Common Study Abroad Interview Questions to Prepare For (2024)

Every abroad study program does not have an in-person interview as part of its application process, but when it comes to interviewing, one would surely think of the most famous questions and their answers. A candidate should be mentally prepared for the day of the interview and with the increase in the number of applicants for top universities or colleges, more and more programs are including an interview as a selection criterion of applicants. So, here we have some most commonly asked questions and their ideal answers and the strategy to answer perfectly.

Common Study Abroad Interview Questions to Prepare For (2)

1. Why did you choose this program?

The answer to this question tells your determination and future planning and career goals. It tells why the specific program attracted you to the application. The answer should not be only related to the Place you want to study, it should be unique and should clearly distinguish between the other programs located in the same country. The answer should give an image to the interview that you are a better student in their particular program.

2. How do you solve problems or address emergencies?

This question wants you to describe your general methodology or thought process when confronted with an unexpected issue or problem, while your study in abroad country. It determines whether you panic or you can think quickly and what would you do to solve the emergency?

The person interviewing assess your behavior and problem handling strategy. It also sees how you approach challenges. This will tell the advisers and other administrators, how to help you in a better way.

3. What do you hope to learn or discover in your time abroad?

The alternate question for this would be- what do you want to get out of your experience? What’s the goal? Education at an abroad college or university looking for a very driven student, who would stick to his/her goal of studying and will get the most out of their time abroad, so for this you have to present yourself as a motivated and focused individual.

4. What’s your communication style?

A person expecting to study abroad should have excellent communication skills, otherwise, the trips abroad would be impossible. It tells the people around you where you are from, from time to time. It also reveals about your plans and progress abroad. So share your tendencies and preferences regarding communication.

It makes the interviewer understand how you process information and organize it (email versus text message, straightforward/face-to-face communication versus electronic, etc). It will minimize confusion and avoid negative experiences too.

5. Who are you and what excites you about studying abroad?

This will the most important question and it is also the hardest questions to answer sometimes. You should jot down some bullet points of details about yourself that are very important. It will help you in a great way when this question is asked. You should include a piece of brief information about your background if relevant/applicable, and throw in some details about the most crucial experiences to your college experience so far. Also, tell about campus leadership positions or involvements you might have in student organizations or departments. The common qualities which should reflect from your answer should be initiative, ambition, communication and organization skills, passion, and responsibility. Also, include the things you learn abroad into your life back at home.

Common Study Abroad Interview Questions to Prepare For (3)

There’s no guarantee you’ll be asked every one of these questions, but if it happens, then prepare for advance and you can also make a little reference sheet for yourself stating the important details of yourself, your reason for pursuing opportunities abroad, your relevant experiences as well as the aspirations you have for your trip abroad.

It is very important to stay genuine and relaxed. Be authentic and focused, and we are sure that your name will be on the selection list.

Common Study Abroad Interview Questions to Prepare For (2024)
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