxide added.

Although for some of the resins the data were somewhat

scattered, a trend can easily be seen which suggests that

antimony trioxide additions have a negligible effect on the

measured Tmin values for these resins. That is to say, the

addition of up to 10 phr antimony trioxide had no measurable

effect on the degree-of-cure (cross-link density) as a

function of post-cure temperature, and thus would have no

effect on the net mechanical properties.


Results indicated that the effect of post-curing was to

increase the amount of cross-linking for the polyester and

vinyl ester resins, as evident by an increase in the glass

transition temperature. The increased degree-of-cure

resulted in a beneficial change to the physical properties as

reflected by the invariance in the storage modulus; however,

the addition of up to 10 parts per hundred resin (phr) of the

fire-retardant, antimony trioxide was shown to have a

negligible effect on the onset of the glass transition point.



Peak Minimum Values by DSC as a Function of Post-Cure

Temperature for Resins with no Antimony Trioxide

Resin Post-Cure Temperature (°C)

20 50 75 100 125

Hetron 99P 73.63 75.01 - 76.33 79.39

Hetron 197AT 75.35 78.75 - 119.87 139.63

Hetron 27196 59.71 74.73 98.25 113.75 -

Hetron 692TP25 57.43 57.06 66.20 67.17 -

Derakane 510A 53.90 51.28 - 111.36 131.46


2.00 PE " ' " . ..

PEAK FROM: 42TO: 69 a

ONSET: 47.81 a

1.50 CAL/GRAM: .42M1.50 •MAX: 59.93PEAK FROM 5 -FOR BASELINE b

TO: 69 ~.bw ONSET: 541

~ 1.00 \CAL/GRAM: .15 -,


a.50- MAX: 59.1


0.00 I I I , -27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97


Figure 1 DSC Thermogram demonstrating the difference

in Tmin values as a function of peak limits.

5.00 . . . . . . .

a = 20'Cb = 50 Cc= 75"C

3.75 d = 100C

a b c d " /'2.60

E .



27 47 67 87 107 127 147 167


Figure 2 DSC Thermograms vs. Cure Temperature for

Hetron 27196.


5.00 . -

a = 200Cb = 500CC = 1 0O1C

3.75 - d = 12500 d -



47 67 87 107 127 147 167TEMPERATURE (00)

Figure 3 DSC Thermograms vs. Cure Temperature for

Hetron 197 AT.

5.00 , I II III

a = 200Cb = 50"Cc = 1 0000

3.75 - d = 125'C



37 57 77 97 117 137 157


Figure 4 DSC Thermograms vs. Cure Temperature for

Hetron 99P.

- 12-

5.00 ,TI 1 .a = 200,b = 50"Cc = 751C

3.75 - d = 10000C


2-07 -47 6L7 87 107 127 147 167TEMPERATURE (-0)

Figure 5 DSC Thermograms vs. Cure Temperature for

Hetron 692TP25.

5.00 ,

a = 200Cb = 50'"C

c= 1o00"c3.75 - d = 1250C



37 57 77 97 117 137 157TEMPERATURE (-C)

Figure 6 DSC Thermograms vs. Cure Temperature for

Derakane 510A.




0 - -Hetron 99PF= 8 Hetron 197AT

-U Hetron 27196W - Hetron 692TP25

cc~ ~ - Derakane 51OA

17 1- .0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Figure 7 Plot of Retention Time for Gel Permeation

Chromatograpy vs. Cure Temperature for all




30 40 506 0 0 9


Figure 8 Plot of Storage Modulus vs. Temperature for

Hetron 27196 as a Function of Post-Cure



125 . • ,

- 0% Sb2O4C- 2.5% Sb204

----- 5% Sb2O41 7.5% Sb204

.--- 10% Sb204

Hetron 27196


50 * " I . I

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Figure 9 Plot of Peak Temperature vs. Cure Temperature

for Hetron 27196.


0- 0% Sb2040. 125 - 2.5% Sb204

-!! 5Sb2O4-' 7.5% Sb204-a-10% Sb204


Hetron 197ATW 75

50 . * . * . , , *

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


Figure 10 Plot of Peak Temperature vs. Cure Temperature

for Hetron 197 AT.


100 .

--0- 0% Sb2O4& * 2.5%/ Sb2O4

.- 90 - 5% Sb204

1- 7.5% Sb2O4

z 80 -

WU 70 -Hetron 99P


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


Figure 11 Plot of Peak Temperature vs. Cure Temperature

for Hetron 99P.

80 1 -- I -t . -r r

o- 0% Sb2O4--- 2.5% Sb2O4 Hetron 692 TP 25

S70 5% Sb2O4-4-- 7.5% Sb2O4-1w-100%Sb2O4

Id 60w


0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Figure 12 Plot of Peak Temperature vs. Cure Temperature

for Hetron 692 TP 25.


140Derakane 51 OA

~120 -W N- OSb2O44---2.5%/ Sb2O4

100 U 5% Sb2O44-7.5% Sb2O4

so . ....... 100/6 Sb2O4


40 . .

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


Figure 13 Plot of Peak Temperature vs. Cure Temperature

for Derakane 510A.


1. R.M. Morchat, "Fire-Resistant GRP for Marine Use", DREANote DL/86/3, June 1986, (Informal Report).

2 R.B. Prime, "Thermosets" in Thermal Characterization ofPolymeric Materials, E. Turi, Academic Press, 1981.

3. Billmeyer, Fred W.,Jr. "Textbook of Polymer Science",2nd ed., New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1971.

4. Perkin-Elmer Corporation, "Instructions: Model DSC-2Differential Scanning Calorimeter", Norwalk, Conn.,Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 1975.

5. R.M. Morchat, I.A. Keough and K.E. MacDonald,"Determination of Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) UsingDifferential Scanning Calorimetry", DREA Note DL/88/2,February 1988, (Informal Report).

6 Fox, T.G. and Loshaek, S., J of Polymer Science, 15, 371(1955).

7. R.M. Morchat, "The Effect of Antimony Trioxide Additionon the Flammability Characteristics of Polyester andVinyl Ester Glass-reinforced Plastics", DREA TM/89/213,January 1989.



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The Effect of Post-Cure and Antimony Trioxide Addition on the Glass Transition ofPolyester and Vinyl Ester Resin Systems

4. AUTHORS (Last name. first name, middle initial. If military, show rank. e.g. Doe. Maj. John E.)

Morchat, Richard M., Keough, Irvin A., and Dwyer, J.G.

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The effect of post-curing on the glass transition temperature (Tg) of a variety ofstyrene cross-linked polyester and vinyl ester resins was determined by monitoring thechanges to Tg using a Differential Scanning Calorimeter. The effect of 01ding theinorganic fire-retardant, antimony trioxide, on the Tg of these resin systems was alsoinvestigated.

Results indicated that the effect of post-curing was to increase the amount ofcross-linking of the polyester and vinyl ester resins, as evident by the beneficial increase inthe glass transition temperature and changes to the storage modulus. The addition of up to10 parts per hundred resin (phr) of the fire-retardant, antimony trioxide, had a negligibleeffect on the onset of the glass transition point.

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polyestervinyl esterpost-cureglass transitionantimony trioxideDSC



DTIC MAR 99 · The addition of up to 10 parts per hundred resin ... accelerator cobalt naphthenate (Nuodex DMR, Nuodex Canada-3-Ltd) ... potassium chromate standards. - [PDF Document] (2024)
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