Andrew Huberman's Optimized Daily Routines for Well-being | Good Routine Club (2024)

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Andrew Huberman's Optimized Daily Routines for Well-being | Good Routine Club (1)

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Andrew Huberman's Optimized Daily Routines for Well-being | Good Routine Club (2)

Routine Breakdowns

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Andrew Huberman, Ph.D, is a tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine who has dedicated his career to understanding how our brains regulate physiological states, behaviors, and health. Through his acclaimed Huberman Lab podcast, he distills the latest neuroscience research into actionable and scientifically-validated tools we can all use to enhance energy, productivity, health and longevity.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore Dr. Huberman’s cutting-edge daily routines for optimizing wakefulness, focus, exercise performance, sleep and overall well-being.

Andrew Huberman's Optimized Daily Routines for Well-being | Good Routine Club (4)

Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine

Setting the Foundation for an Energized, Focused Day

To start his day feeling refreshed and focused, Dr. Huberman relies on research-backed morning rituals designed to sync his biology with nature’s daily rhythms.

6:00 AM - Wake Up Naturally

Huberman wakes up without an alarm between 5:30-6:30 AM to align with his circadian rhythm. Waking up naturally when your body is ready helps regulate energy, mood and sleep cycles for peak performance all day.

6:00 AM - Hydrate and Replenish Micronutrients

Upon rising, Huberman immediately hydrates with 2 glasses of water and takes micronutrient supplements from Athletic Greens and LMNT. The vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and electrolytes help restore cellular function and neuro-energetics after sleep.

"I’ve been using AG1 since 2012...It's the simplest way to get my basis of vitamins, minerals and probiotics." - Dr. Huberman

Athletic Greens

1 - 2 / day

6:00 AM - Practice Yoga Nidra

When needing extra rest, Huberman will do 10-35 minutes of yoga nidra, a meditative practice shown to replenish dopamine, reduce cortisol, enhance sleep quality and decrease sleep needs.

"I found that I would come out of a 30-minute yoga nidra session feeling like I slept 5, 6 hours or longer.” - Dr. Huberman

6:45 AM - Sun Exposure for Optic Flow

Huberman steps outside for 2-10 minutes of natural sunlight, which research shows is the most powerful stimulus for regulating circadian rhythms, mood, immunity and sleep. The movement also creates optic flow which reduces anxiety.

"Get natural light in your eyes early...positively impact sleep, energy, mood, wakefulness." - Dr. Huberman

7:00 AM - Cold Exposure

Huberman takes a brief cold shower or bath 3 times per week. Beyond boosting energy and mood, cold exposure activates fat-burning brown adipose tissue to increase metabolism.

Andrew Huberman's Optimized Daily Routines for Well-being | Good Routine Club (6)

Dr. Huberman on Deliberate Cold Exposure

7:30 AM – Targeted Exercise

Each day targets a specific fitness goal from endurance to HIIT to optimize progress. Supplements like creatine and whey protein maximize performance and recovery.

"Personally get tremendous benefit from deliberate cold exposure three times a week and using the walls method" - Dr. Huberman

10:00 AM - Delayed Caffeine

Huberman waits 90-120 minutes after waking to drink yerba mate. This allows adenosine to clear, avoiding an energy crash later. Caffeine is restricted after 2 PM.

"Highly recommend delaying caffeine...avoid the so-called afternoon crash." - Dr. Huberman

Andrew Huberman's Optimized Daily Routines for Well-being | Good Routine Club (7)

Huberman's Afternoon Routines

Sustaining Energy Throughout the Day

In the afternoon and evening, Dr. Huberman structures his routines to sustain energy, promote recovery and optimize sleep.

1:00 PM – Break Fast with First Meal

Huberman practices time-restricted feeding (intermittent fasting), having his first meal early afternoon after a 12-16 hour overnight fast. Potential benefits include fat-burning and insulin sensitivity.

"Intermittent fasting...weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity and reduced inflammation."

3:00 PM - Optional Yoga Nidra

If needed, Huberman will do another 10-35 minute yoga nidra session to promote wakeful relaxation during the day.

Andrew Huberman's Optimized Daily Routines for Well-being | Good Routine Club (8)

The Huberman Evening Routine

Preparing for a Good Night Sleep

Andrew Huberman structures his evening routine to promote recovery, relax his nervous system, and optimize sleep quality and duration. Key parts of his evening ritual include:

6:30 PM - Evening Cardio

Huberman often opts to do cardio exercise like jogging in the evening, which research suggests may offer unique benefits over morning workouts for some people. However, choosing the timing that feels best for your own body and schedule is most important.

7:00 PM - Carb-Rich Evening Meal

Around 7pm, Huberman eats a carbohydrate-based dinner with vegetables and lean protein. Consuming carbs in the evening helps replenish glycogen stores and enhances the production of sleep-promoting neurotransmitters serotonin and tryptophan.

9:30 PM - Dim Lights

At least an hour before bedtime, Huberman avoids bright lights, screens and overhead lighting. This supports the natural release of melatonin. Candlelight or low wattage bulbs are recommended in the evenings.

"Prioritize sleep consistently. Protect your sleep by avoiding bright lights at night and meditating before bed."

10:00 PM - Reading & Winding Down

In the hour before sleep, Huberman unwinds with reading, favoring books related to health, neuroscience and longevity. Mental relaxation prepares the mind and body for quality rest.

10:30 PM - Lights Out

Huberman heads to bed around 10:30pm, getting at least 6.5 hours of sleep consistently. He uses targeted supplements like magnesium, glycine and apigenin to further enhance sleep as needed.

"Prioritize sleep consistently. Protect your sleep by avoiding bright lights at night and meditating before bed."

Overall, the focus of Huberman's evening routine is recovery, gradually transitioning to a parasympathetic "rest and digest" state through dim light, meditation, reading, and optimized sleep hygiene. This allows him to wake up feeling refreshed and focused the next day.

Andrew Huberman's Optimized Daily Routines for Well-being | Good Routine Club (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.