Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (2024)

The Masked Carnivale is a set of solo duties for Blue Mage. Initiallyintroduced in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood when the job itself was introduced,it has been updated with new stages each time Blue Mage has been updated! Manyof the stages act as puzzles requiring certain combinations of spells in orderto be cleared, while some act as difficult encounters approaching Extreme trialdifficulty! This page contains guides for each stage, so check below if you needhelp with a specific stage!

The Masked Carnivale is fun! But seriously there are some good rewards forcompleting stages in the Masked Carnivale. It is required for the Blue Mage jobquests, which allows us to get access to our job gear and new rewards from theBlue Mage vendor.

Some stages will have achievements and titles associated with them and theguide will include specific notes about those achievements where applicable.

The last reason, and one of the biggest ones, is that the Masked Carnivalerewards Allied Seals! There are weekly challenges that grant 550 Allied Seals ontop of the default rewards for completing the stages. Why does this matter? Youcan buy Aetheryte Tickets for 5 Allied Seals each, which means for very littletime investment you can get 110 free teleports per week! Over time this adds upto quite a bit of gil. I haven't paid for a teleport in years thanks to theMasked Carnivale.

Many of the stages don't require too many spells. At minimum it is generallygood to have:

Some stages will require specific spells and the guide for each stage willlist them where needed. As a general rule you can get away with just the spellsabove for most stages, but stages will get significantly easier with moredamage. Having powerful primal spells like Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (1) Nightbloom orBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (2) Feather Rain will help you kill enemies much faster.Additionally, our "Vibe Check" combo of Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (3) The Ram's Voice andBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (4) Ultravibration can be used to cheese some stages, which willalso be mentioned in the stage guides where applicable.


Masked Carnivale Stage Guides

Below you will find the guide for each stage in the Masked Carnivale.When there are spell recommendations for a stage, the default recommendationwill be to use spells that can be learned in the overworld (outside ofdungeons and trials). If you prefer a video format, there is a Blue AcademyYouTube playlist with a video for each stage here.

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8Stage 9Stage 10Stage 11Stage 12Stage 13Stage 14Stage 15Stage 16Stage 17Stage 18Stage 19Stage 20Stage 21Stage 22Stage 23Stage 24Stage 25Stage 26Stage 27Stage 28Stage 29Stage 30Stage 31Stage 32


All's Well That Starts Well


Act 1

This is our introduction to the Masked Carnivale. This stage is verystraightforward; we just need to kill the enemies and avoid their AOEs.

All enemies in this stage can be Vibe Checked.


Much Ado About Pudding


Recommended Spells

  • Water filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (5) Water Cannon.
  • Wind filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (6) Sonic Boom.
  • Earth filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (7) Plaincracker.
  • Lightning filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (8) Electrogenesis.
  • Fire filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (9) Bomb Toss.
  • Ice filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (10) Northerlies.


Act 1 & 2

This stage is our introduction to elemental aspects. You will want to usea filler spell that corresponds to each slime's weakness, which is visibleover their heads. Simply go through each slime one at a time and kill them.They will eventually cast Golden Tongue which increases their damage. Thisisn't very scary, but you can interrupt it usingBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (11) Flying Sardine if you want to.

All enemies in this stage can be Vibe Checked.


Waiting for Golem


Recommended Spells

  • Water filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (12) Water Cannon.


Act 1

This stage is very straightforward. We just need to kill the golemZipacna. It will cast a ground-targeted AOE called Earthen Heart, which wecan either interrupt with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (13) Flying Sardine or avoidentirely. It will eventually cast Obliterate which must beinterrupted.


Gentlemen Prefer Swords


Recommended Spells

  • Lightning filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (14) Electrogenesis.
  • Fire filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (15) Bomb Toss.


Act 1

In Act 1 we just need to kill the bats and the wolf. They do hit quitehard, so make sure to keep yourself healed up while they beat on you.


Act 2

In Act 2 we need to kill Kreios who behaves like any other colossus inthe game. There will be some Grand Strike line AOEs to dodge and a MagitekField cast to interrupt. He will also spawn a bunch of Beetles but these canmostly be ignored.

All enemies in this stage can be Vibe Checked.


The Threepenny Turtles


Recommended Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (16) 1000 Needles, but Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (17) Doom and other"death" spells work, too.


Act 1

In this stage we only have to kill three turtles. The probem is they havea massive damage reduction buff. However, we can useBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (18) 1000 Needles since this always deals 1,000 damageregardless of mitigation. Death spells such as Doom also work on theturtles.

All enemies in this stage can be Vibe Checked.. but it is difficult tohit all three at once.


Eye Society


Recommended Spells

  • An AOE filler spell and a Lightning filler spell.Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (19) Electrogenesis works for both conditions.


Act 1

In Act 1 we need to defeat two Mandragoras and two Catoblepas. TheCatoblepas use gaze/look away mechanics, but we can actually avoid thisentirely by getting hit by the Madragoras' Teary Twirl! Teary Twirl appliesa blind which makes us immune to the gaze attacks. Simply get hit by TearyTwirl and then kill all the enemies.


Act 2

Act 2 follows the same principle but this time we have two Ahriman todeal with. The Ahriman will cast Stone which will still hit us, so make sureto keep yourself healed.

The Ahriman can be Vibe Checked.


A Chorus Slime


Required Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (20) Sticky Tongue

This is our first real "puzzle" stage, and it's a fun one!


Act 1

In Act 1 we have one Lava Slime and two Ice Sprites. This serves as our"tutorial" act. Simply kill the Lava Slime and it will explode and kill thetwo Ice Sprites. Make sure you're not close to it when it explodes!


Act 2

In Act 2 we have four Lava Slimes and four Ice Sprites. UseBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (21) Sticky Tongue to pull each slime near an Ice Sprite, thenget to a safe distance and kill the slime.


Act 3

In Act 3 we have six Lava Slimes and two Gladiatorial Node. The nodeswill cast a lethal AOE periodically, but as long as we are out of line ofsight (behind the wall) we are safe. What we need to do is pull slimes nextto the nodes and then blow them up. Three slime explosions will kill eachnode. You can pull slimes between the nodes to hit both at the sametime.


Bomb-edy of Errors


Act 1

Act 1 acts as our "tutorial" act. Simply blow up the closest Cherry Bomband watch the chain reaction as everything explodes!


Act 2

In Act 2 we have a bunch of bombs and a Progenitrix. If we hit the CherryBomb it will cause nearby bombs to explode, and the blue bombs will freezethe Progenitrix. Make sure to be in combat with the Progenitrix beforeblowing up bombs, as it will heal up otherwise. Our goal is to just kill theProgenitrix while avoiding its AOEs and interrupting Burst withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (22) Flying Sardine.

The Progenitrix can be Vibe Checked, but only if you apply the DeepFreeze/Petrify yourself. The freeze from the blue bombs does not count.


To Kill a Mockingslime

  • Water filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (23) Water Cannon.
  • Wind filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (24) Sonic Boom.
  • Earth filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (25) Plaincracker.
  • Lightning filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (26) Electrogenesis.
  • Fire filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (27) Bomb Toss.
  • Ice filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (28) Northerlies.


Act 1

This stage is similar to Stage 2 (Much Ado About Pudding). There is onelarge slime, Guimauve, that we must kill. It will cast a ground-targeted AOEcalled Dark, which we just need to avoid. It will also cast Golden Tonguewhich should be interrupted with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (29) Flying Sardine. Puddingswith different elemental weaknesses will spawn throughout the encounter.They are quite weak, so just kill them before switching back toGuimauve.


A Little Knight Music


Act 1

In this stage we need to defeat Crom Dubh, a small colossus. He does alot of the same abilities as other colossi, so simply dodge and interruptaccordingly. He will cast King's Will which makes him grow in size,increasing the damage he deals while reducing the damage he takes. This can be interrupted.


Achievement Info

The achievement "The Harder They Fall" is earned by defeating Crom Dubhafter allowing him to cast King's Will three times. He does not cast thisbelow 35% HP, so make sure to keep him above 35% until he has cast it threetimes. Once he's cast it three times he begins casting Black Nebula whichshould be interrupted. He also hits very hard at this point, so make sure tokeep yourself healed.


Some Like It Excruciatingly Hot


Recommended Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (30) Hydro Pull


Act 1

Act 1 has two Gas Bombs casting Fulmination. If the cast finishes we die,but it's not interruptable. However, whenever the Gas Bombs take any damagethey will get knocked back which interrupts the cast. All we need to do iskeep attacking them to interrupt the casts until they're dead.


Act 2

Act 2 is the same as Act 1 but with four Gas Bombs this time. We can justattack and switch target as before, but an even easier strategy is to standin the exact center of the arena and spam Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (31) Hydro Pull. Thiswill hit all the Gas Bombs and pull them to you, so you can just keepspamming it until they all die.


The Plant-om of the Opera


Recommended Spells

  • Water filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (32) Water Cannon.


Required Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (33) Ice Spikes
  • A Stun spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (34) Faze.


Act 1

There are four Roselets around the arena. ApplyBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (35) Ice Spikes to yourself then aggro one of the Roselets. Allof them will attack you but die immediately to the Ice Spikes damage.


Act 2

In Act 2 we need to kill the Hydnora. It will cast some cone AOEs that weneed to sidestep to avoid. When it casts Spore Sac, useBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (36) Ice Spikes. Many Roselets will spawn around the arena butdie as soon as they attack you. When Hydnora casts Infallible Fumes, you caninterrupt the cast by stunning it.


Beauty and a Beast


Act 1

Act 1 has two Vodorigas that are petrified and one Haagenti that is not.We just need to kill these enemies while avoiding AOEs.


Act 2

In Act 2 we need to kill Carmilla, who is reminiscent of previoussuccubus bosses we've seen in dungeons. We need to dodge her AOEs, look awayfrom her gaze attacks, and interrupt the Beguiling Mist cast. She willeventually spawn a Succubus add which we need to kill quickly. If we don'tkill the add, she will consume the Succubus and kill us.

The enemies in Act 1 can be Vibe Checked.


Blobs in the Woods


Required Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (37) Loom


Act 1

Act 1 has two Jams behind some familiar "line of sight" walls. We justneed to kill the Jams and be on the opposite side of the wall from them whenthey blow up afterwards.


Act 2

Act 2 has four Jams this time around a center square. When we attackthese Jams, they apply a Heavy that reduces our speed that we can't reallymove at all. The way we handle this is with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (38) Loom. Attacka Jam until it dies and starts casting The Last Song. Once it beginscasting, use Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (39) Loom to teleport away out of its line ofsight using the center square. Repeat this for each Jam until they're alldead.


The Me Nobody Nodes


Act 1

This stage is notoriously difficult for a lot of people. It is the firststage where we actually need to respect mechanics! Our main target is theBestial Node, but it spawns a Shabti shortly into the fight. The Shabti hasa very strong damage up buff which lasts for 20 seconds that will cause itto one-shot us. We can handle this by putting it to sleep withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (40) Sleep. Once the damage up buff wears off we need to make sure tokill the Shabti, otherwise it eventually enrages and will just kill us.While we're doing this we need to avoid attacks from the Bestial Node.Piercing Laser is a line AOE, Repelling Cannons is a point-blank AOE,Superstorm is a donut AOE, and Ballast is a 270 degree Plaincracker-styleAOE which we can avoid by going to the back of the node. High Voltage is anuanvoidable AOE that applies paralysis, but it can be interrupted withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (41) Flying Sardine. Eventually two Serpents will spawn thatneed to be killed. When they die they apply a vulnerability stack to anynearby targets, including the node itself.


Sunset Bull-evard


Recommended Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (42) Diamondback


Act 1

Act 1 has two slow-moving Cyclops enemies that will one-shot us if theyget close. All we need to do is keep our distance and kill them. They arevulnerable to Heavy, so spells like Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (43) Reflux can be helpfulhere if you are struggling.


Act 2

The main enemy in Act 2 is Tikbalang which is the same as any otherminotaur in the game. Tikbalang will cast 10-tonze Slash which is a cone AOEthat we need to sidestep. It will also cast 111-tonze Swing which is apoint-blank AOE that we avoid by getting away. After some time it will castVoice of Authority and spawn a Cyclops from Act 1. Kill the Cyclops whilemaintaining distance and continuing to avoid Tikbalang's attacks. Tikbalangeventually casts Cry of Rage, which we can avoid by looking away, followedby The Bull's Voice which is a critical hit rate up buff that cannot beremoved. It will then pull us close and apply a Heavy, then start channeling1111-tonze Swing. If Tikbalang is at the edge of the arena we can useBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (44) Loom to get to the safe side, but the easiest solution isto just cast Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (45) Diamondback. Tikbalang will then charge usand knock us back using Zoom In. Try to position yourself so you won't getknocked into the electric ring around the arena. After this he will cast10-tonze Wave which is a donut AOE, and the fight mostly loops from here.There are a lot of mechanics to dodge in this fight and it can take a fewtries to complete it successfully.


The Sword of Music


Act 1

In Act 1 we have two Claw enemies to defeat. The Left Claw has aRepelling Spray buff that reflects magic damage, and the Right Claw has aRepelling Spray buff that reflects physical damage. Use the opposing damagetype to defeat each Claw, but be mindful of AOE so you don't reflect damageback at yourself. They will cast some line and cone AOEs that need to beavoided, but otherwise aren't very threatening.


Act 2

Our friend Kreios returns in Act 2 and he behaves essentially the same asin his previous stage. Wittle him down while avoiding AOEs, and eventuallyhe will spawn the claws from Act 1. Kill the hands as before while dodgingAOEs, then go back to finishing off Kreios. Kreios will cast Magitek Raywhich is a ground-targeted AOE that leaves behind a fire puddle. You caninterrupt this or just avoid it altogether.

All enemies in this stage can be Vibe Checked, including Kreios in Act2.


Midsummer Night's Explosion


Act 1

In Act 1 we have a Manticore and a bunch of barrels. The Manticore willdo a swipe attack, a charge attack, and a fireball attack much like otherManticores. If it hits a barrel it will explode and take a ton of damage. Wecan also blow up the barrels ourselves. The goal is to lead the Manticorearound the arena and detonate barrels nearby until it dies. If there arestill barrels up when it dies, kill them to move onto the next stage.


Act 2

Act 2 is the same as Act 1 but this time we have two Manticores!We can handle this the same way as Act 1, but ideally we want to keep theManticores nearby because they will actually damage each other with theirattacks, too!

All enemies in this stage can be Vibe Checked.


On a Clear Day You Can Smell Forever


Recommended Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (46) Ink Jet will make this stage significantly easier, but it is not strictly required.


Act 1

In Act 1 Reflective Rebekkah will cast Reflect, which means any magicaldamage she takes will be reflected right back at us, so we need to usephysical spells to kill her. Dodge the AOEs and interrupt Offal Breath ifyou want, but otherwise we're just killing her. She does hit quite hard, somake sure to keep yourself healed up!


Act 2

Act 2 is very similar to Act 1 but there is a slight twist. At some pointshe will cast Schizocarps which spawns a bunch of Hot Hips around the arenathat cast a gaze attack. Just like with Eye Society if we're blinded we canignore the gaze attack. If we cast Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (47) Ink Jet on ReflectiveRebekkah, she will reflect it back onto us and we get blinded. If you don'thave Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (48) Ink Jet, you can go to the edge of the arena betweentwo Hot Hips and look directly between them and avoid the gaze attack. Thepositioning is very tight, though, so I recommend usingBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (49) Ink Jet.


Miss Typhon


Recommended Spells

  • Fire filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (50) Bomb Toss.
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (51) Final Sting
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (52) Whistle
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (53) Moon Flute
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (54) Off-guard


Required Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (55) Diamondback


Act 1

In Act 1 we need to defeat Typhon. This is pretty straightforward and wejust need to dodge Fireballs as they're cast. Eventually Typhon will castSnort followed by three unavoidable Fireball casts. We could healthrough these very quickly, but it is much easier to just useBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (56) Diamondback when the Snort cast starts.


Act 2

In Act 2 we need to defeat Ultros. This essentially just means avoidinghis AOEs, but we need to watch for Imp Song and make sure we interrupt itwith Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (57) Flying Sardine.


Act 3

Act 3 is quite chaotic as we need to fight both Typhon and Ultros. Theywill do the same things as before, only this time Ultros will also spawnfour tentacles that make things a lot more chaotic. If you have therecommended spells above, refer to the achievement info for this stage foran easier way to handle this.


Achievement Info

The achievement "Octopath Traveler" is earned by completing this stagewithout defeating any Ultros tentacles. This sounds tricky, but it'sactually really easy to cheese it! If we use a fully buffedBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (58) Final Sting on Typhon in Act 3, he will die immediatelyand we will get the achievement. This is significantly easier than doing thestage the "intended" way, so I recommend doing it this way.


Chimera on a Hot Tin Roof


Act 1

Act 1 is pretty straightforward. We have two Imps that we need to kill.They will cast Void Blizzard which can be interrupted, and Icefall which canbe avoided by moving out of the AOE.


Act 2

If you've seen one Chimera you've seen them all, and the Chimera in Act 2is no different. If it casts The Ram's Voice get away, and if it casts TheDragon's Voice get close. It will also cast The Ram's Keeper which puts afrost puddle on the ground. This can be interrupted or dodged. Eventually itwill spawn Imps and these can just be handled the same as in Act 1.

The Imps in this stage can be Vibe Checked.


Here Comes the Boom


Recommended Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (59) Sticky Tongue


Act 1

In Act 1 there are four Grenades sleeping around the perimeter of thearena. When we attack them they detonate, so just blow them all up!


Act 2

In Act 2 we have The Forefather to deal with. This is similar to theProgenitrix from a previous stage but a little bit more complicated. He willcast Sap which we need to avoid and eventually there will be a bunch ofground-targeted AOEs that cover most of the ground. We need to quickly findthe small safe space and stand in it. He will then cast Bombshell Drop andspawn a Grenade which we need to kill before The Forefather blows it up withIgnition. The mechanics will loop a bit until he spawns a Gas Bomb andstarts channeling Burst. What we want to do is useBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (60) Sticky Tongue to pull the Gas Bomb on top of TheForefather. When it casts Flashthoom it will stun The Forefather andinterrupt the Burst cast. The fight loops from this point until we killhim.


Behemoths and Broomsticks


Act 1

This stage is pretty straightforward if you're familiar with Behemoths,but can be daunting if you're not! The Behemoth will cast Charybdis whichspawns a tornado that we need to avoid. It will also cast Trounce which is anarrow cone AOE that we need to avoid. Eventually it will cast Comet whichspawns several very large circular AOEs in several waves that we also needto avoid. After a long time it will start casting Ecliptic Meteor, which weneed Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (61) Diamondback to survive. The mechanics will just keeplooping, but as long as you know how to handle them it should be noproblem.


Amazing Technicolor Pit Fiends


Required Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (62) Diamondback or Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (63) Exuviation

This stage is a love letter to the Great Gubal Library, so if you likedthat dungeon you'll like this stage!


Act 1

In Act 1 we have a Viking and a Magus to deal with. The Magus is onlyvulnerable to physical spells, and the Viking is only vulnerable to magicalspells, so use your magical/physical filler spells accordingly. There aresome AOEs to avoid, but it's nothing we haven't seen before.


Act 2

In Act 2 we have to deal with a Scribe. It will eventually cast Silence,followed by Condensed Libra (which applies a big vuln to us), and thenTriple Hit. Regardless of how we handle the Triple Hit, we need to interruptSilence with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (64) Flying Sardine. After that, we can eithercleanse the vuln from Condensed Libra with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (65) Exuviation oruse Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (66) Diamondback to survive. After that the Scribe willstart casting Mechanogravity and spawn a Magus and Viking from Act 1. Avoidthe AOEs and kill the enemies while making sure to interrupt Silence whenthe Scribe casts it.


Act 3

In Act 3 we have to defeat an Epilogi Page Tear is a swipe which we dodgeby getting out of its front. Magic Hammer is a large ground-targeted AOEthat we need to step out of. Gale Cut will spawn small Vacuum Wave cloudsthat eventually blow up in a small AOE with Vacuum Blade. Just before theyexplode, Epilogi will cast Head Down which knocks us back. Get close toEpilogi and aim yourself such that you won't get knocked into any VacuumWaves. Eventually Epilogi will cast Bone Shaker and spawn two Magi which wewant kill before we become overwhelmed, as this will happen multipletimes. Rinse and repeat until it's dead!


Dirty Rotten Azulmagia


Required Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (67) Loom

This is our first true "boss stage" and it's the final one in our Level50 stages! This is definitely one that will take some practice, so don't getdiscouraged if it takes several tries!


Act 1

Azulmagia starts out by casting Ice Spikes which will reflect anyphysical damage back at us, so we must use magical spells to handle him. Hewill cast The Ram's Voice and The Dragon's Voice, which we dodge the sameway we would with a Chimera (Ram = out, Dragon = in). Apocalyptic Bolt is aline AOE that we can just sidestep. The tricky AOE that he casts isPlaincracker, which starts as a point-blank circle AOE but is followed up byseveral large donut AOEs. This can be combined with Apocalyptic Roar, a bigcone AOE, making dodging quite difficult!


Act 2

Act 2 will be similar to Act 1 except this time Azulmagia uses RepellingSpray and will reflect magical damage back to us, so we must use physicaldamage spells. The mechanics are going to be exactly the same, except hewill eventually cast Blazing Angon and spawn two swords on the ground. Thesehave very little HP but must be killed before they blow up. Continue dodginghis spells until you kill him.


Act 3

Act 3 is similar to the previous two acts but even spicier! Azulmagiawill start with Repelling Spray, so use physical spells. Dodge his attacksas before until he eventually casts Charybdis. This will create four largetornadoes, just like the Behemoth did, that need to be avoided. These willspawn on the intercardinal directions, so cardinal directions will be safe.Pick any cardinal direction and go to the edge of the arena. He will thencast Web, which applies a very strong Heavy effect, followed by Meteor,which is a very large circle AOE. We can avoid this by casting Loom to getto safety. Depending on your aim it could take two Loom casts to get out.Meteor will leave behind a fire AOE so be careful not to step into it.Azulmagia will also cast Ice Spikes at this time and reflect physicaldamage, so we need to switch to using magical damage. He will then go backto casting Plaincracker with Apocalyptic Bolt and Ray. This can beextremely difficult to dodge, but the fight will just repeatmechanics from this point onward.


Achievement Info

The achievement "Something Borrowed," which rewards the title "PerfectBlue," is earned by completing this stage while satisfying the followingrequirements:

  • Total Mastery: Use all six elemental aspects and (Water, Lightning,Fire, Wind, Earth, Ice) and all three physical damage types (Blunt,Slashing, Piercing).
  • Ain't Got Time to Bleed: No healing (this includesBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (68) Devour).
  • Can't Touch This: Take zero damage.
  • Too Fast, Too Furious: Complete the stage in under 7:15

There is no difference in strategy here, you just need to complete thestage quickly while satisfying the other requirements. Since we cannot takedamage or heal for the achievement, we don't benefit from using HealerMimicry. It is a good idea to use DPS Mimicry instead for extra damage. Youcan use Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (69) Final Sting and still get the achievement as longas Azulmagia doesn't have the Ice Spikes buff. Buffed withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (70) Whistle and Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (71) Moon Flute,Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (72) Final Sting will deal about 60% of Azulmagia's health inAct 3, allowing you to skip a lot of the phase.


Papa Mia


Recommended Spells

  • Earth filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (73) Plaincracker.


Required Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (74) Exuviation
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (75) Eerie Soundwave


Act 1

In Act 1 we need to defeat a Mirrorknight. This stage mostly serves as acheck for us to have Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (76) Eerie Soundwave. The Mirrorknightwill cast Alternate Plumage and become essentially invulnerable to damage,but we can remove its buff with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (77) Eerie Soundwave. Afterthat it's a simple matter of keeping ourselves healed, interrupting CaberToss with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (78) Flying Sardine, and killing theMirrorknight.


Act 2

In Act 2 we are fighting Papa Humbaba, a familiar face to folks who haveplayed other Final Fantasy games! He will cast Raw Instinct which makes allof his attacks critical hits, but we can remove that withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (79) Eerie Soundwave. Papa Humbaba will cast Body Blow which isa single big hit, but nothing too scary. He will follow up with Void ThunderII which is a small ground-targeted AOE that spawns Thunderhead clouds.These clouds will move around but should be avoided as much as possible.Eventually Papa Humbaba will cast Dad Joke, which is a large knockbackattack. Position yourself so you don't get knocked into the electric ring onthe outside of the arena. Next he will cast Void Thunder III which isunavoidable and applies a pretty hefty Electrocution damage-over-timedebuff. Cleanse it with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (80) Exuviation and keep yourselfhealthy! The fight will just repeat from here, so rinse and repeat untilPapa Humbaba is defeated.


Lock Up Your Snorters


Recommended Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (81) Hydro Pull


Required Spells

  • Water filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (82) Water Cannon.
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (83) Sticky Tongue if you do not have Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (84) Hydro Pull

This is quite a tricky stage and before Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (85) Hydro Pull wasavailable it was my least favorite by far.


Act 1

We must defeat Typhon again, but this time it's extra annoying! Typhonwill spawn a bunch of Bombs around the arena as well as a Magitek Explosive.If the Magitek Explosive is hit by a Bomb or by one of Typhon's Fireballs,it will detonate and kill us. Additionally, if we do not kill it quickly itwill detonate and kill us. It is weak to Water so we want to make sure weare using a Water spell on it. The basic gist of this entire stage is topull Bombs away from the Magitek Explosive and kill the Magitek Explosive,while dragging Bombs onto Typhon as much as possible. Typhon has aton of health in this stage, but each Bomb will do about 10% ofTyphon's health back to him. There are several configurations of Bombs andMagitek Explosive that just loop, so it can take some practice to see whatthe positioning is like and how to handle it. Whenever a set of Bombsspawns, quickly check to see if any are near the Magitek Explosive and pullthem away with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (86) Sticky Tongue, then kill the MagitekExplosive as quickly as possible. Typhon will use spells like Snort andFungah to move Bombs around, so you will need to get used to which he doesand how to handle it. Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (87) Hydro Pull can make the entire stagesignificantly easier because you can stand on Typhon and pull multiple bombsonto him at once, and then use Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (88) Hydro Pull to destroy the MagitekExplosive. The Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (89) Hydro Pull strat can be seen here:


Dangerous When Dead


Recommended Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (90) Saintly Beam or a Fire filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (91) Bomb Toss.


Required Spells

  • A healing spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (92) Exuviation. This wasmentioned in the initial Masked Carnivale tips, but a healing spell isabsolutely required for this stage.

This is an extremely long encounter and it can be tricky for some people.It is certainly not a race, so take the time to learn and respect themechanics and you should be fine.


Act 1

Our main enemy here is Durinn, but he will spawn a bunch of zombieenemies throughout the fight. It is extremely important to note that Durinnhimself is not vulnerable to Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (93) Saintly Beam, so a differentfiller spell will be needed for damaging him. He will open up with DoomImpending which puts a 10 second Incurable debuff on us as well as a Doomwhich is cleansed by being at full health. The way we handle this is byhealing ourselves to full before the Doom Impending cast finishes. Aslong as we are full HP before that, the Doom will go away immediately.Durinn will then cast March of the Draugar and spawn a bunch of Undead Serfswhich Bind us in place. These can be killed withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (94) Saintly Beam very quickly. Meanwhile, Durinn will castCackle which we can interrupt with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (95) Flying Sardine. We willthen see a familiar mechanic from The Weeping City of Mhach: Durinn willcast Necrobane, which we avoid, followed by Mega Death. In order to surviveMega Death we need to be a zombie, which we accomplish by standing in thepuddle left behind by Necrobane. Afterwards, Durinn will cast HelblarShriek, a mild AOE hit, followed by March of the Draugar again. This time itwill be four Undead Soldiers casting Fire III on us. These can again just bekilled with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (96) Saintly Beam. Durinn will then cast Necrobaneagain followed by Funeral Pyre, but for this we do not want to standin the zombie puddle. He will then cast Helblar Shriek followed by March ofthe Draugar again, this time spawning four Undead Warriors that will jump tous and start hitting pretty hard. As before, clear these out withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (97) Saintly Beam and heal up. Durinn will then cast Brainstormwhich gives us a "forced march" mechanic. He follows this with BifrostSquall, which will cover the whole arena with AOEs except for one small partat the edge. Stand in the center of the arena and aim yourself so the forcedmarch will walk you to the safe spot. Durinn again casts HelblarShriek followed by March of the Draugar, this time spawning two UndeadGravekeepers. These enemies seriously hurt, so kill them as quickly aspossible. During this, Durinn wil cast Necrobane a couple of times followedby Doom Impending. As before, make sure you are at full health before thecast finishes. After this, the fight becomes a loop of Mega Death, BifrostSquall, Funeral Pyre, and Doom Impending mechanics. Handle these exactly thesame as before until Durinn is defeated.


Red, Fraught, and Blue


Recommended Spells

  • Wind filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (98) Sonic Boom.
  • Lightning filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (99) Electrogenesis.Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (100) Reflux can be good to slow the hands in Act 2 aswell.
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (101) Shock Strike or any other Primal spells you might have access to.


Required Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (102) Diamondback
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (103) Exuviation

Here it is, the toughest stage for most people and probably why you'rehere. This stage has the most mechanics to keep track of at once and isroughly the difficulty of an Extreme trial. Unlike an Extreme trial,however, you cannot be carried by others and need to do it yourself. Thatbeing said, with practice this stage is actually quite easy once you get thehang of it, it can just be daunting initially.


Act 1

In Act 1 we need to defeat Shikigami of the Pyre. It will open up withFluid Swing, which must be interrupted withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (104) Flying Sardine. He follows this up with Sea of Flames,which is essentially just Ifrit's Eruption. Run in any direction and avoidthe ground AOEs. Shikigami will then cast Pyretic which means we need tostop everything. Any action taken will deal a ton of damage to us. Hewill then cast Fire II on our feet but do not move until afterPyretic wears off. Once it does, run out of the AOE. Shikigami will followup with Pillar of Flame, which is essentially Ifrit's Radiant Plume. Thiswill always be a pair of out & in movements to dodge the AOEs. Shikigamiwill then cast Rush, which is a charge attack that deals more damage thecloser we are, so get as far away as you can without going into the electricring on the outside of the arena. Next up is Flare Star which is a proximityAOE from the center, so go to the edge of the arena and wait. Flare Starwill spawn three fire tornadoes. Go to the side where there is no tornadoand get ready to start dodging. There are going to be line AOEs coming fromeach fire tornado that you will need to dodge, and at the same time there isa Fluid Swing that needs to be interrupted again. After Fluid SwingShikigami will cast Pillar of Flame again so dodge accordingly. When that isdone he will cast Rush again, so get as far away as you can, then return tothe center. He will cast Pillar of Flame again but this time there is onlyone small safe space at the edge of the arena, so run out to it. It isimportant to note that none of these AOEs by themselves will kill you alone,so if you end up getting hit by one you can just heal up. Getting hit by twoor more at once will kill you, though. From this point on the fight loopsuntil you defeat Shikigami of the Pyre.


Act 2

We dealt with fire, now it's time for water! Shikigami of the Undertow isour target this time and he's even trickier. Shikigami will open up withProtean Wave which is just a cone that we need to avoid, so move to his sideor rear. There are two waves that come out but only the first is dodgeable.Next he will cast Throttle, which applies a debuff that will kill us after10 seconds. This needs to be cleansed with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (105) Exuviation.Immediately after this is Ferrofluid. Shikigami will have a charge and youwill have a charge. If you have opposite charges you will get pulled towardshim, and if you have the same charges you will get pushed away from him(just like magnets). He follows up the push/pull with an AOE. If he pullsyou, it's a small AOE around him so you want to be at the edge of the arenabefore he pulls you. If he pushes you, it's a donut AOE around the perimeterso you want to be close to him before he pushes you. Next up is Fluid Ballwhich is a sequence of ground-targeted AOEs that will follow you. If youkeep moving then you won't get hit by any of them. Right after this isWatery Grasp, which is where most people struggle. He will spawn a Left Handwhich will delete your mana, and a Right Hand which will knock you back. Youneed to kill these hands as quickly as possible while staying away fromthem. Using Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (106) Bristle to buff a Lightning spell followed byShock Strike can get rid of one hand almost immediately.Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (107) Reflux and slow the hands and make them easier to dealwith. While you're dealing with the hands Shikigami will cast Fluid Swingagain so make sure to watch the enemy list so you can interrupt it. Youcould also set Shikigami as your focus target create a macro to castBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (108) Flying Sardine on your focus (/blueaction "Flying Sardine"<f>) so that you can interrupt him without changing targets from the hands.Once this is done he will cast Big Splash which is four hits for about halfof our health. Use Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (109) Diamondback to survive. Next up isCascade, which is similar to Flare Star from Act 1. Three water tornadoeswill appear but these will use Protean Wave instead of line AOEs. Dodge theAOEs and look for Fluid Swing again, which needs to be interrupted.Shikigami himself will also use Protean Wave, so dodge accordingly. Hefollows Protean Wave with Fluid Ball, so again keep moving to avoid theAOEs. At this point the fight will loop from the first Fluid Swing andThrottle, but no more hands will spawn. Rinse and repeat until Shikigami ofthe Undertow is defeated.


The Catch of the Siegfried


Recommended Spells

  • Ice filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (110) Northerlies.
  • Wind filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (111) Sonic Boom.
  • Fire filler spell, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (112) Bomb Toss.


Required Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (113) Exuviation

This is our next "boss stage" and it is the last of the Level 60 stages!It's pretty tricky, so as before don't get discouraged if it takes a fewtries.


Act 1

Siegfried opens up with Magic Drain which reflects magical spells, somake sure to use only physical spells. He follows up with Ankle Graze whichBinds us in place, so cleanse it with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (114) Exuviation.Immediately afterwards Siegfried casts Hyperdrive which is threeground-targeted AOEs that follow you. Make sure to keep moving to avoidgetting hit. Next he will cast Magitek Explosive which spawns bombs allaround the arena except for one space which is to the back right if you arefacing Siegfried. He will cast Rubber Bullet and knock you back, so getclose to him and aim yourself at the safe space. After you get knocked backyou have a brief period where you can adjust and move into the safe space.The positioning for this can be a little but tight, so refer to the videoabove to see what it looks like. At this point the act loops, but MagicDrain has fallen off and you can use magical spells.


Act 2

Act 2 is going to be the most difficult for a lot of people. Siegfriedopens up with Law of the Torch which is a triple cone AOE. You can either gothe side entirely, or stand between two of the cones to be safe. Siegfriedwill then cast Swiftsteel which is a knockback, followed by a donut AOE withseveral small ground-targeted AOEs. Stand close to him to minimize knockbackdistance, then move into a safe spot. Afterwards he will jump to you andcast Sparksteel which spawns a fire puddle directly under him as well asfire puddles around the arena. Dodge the fire and then move towards thecenter of the arena. Siegfried will start casting Shattersteel which is thetrickiest mechanic in this encounter. Immediately underneath him will be acircle AOE, but you can move through the center until his cast finishes.There will be a circle ice crystals around the center that will explodeafter a delay, but there will be one gap in the circle. Find the gap andmove to the edge of the arena. If you do this correctly, the crystals willexplode without hitting you. Next Siegfried will jump around three times andcast Law of the Torch, so simply dodge as before. At this point the act willloop until Siegfried is defeated.


Act 3

Act 3 combines the previous two acts, but it is less scary than you mightthink. Siegfried will mostly do Act 1 mechanics and spawn adds that do theAct 2 mechanics. If you kill the adds before they do anything, though, themechanics don't actually happen. Siegfried will start with Magic Drain so bevery mindful of any AOE attacks during this act. He will immediately spawn aclone that is vulnerable to Ice that does the Swiftsteel mechanic from Act2, then jump around and start doing Law of the Torch. Quickly kill the add,using Ice spells if you have them, while dodging the AOEs. Next Siegfriedwill do an Ankle Graze & Hyperdrive combo, so cleanse yourself withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (115) Exuviation and dodge the Hyperdrive AOEs. After this isanother Law of the Torch, and then Siegfried will spawn a clone that doesthe Sparksteel mechanic and is vulnerable to Wind. Kill this quickly whiledodging any AOEs. Be mindful of Fire puddles left on the ground, as thosewill stay even after the clone has died. After the clone dies, Siegfriedagain does an Ankle Graze & Hyperdrive combo followed by Law of the Torch.Once this is done he will refresh Magic Drain and spawn his final clonewhich is vulnerable to Fire. This is by far the scariest one because it doesthe Shattersteel mechanic and spawns ice crystals. Kill this clone asquickly as possible. If you kill it before the ice crystals explode, theywill despawn without exploding. As long as the clone is dead you can ignorethem, but if you're too slow you will need to dodge them as in Act 2. Atthis point Siegfried just continues his Ankle Graze & Hyperdrive combos andLaw of the Torch spam until he's defeated.


Achievement Info

The achievement "None More Blue," which rewards the title "Champion ofthe Blue," is earned by completing this stage while satisfying the followingrequirements:

  • Total Mastery: Use all six elemental aspects and (Water, Lightning,Fire, Wind, Earth, Ice) and all three physical damage types (Blunt,Slashing, Piercing).
  • Can't Touch This: Take zero damage.
  • Too Fast, Too Furious: Complete the stage in under 6:30.
  • Defeat all three Siegfried clones in Act 3.

There is no difference in strategy here, you just need to complete thestage quickly while satisfying the other requirements. Since we cannot takedamage or heal for the achievement, we don't benefit from using HealerMimicry. It is a good idea to use DPS Mimicry instead for extra damage. Thetime requirement is much tighter than the one for Azulmagia, so I would notrecommend trying this achievement until you have most of your spells. Youcan use Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (116) Final Sting and still get the achievement. It ismostly wasted in Act 3 since you need to kill the three clones, but you canuse it in Act 2 to potentially skip Shattersteel. Buffed withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (117) Whistle and Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (118) Moon Flute,Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (119) Final Sting will deal about 55% of Siegfried's health.


Anything Gogo's


Required Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (120) Diamondback
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (121) Exuviation
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (122) Eerie Soundwave

This is the single stage that was added in the Level 70 update, but it isa ton of fun! It can be tricky and take practice, so be patient whilelearning it.


Act 1

Gogo begins the fight by casting Mimic and dancing for 8 seconds. If weattack Gogo at all during this, they will kill us. You can use some spellsbefore the Mimic cast finishes, but do not damage them at all while underthe effect of Mimic. Once it wears off they will cast Mimicked Flamethrower,so just heal up after. Gogo will then cast Mimicked Sap which behavessimilarly to Hyperdrive during Siegfried, but is three separate casts thatget increasingly faster. Just make sure you are moving when the cast startsand you will get out of it no problem. Next they will cast Mimicked ImpSong, so interrupt the cast with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (123) Flying Sardine. Gogo thencasts Mimicked Doom Impending just like Durinn in Stage 28, so make sure youare at full health before the cast finishes! Gogo will then cast Mimic againso make sure you do not attack them during this. Next they will castMimicked Bunshin and create a clone in the center. The clone will castMimicked Protean Wave which creates two cone AOEs with a safe spot betweenthem, while Gogo casts Mimicked Fire Blast which is a line AOE. This can bedodged pretty easily by either running behind the clone and dodging the lineAOE, or standing in the Mimicked Protean Wave safe spot and dodging the lineAOE. See the video above for an example. Gogo will then cast Mimicked RawInstinct which gives them a critical hit rate up buff. This can be removedwith Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (124) Eerie Soundwave, though it does not need to beremoved. At this point Gogo repeats mechanics until they are defeated.


Act 2

Act 2 is definitely a fair bit spicier than the first act! Gogo startswith Gogo Fire III which applies Pyretic, which means we cannot move or useany actions or else we will take damage. They follow up with Gogo BlizzardIII which is a point blank AOE. To handle this, we need to be far away fromGogo before we get the Pyretic debuff, that way we can avoid the GogoBlizzard III damage. Gogo will then cast Gogo Thunder III which leaves apuddle on the ground, so simply avoid it. Gogo will then cast Gogo Flarefollowed by Gogo Holy, which are not avoidable. Heal up between the hits andyou will be fine. Next up is one of the tricky parts of the phase: GogoMeteor. Gogo will spawn a ton of ground-targeted AOEs as well as proximityAOEs. Make sure to go to the opposite side of the proximity AOEs whileavoiding any on the ground. Finally there will be one huge meteor thatcovers the entire arena. You can either Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (125) Swiftcast intoBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (126) Diamondback in the center, or position yourself in acardinal direction and cast Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (127) Diamondback. We positionourselves in a cardinal because next Gogo will cast Charybdis which createstornadoes on the intercardinals, and we don't want to get hit by it. Theyfollow up with Icestorm which applies a Heavy and Frostbite effect, socleanse both with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (128) Exuviation. Gogo then casts three GogoThunder IIIs in a row, so move away as they are cast. The fight loops fromthis point, and Gogo will do a Gogo Fire III into Gogo Blizzard III comboagain, so position yourself away from them and stop everything forPyretic. Repeat these mechanics until Gogo is defeated.


Achievement Info

The achievement "Violets Are Violet," which rewards the title "Of theTruest Blue" and unlocks Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (129) Friar Rush, is earned by completing thisstage while satisfying the following requirements:

  • Do not receive any vuln stacks (don't get hit by any avoidableAOEs, but Pyretic damage is actually fine).
  • Too Fast, Too Furious: Complete the stage in under 6:50.

There is no difference in strategy here, you just need to complete thestage quickly while avoiding AOEs. I personally like Healer Mimicry since itfeels safer, but if you're struggling with time you can go DPS Mimicry andheal with White WInd instead. The time requirement is pretty tight, so Iwould not recommend trying this achievement until you have most of yourspells. Spells like Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (130) Cold Fog are a huge gain because theyallow you to maintain high damage while avoiding mechanics. You can useBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (131) Final Sting and still get the achievement. Buffed withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (132) Whistle and Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (133) Moon Flute,Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (134) Final Sting will deal about 16% of Gogo's health.


A Golden Opportunity


Recommended Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (135) White Wind for easier healing.
  • As many physical OGCD spells as you can, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (136) Both Ends.


Required Spells

  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (137) Exuviation
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (138) Diamondback (and Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (139) Mighty Guard if using safety strat)
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (140) The Ram's Voice
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (141) Ultravibration
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (142) Flying Sardine
  • Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (143) Loom
  • Filler physical GCD, such as Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (144) Goblin Punch
  • If going for achievement, a spell from each element.

This is the single stage that was added in the Level 80 update. It's notparticularly difficult, but it is very slow. This macro can be used to makeGoldor Gravity slightly easier, since it will teleport you directlyunderneath Goldor when you have him targeted:

 /micon Loom blueaction /blueaction Loom <t> 


Act 1

Goldor opens up with Goldor Blizzard III which needs to be interruptedwith Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (145) Flying Sardine. He'll then use Goldor Fire III whichwill target us with ground-targeted AOEs similar to Hyperdrive fromSiegfried. If you stand close to him and run around in circles whilespamming Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (146) Goblin Punch you will be safe. Next he will useSlimy Summon which spawns a slime with tons of health. Freeze it withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (147) The Ram's Voice and kill it withBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (148) Ultravibration. While he's doing this he'll use GoldorQuake which is effectively Plaincracker from other fights, so dodgeaccordingly. Next up Goldor will use Goldor Fire and spawn a bunch offireballs around the outside of the arena. Pick an orb and kill it whiledodging the Goldor Blast. He'll use Goldor Aero III and knockback from thecenter. There will be a safespot just barely on the edge of the arena whereyou killed the orb. Dodge the last Goldor Blast after the knockback. Goldorwill use Goldor Gravity next which applies a big heavy to us, followed bytwo Goldor Blast line AOEs. Use Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (149) Loom to teleport behindhim for each cast, or use the Loom macro above to move directly under himand do small movements behind him when he casts Goldor Blast. Next up Goldorwill use Goldor Thunder III. This applies a mild DOT effect to us, socleanse it with Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (150) Exuviation. There will be lots of AOEs onthe ground so just watch your feet and avoid the damage! The rest of thisphase will just loop from the Goldor Fire bit, only instead of using GoldorBlast he will use Goldor Thunder III during Fire.


Act 2

Act 2 is definitely spicier than Act 1 overall, but it can actually beeasier if we play it safe. Just like with any other FFXIV fight we will seethe "tutorial" mechanics followed by combinations of those mechanics. Goldoropens up with Shining Summon and creates four golems on the arena perimeter.The golems will use a cross-style attack while Goldor uses Aero. The safespot is on the outside of the arena, behind and to the left or right of thegolems. Reference the video above for positioning. The next Shining Summonwill create four dolls that all use a huge cone AOE while Goldor uses Quakeagain. The way to handle this is to stand just outside the Quake between twodolls, then take a slight step forward and useBlue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (151) Diamondback. This is pretty tight positioning but youhave plenty of time to handle it. You need to make sure you only get hit bytwo dolls since getting hit by all four will kill you. The last ShiningSummon creates a Cyclops in the center. Goldor will use Thunder, then theCyclops will Inhale and pull you into the center before using a swing. Afterthe Inhale just run out of the center. Remember to cleanse the Thunder DOTfrom yourself during this! If you can't get it done before the Inhale youcan wait until you get to the edge of the arena since the DOT doesn't hurtthat bad. Goldor will now use Gold Fever and tether to the crystal on theperimeter. This grants him a magic damage buff and immunity to magic effectswhich is why we brought physical spells! If you're not going for theachievement you can just kill the crystal to remove the buffs. ShiningSummon will now spawn all of the previous enemies at the same time. WhenGoldor uses this, find where the single doll spawns. The safe spot at theend of the mechanic will be the same as the golems from before, only now wealso need to make sure we're to the side of the doll to avoid the eyebeam.Goldor will target you with Blast so you'll need to sidestep during themechanic. He does one before Inhale and one after, so make sure you don'tpoint it at the safespot early! After the Inhale just run to the safe spot,avoid the damage, then side step the last Blast. Goldor uses Goldor Gravityagain and we will handle it exactly the same as in Act 1. After Gravityfinishes he will use Blizzard so interrupt it and then get ready for thereal mechanic of this act.

When Goldor uses Goldor rush, he will jump to the center and use acombination of Aero, Fire, Thunder (without DOT), and Blast. This isextremely tricky and bad luck with AOEs can make things difficult, but thereare a few ways to handle it. Regardless of how you handle it, I wouldrecommend putting up Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (152) Mighty Guard for safety, since itwill allow you to survive one AOE hit. The first way to handle Rush is tojust get knocked back and carefully dodge the AOEs. This is what I did myfirst time but it's pretty tough. The second way to handle the mechanic isto just dodge the AOES, but you can use Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (153) Moon Flute forextra movement speed that does not count as sprinting! The third way, andwhat I would recommend, is to just put up Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (154) Mighty Guard anduse Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (155) Diamondback right underneath him. You will get hit bya ton of stuff and get vulnerability stacks but you will survive! Onceyou're out of Diamondback just dodge the last blast and you'll be safe. Atthis point the act will loop from Shining Summon (with all enemies), sorinse and repeat until you're finished!


Achievement Info

The achievement "All That Glitters Is Blue," which rewards the title"Gliterrier Than Goldor," is earned by completing this stage whilesatisfying the following requirements:

  • Elemental Mastery: Use all six elemental aspects and (Water, Lightning,Fire, Wind, Earth, Ice).
  • A Walk in the Park: Do not use sprint.
  • Do not kill the crystal in Act 2.

There is no real difference in strategy here, you just need to use allelements and not sprint. Leaving the crystal up in Act 2 does make the phaseharder, but we can mostly cheese the most difficult mechanic. Fortunatelythere is no time requirement and we can get hit as many times as we want, soit's actually one of the easier achievements to get even if the fight itselfis a bit tricky.

Blue Mage Masked Carnivale Guide - Endwalker 6.4 (2024)


Does gear matter in Masked Carnivale? ›

Your weapon doesn't actually matter, but if you want a tiny extra edge, pick up one of the blue weapons that can take materia and slap two materia onto it. You should meld all your gear with as much Critical Hit as you can, then Direct Hit, then Spell Speed. Take along some good caster food and a decent set of spells.

How to solo level Blue Mage? ›

Solo Leveling. The process for leveling up solo simply involves killing enemies at or above your level until you reach level 80. This can be broken up into a few stages, but the only thing that changes in each stage is which spells you will use.

What is the max level in Blue Mage Endwalker? ›

Blue mage functions independently of other classes and jobs, starting at level 1 with a maximum level of 80.

Does blue mage gear matter? ›

Blue Mage has a different damage formula from the rest of the combat jobs. All of our weapons have exactly 1 weapon damage and we scale a bit more from Intelligence as a result. Generally speaking, we will always want to go for the highest item level gear that is available since this will have the most Intelligence.

How to do more damage as a blue mage? ›

Strength increases the max damage potential of most physical Blue Magic spells. Generally every 4 STR higher than the opponents VIT, you bump up a tier in bonus damage. Damage is calculated by a difference between your STR minus opponents VIT.

Can you learn Blue Mage spells while dead? ›

For spells without cast bars, try to keep an eye on your floating text or combat log to make sure the spell you are after has actually been used before you kill the mob. You cannot learn a spell if you are dead when the mob that cast it dies!

What is the best solo mage spec? ›

Frost is, overall, the best leveling spec for Mages as it gives you access to both damage and (defensive) utility. You can also opt into various AoE Leveling builds that use talents designed to pull, control, and destroy 5+ enemies at once every pull.

How to learn sticky tongue Blue Mage? ›

The easiest way to learn Sticky Tongue is via a level 2 Cane Toad in the FATE "You call that a Toad" in lower La Noscea. The fate is Level 4 but the mobs are solo-able at level 1. I actually found this by accident while doing the FATE for leveling. This was literally the first move I learned.

Where to power level Blue Mage to 80? ›

In the balance, the Tempest cave area seems to be the smoothest and fastest option for Blue power leveling. If you can't access any zones past Stormblood, you can level fairly quickly in the caves in the far northwest of the Lochs, or by whacking frogs, sprites, and pugils in the area near the Ala Mhigan Quarter.

Does Blue Mage have limit break? ›

In some games, Blue Magic is a Limit Break command usable by particular characters.

Does your gear matter in Palace of the Dead? ›

* Normal gear has no effect on your character's attributes inside Palace of the Dead. * Aetherpool gear progress in Palace of the Dead is tracked separately to that of aetherpool gear in Heaven-on-High and Eureka Orthos.

How does blue mage work? ›

Unlike regular jobs, Blue Mages cannot participate in regular duties by default or use the duty finder to join regular duties. Instead Blue Mages must enter dungeons and raids in pre-made parties. Blue Mages can only learn actions from enemies by witnessing their attack during combat.

Where do you get blue mage gear? ›

Blue Mages use caster dps gear. There are vendors at the starting cities and camps throughout the game you can buy gear from. You can also get dungeon drops, craft your own, or buy from other players on the marketboard. You will not get any new weapons for BLU until level 50 and even then they do not give stats.

How do you get into masked Carnivale? ›

With the jobs quests done and level 50 reached, go to the Steps of Thal in Ul'dah. There will be the NPC, Maudlin Latool Ja at (X:25.5, Y:13). He will give out the required quest "The Real Folk Blues" for unlocking the Carnivale. Once the quest is complete, speak with the Celestium Attendant.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.