30 Japanese Words That Are Hard To Explain In English (2025)

Even though human beings live on the same planet, they have different words to express things that can't be explained in other languages. Here are 30 Japanese words that don't really have an English equivalent.



Jul 09 2015 (Sep 09 2020)

1. Run Run (pronouncedroon roon)(るんるん)


Run Run is a word that expresses a person's giddy and excited state, like they're up in the clouds.It can be used as a sound effect, like in manga, or in every day conversations.

2. Niko Niko (にこにこ)


Niko Niko is a word that expresses a person smiling. When you smile, people don't usually create sounds when they do so. But Niko Niko can be used as a sound effect for this.

3. Kira Kira (キラキラ)


Kira Kira is a word that expresses something shining. The something can be a person's eyes, shiny objects such as metal, or rocks. It can be used as a sound effect and in every day conversations.

4. Donyori (どんより)

Border. garaku/Flickr

Donyori is a word that expresses something in a gloomy and depressing state. The something can be a person or the weather. When it's associated with a person, donyori expresses that the person is in a sad or gloomy state. When it's associated with the weather, it expresses the cloudy grey sky, where it willstart to rain or snow any minute.

5. Bishi Bishi (びしびし)


Bishi Bishi is a word that expresses two things. One, a sound hitting a subject with something long and thin, like a whip or a ruler. Two, it expresses the way something is moving in a sharp and fast manner. The something can be an animal or a human being. For the latter meaning, a synonym isKibi Kibi (きびきび).

6. Dara Dara (だらだら)


Dara Dara is a word that expresses something being sloppy and lazy. The something can be an animal or a human being. This word can be used in sound effects or in every day conversations. A synonym for this word will be Noro Noro (のろのろ).

7. Fura Fura (ふらふら)

Bong Grit/Flickr

Fura Fura is a word that expresses two meanings. One, when something is waving in the air. This something can be a living thing or an object, like a piece of paper or a fu-rin wind chime, as shown in the image above. Two, when someone is not working or in school, and just living day by day doing nothing. Both can be used as sound effects and every day conversations. A synonym for the former meaning will be Yura Yura (ゆらゆら).

8. Ta Ta (たったっ)


Ta Ta is a word that expresses something or someone walkingor running in a fast manner, without leaving any trail behind. It's used as a sound effect in manga.

9. Pachi Pachi (パチパチ)

Norio NAKAYAMA/Flickr

Pachi Pachi is a word that has two meanings. One, it expresses the sound of hands clapping. Two, it expresses the sound of something light exploding, like fireworks.

10. Don Don (どんどん)

Masayuki Sugita/Flickr

Don Don is a word that has two meanings. One, it expresses the sound of slamming something on a hard surface repeatedly. For example, it can be used when someone is banging on someone's door repeatedly. It can be used as a sound effect. Two, it expresses loud sounds made repeatedly, like fireworks.

11. Mozo Mozo (もぞもぞ)


Mozo Mozo is a word that expresses something wiggling. The something can be any living object from a worm toa person. The surface on which they are wiggling can be the ground or the bed. This word can be used as a sound effect in manga and in every day conversations.

12. Shakkiri (しゃっきり)


Shakkiri is a word that expresses something that was once floppy becoming straight up forward and in a fresh state. The subject of this word can be about a wilted plant or a person who goes from a hunched back to suddenly sitting or standing upright. This word can be used as a sound effect in manga and in every day conversations.

13. Goro Goro (ごろごろ)


Goro Goro is a word that has two meanings. One, it expresses something rolling around on a surface. Two, it expresses someone rolling around on a surface being lazy. Both can be used as sound effects and every day conversations.

14. Furu Furu (ふるふる)


Furu Furu is a word that has two meanings. One, it expresses the state of something jiggling, like jello. Two, it expresses the state of someone shaking their head. Both can be used as sound effects in manga.

15. Bero Bero (べろべろ)


Bero Bero is a word that has two meanings. One, it expresses the state of someone being extremely drunk. Two, it expresses the sound of something being licked repeatedly. Both can be used as sound effects and in every day conversations.

16. Noshi (のしっ)

Noshi is a word that expresses the sound of something being crushed by something heavy. It can be used in situations where someone is crushing someone with their body. It can be used as sound effects in manga.

17. Chupa (ちゅぱ)


Chupa is a word that expresses sucking on something with your mouth. It can be used when someone is sucking on a lollipop, or when a baby is suckling on its mother's breast. It can be used as a sound effect in manga.

18. Gero Gero (げろげろ)


Gero Gero is a word that has two meanings. One, it expresses the sound of someone throwing up, especially very badly. Two, it expresses the resentment of someone being sick of a particular situation. Both can be used as sound effects in manga.

19. Buchu (ぶちゅ)


Buchu is a word that has two meanings. One, it expresses the sound of squishing something, like a bug. Two, it expresses the image of someone kissing someone else sloppily. Both can be used as sound effects in manga.

20. Kaa (カァッ)


Kaa is a word specially used in sound effects in manga. It expresses the character blushing very hard. It is usually accompanied with the character turning red in their cheeks or up to their necks.

21. Mu (むっ)

eiji ienaga/Flickr

Muis a word specially used in sound effects in manga. It expresses that the character is mildly annoyed or angry by the situation or someone. It can't be used in every day conversations.

22. Ha! (はっ!)


Ha! is a word that expresses when someone realizes something, like an epiphany or revelation. It can be used both as sound effects in manga and in every day conversations.

23. Gunyu Gunyu (ぐにゅぐにゅ)

Gunyu Gunyu is a word that has two meanings. One, it expresses something squishy and slimy sliding against each other in an enclosed space. Two, it expresses the feeling when you touch something squishy and slimy.Both can beused as a sound effect in manga.

24. Batan (ばたん)


Batan is a word that expresses the sound of the door or some lid being shut. If there are exclamation marks after it, it means that the something was slammed hard. It is used as a sound effect in manga.

25. Gishi (ギシ)

Larry Jacobsen/Flickr

Gishi is a word that expresses the sound of something creaking. This something can be the floorboards or the springs of the bed mattress. This word is used as a sound effect in manga.

26. Futsu Futsu (ふつふつ)


Futsu Futsu has two meanings. One, it expresses the sound of a pan full of food that isboiling and ready. Two, it expresses the anger building inside someone. Both are used as sound effects in manga.

27. Gutsu Gutsu (ぐつぐつ)

Masafumi Iwai/Flickr

Gutsu Gutsu is a similar word to Futsu Futsu, but it has stronger meanings. The word has two meanings. One, it expresses the sound of a pot full of water or soup that is boiling rapidly. Two, it expresses an unbearable anger inside someone who is about to explode. Both are used as sound effects in manga.

28. Puu (ぷぅ~っ)

Sotaro OMURA/Flickr

Puu is a wordthat expresses something being expanded by air. It can be a balloon, or a person blowing up their cheeks. This word is used as a sound effect in manga.

29. Hoka Hoka (ほかほか)


Hoka Hoka is a word that has two meanings. One, it expresses something being fresh out of hot water. Two, it expresses the state of freshly done cooking. Both are used as sound effects in manga.

30. Kapo-n (カポーン)


Kapo-n is a word that expressesthe sound thatthe Shishiodoshi (ししおどし), which is shown in the image above, makes when the top bamboo empties itself of water and falls back onto stone. Shishiodoshi was used to scare away the animals that ate crops. Now it's used as decoration in aJapanese style garden.

The information in this article is accurate at the time of publication.

30 Japanese Words That Are Hard To Explain In English (2025)


What is the hardest Japanese word? ›

Top 10 Hardest Words to Pronounce in Japanese
  • Click here to listen to the audio pronunciation!
  • ツイッター。 – Twitter.
  • 伝えられなかった。 – Could not tell.
  • 侵略。 – invasion.
  • 便利。 – Convenient.
  • 出力。 – Output power.
  • 店員。 – Clerk.
  • 旅行。 – Traveling.
14 Apr 2016

What are the 100 most common Japanese words? ›

Common Japanese Phrases for Beginners
  • はい (hai) – Yes.
  • いいえ (iie) - No.
  • わかりません (wakarimasen) – I don't understand.
  • わすれました (wasuremashita) – I forgot.
  • しりません (shirimasen) – I don't know.
  • たぶん (tabun) – Maybe.
  • だいじょうぶ (daijoubu) – Alright.
  • よろしくお願いします (yoroshiku onegai shimasu) – Nice to meet you.
7 Aug 2020

What are some cool Japanese words in English? ›

Cool Japanese words with deep meanings
  • ikigai (生きがい) = a purpose for living.
  • natsukashii (懐かしい) = nostalgia for the past or close memory, something which gives you a slight smile.
  • furusato (ふるさと) = where our hearts long for!
  • kokoro-kubari (心配り) = literally “handing out hearts”, meaning mindful for everyone and everything.
19 Nov 2021

What is Furufuru? ›

Furufuru is a Shadow Warlock and a member of Moon Tree. Unlike her partner Infini, she is much more reserved, though she can also be silly at times.

What is the coolest Japanese name? ›

Here are a few of our favorite Japanese baby names.
  • Ai.
  • Asahi.
  • Chiyo.
  • Daiki.
  • Emiko.
  • Hana.
  • Hiroko.
  • Hiroshi.
2 Nov 2022

Are there any Japanese curse words? ›

  • 馬鹿 (Baka): Stupid. The Japanese word baka (ばか) basically means “fool” or”idiot”. ...
  • アホ (Aho): Stupid. Aho means idiot or stupid. ...
  • ブス (Busu): Ugly Woman. ...
  • 畜生 (Chikusho): Damn It! ...
  • 黙れ (Damare): Shut up! ...
  • どけ (Doke): Get out of my way! ...
  • ふざけるな (Fuzakeru na): Don't Mess With Me! ...
  • うざい (Uzai): Annoying!
1 Jul 2022

What does Ara Ara mean? ›

Ara ara (あら あら) is a Japanese expression that is mainly used by older females and means “My my”, “Oh dear”, or “Oh me, oh my”.

What is 9999 Japanese? ›

Combination of Numbers

Numbers from 1001 to 1999, 2001 to 2999, ... and 9001 to 9999 are formed with multiples of 1000 and number from 1 to 999: e.g. 1051 is sen gojū ichi (1000+50+1), 3006 is sanzen roku (3000+6) and 9999 is kyūsen kyūhyaku kyūjū kyū (9000+900+90+9).

Does Japanese have 50 words for rain? ›

Well in Japan, where it rains a lot and people love to talk about the weather, the Japanese language has over 50 nouns for rain.

What does WAP mean in Japan? ›

Wa (和) is a Japanese cultural concept usually translated into English as "harmony". It implies a peaceful unity and conformity within a social group in which members prefer the continuation of a harmonious community over their personal interests.

What is the cutest Japanese word? ›

We can't think of Japan without associating it with the word kawaii! Not only is kawaii (かわいい) an adjective to describe something that is 'cute', 'lovely', or 'adorable', but it is also part of a bigger culture in Japan.

What does Pachi Pachi mean? ›

Pachi Pachi (パチパチ)

Pachi Pachi is a word that has two meanings. One, it expresses the sound of hands clapping. Two, it expresses the sound of something light exploding, like fireworks.

What does Noro mean in Japanese? ›

Noro (祝女, sometimes 神女 or 巫女) (Okinawan: ヌール, romanized: nuuru) are priestesses of the Ryukyuan religion at Utaki. They have existed since at least the beginning of the Gusuku period (late 12th century) and continue to perform rituals even today.

What does Dantotsu mean? ›

Dantotsu is Japanese for “unique and unrivaled” and “the best of the best”.

Who is Japan's main god? ›

Amaterasu, in full Amaterasu Ōmikami, (Japanese: “Great Divinity Illuminating Heaven”), the celestial sun goddess from whom the Japanese imperial family claims descent, and an important Shintō deity.

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Top Names Over the Last 100 Years
87 more rows

Can Japanese say F? ›

The precise answer is that there is no F sound in Japanese. The closest you have is the mora ふ IPA: /ɸɯ̹/.

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During a performance in 1966, comedian Lenny Bruce said he had been arrested for saying nine words: "ass", "balls", "cocksucker", "cunt", "fuck", "motherfucker", "piss", "shit", and "tits". In 1972, comedian George Carlin released his fourth stand-up album Class Clown.

Does Japanese have F? ›

「ふ」 is the only sound that is pronounced with a “f” sound, for example 「ふとん」 (futon) or 「ふじ」 (Fuji). That's fine in Japanese because there are no words with other “f” sounds such as “fa”, “fi”, or “fo”.

What's ONII Chan? ›

This word can be written as onii-chan or "oniichan". In Japanese, it means older brother and is often used to express affection and closeness towards an older brother. One can add different suffixes to the end of many of these words to change their connotation.

What does Yare Yare mean? ›

Yare yare (やれ やれ) is a Japanese interjection that is mainly used by men and means “Good grief”, “Give me a break”, or “Thank… Visit.

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Yamete is a command meaning “Stop!

What does 555 mean in Japanese? ›

The number 5 in Japanese is ご (go). So when writing 555, you're saying “Go, go, go!” It's used in online gaming primarily. But it's not the only number you'll see pop up as internet slang! 888 is also used because it's read はちはちはち (hachi hachi hachi), which is the onomatopoeia sound for clapping.

How do you write 1000000 in kanji? ›

They continue as follows: 10,000: ichi-man 「1万」 100,000: juu-man 「10万」 1,000,000: hyaku-man (one million) 「100万」

Is 9 lucky in Japan? ›

Many businesses even hang the number above their door. However, in Japan specifically, the number 9 is a bad-luck number that sounds like “suffering” when spoken aloud; so a price of $9.99, while common in the West, would be viewed negatively.

Why does 7 in Japanese have two words? ›

So why does Japanese have multiple words for the same number? It's partly to do with superstition - “shi” sounds like the Japanese word for death and “ku” can mean suffering; “shichi” can also mean “place of death”.

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A funny phrase in japanese is “toragahitowokamoutosurutokinounarinow” 虎が人を噛もうとするときのうなり声。 It is 37 letters long and is comprised of a 17 syllables. It is a very odd phrase, as it is defined as “the growl a tiger makes when it is about to about to bite someone”.

Do the Japanese have a word for love? ›

Here is a non-exhaustive list of words and expressions that could turn out to be useful if you were to find yourself in a situation where you have to talk about love in Japan: 愛 (ai): love. 恋 (koi): love. 恋愛 (renai): love, falling in love.

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Before Nihon came into official use, Japan was known as Wa (倭) or Wakoku (倭国). Wa was a name early China used to refer to an ethnic group living in Japan around the time of the Three Kingdoms Period.

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"Watashi wa" (私は) in Japanese means "I am". Watashi Wa.

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Kei is a name of Japanese origin that can be either masculine or feminine. Meaning “blessed,” “respect,” or “joyous,” this name is sure to remind baby to appreciate all the good things in life.

Is there a word for kiss in Japanese? ›

Though the gesture of affection is preferable to talking about it, sometimes there is no substitute for the word itself. That's when kisu (キス, kiss) and hagu (ハグ, hug) come in handy, not to mention kisu māku (キスマーク, kiss mark, or hicky).

What is kawaii desu ne? ›

Kawaii desu ne means, it's cute, isn't it? Or as a Canadian… it's cute, eh? Trust me, if you spend some time in Japan, you'll definitely hear this phrase… so even better if you learn it now!

What is a famous Japanese saying? ›

七転び八起き (nana korobi ya oki) English Translation: “Fall seven times, get up eight.” This is definitely one of the most famous Japanese proverbs. You've probably heard the English version: “If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.” It's another phrase that means “don't give up!”

Does Yabai mean crazy? ›

Yabai, which literally translates to “dangerous,” is a common expression of awe or admiration among young people. The equivalent of calling something “wild” or “insane,” it can be used both positively, “His dance moves are crazy good,” or negatively, “Nah, that's too crazy for me.”

Is Yabai a slang? ›

Its dictionary meaning is “dangerous” or “risky.” However, it can also be used as a slang term to mean “amazing; cool; insane; crazy; extreme…” It can also be used together with adjectives and verbs for emphasis, like “so” in “so funny” and “so cool.” “Yabai,” when used as slang, does not need to abide by grammatical ...

What does Nagao mean? ›

Japanese: written 長尾 'long tail'. It is from a common placename the 'tail' being topographic and denoting the lower slope of a mountain not an animal's tail. This surname is found mostly on the islands of Shikoku and Okinawa. Many bearers have samurai connections.

What does Foz stand for? ›

[fɔz] feminine noun. mouth (of river)

What is seiso? ›

Seiso is the third step of the 5S method. It means "to make everything shiny clean".

What is Koko in Japanese? ›

Pronoun. ここ • (koko) (deictically) this place, area, or part (near the speaker).

What is Kuro in Japanese? ›

Noun. 黒 くろ • (kuro) (kyūjitai 黑) black (color) antonym ▲ Antonym: 白 (shiro)

What is Kagami in Japanese? ›

Kagami by itself means “mirror” and is thought to have come from shadow (影) and to look (見). Shadow, 影 kage, also can have the meaning of reflection or image. So kagami may have come from kagemi–looking at one's image. Anyway, kagami means “mirror” today and is the basis for our words in this lesson.

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Toxaphene was a widely used pesticide on cotton, other crops, and in livestock and poultry. In 1982, most of its uses were cancelled and in 1990, all uses were cancelled in the United States. The major effect of toxaphene is central nervous system (CNS) stimulation, which results in convulsive seizures.

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Malathion is an insecticide in the chemical family known as organophosphates. Products containing malathion are used outdoors to control a wide variety of insects in agricultural settings and around people's homes. Malathion has also been used in public health mosquito control and fruit fly eradication programs.

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Clothianidin is a pesticide used on food and non-food crops, including corn, soybeans, leafy greens, and fruits, as well as on turf and residential areas. Clothianidin controls sucking and some chewing insects, such as aphids, thrips, and beetles. Clothianidin may be applied to plant leaves, soil, or seeds.

What is the meanest Japanese word? ›

“Baka” is the most common Japanese swear word. The baka meaning usually translates to foolish or stupid. But it can take on a whole range of meanings depending on context, relationship, and other factors. In kanji, it's usually written baka 馬鹿 ばか .

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18 Badass Japanese Slang Words to Impress Your Friends
  • Yabai.
  • Maji de.
  • Meccha (Meccha kuccha)
  • Chou.
  • Uso.
  • Kimoi.
  • Ukeru.
  • Saitei.
28 Jan 2022

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7 most difficult English words that will let you forget what you wanted to say
  • Rural. ...
  • Sixth. ...
  • Sesquipedalian. ...
  • Phenomenon. ...
  • Onomatopoeia. ...
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. ...
  • Worcestershire.

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Because kanji characters are the hardest to master, children's books only use hiragana and katakana characters.

What is baka English? ›

What are you, stupid? Baka is a Japanese word that means “crazy,” “foolish,” or downright “stupid.” It can also be used as a noun for “a fool” or “a crazy or stupid person.” Anime and manga fans in the West have adopted the use of baka as a (usually joking) insult.

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20 Most Difficult Words to Pronounce in the English Language
  • Colonel.
  • Worcestershire.
  • Mischievous.
  • Draught.
  • Quinoa.
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • Scissors.
  • Anemone.
10 Apr 2019

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50 Difficult Words with Meanings and Examples
  • Abnegation /abnɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/: Renouncing a belief or doctrine. ...
  • Aggrandize /əˈɡrandʌɪz/: enhance power, wealth or status. ...
  • Alacrity /əˈlakrɪti/: Eagerness. ...
  • Anachronistic /ənakrəˈnɪstɪk/: misplaced chronologically. ...
  • Archetypal /ˌɑːkɪˈtʌɪp(ə)l/: quintessential of a certain kind.

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What are the Top 20 Hardest Words to Spell?
  • Nauseous. “Nauseous” is a hard word to spell because of the number of vowels in the word and the pronunciation. ...
  • Dilate. “Dilate” might be easy to spell for some, but its pronunciation makes it more challenging. ...
  • Indict. ...
  • Liquefy. ...
  • Wednesday. ...
  • Sherbet​ ...
  • Bologna. ...
  • Ingenious.

What is J in Japanese? ›

Letters: A = chi B = tsu C = te D = to E = na F = ni G = nu H = ne I = no J = ha K = hi L = fu M = he N = ho O = ma P = mi Q = mu R = me S = mo T = ya U... Japanese Alphabet.

Is English harder than Japanese? ›

To sum up, Japanese and English are quite different. However, no language is really harder than any other language.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.