100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (2024)

Summer Boarding Courses

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (1)

Being able to state your ideas and offer evidence for your arguments is an excellent skill to have! If you can convince people that you are right, you will be able to achieve so much more within your job, with your friends and new people that you meet.

Persuasive writing is about trying to get the reader to agree with your opinion or ideas. To be able to express what you want and what you believe to be true, we at Summer Boarding Courses have put together these 100 persuasive writing prompts to help you exercise your tactics!

Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers

We have 25 fun writing prompts for each age group below that we teach at Summer Boarding Courses in the UK.

Present your arguments like a pro, build upon your critical thinking skills and communicate seamlessly through your writing with these opinion writing prompts.

But first, before you begin to write, you must consider the following…

Which audience are you trying to persuade?

Who are your trying to persuade? Is it your friends, your teachers, the manager of a company or the whole community that you live within? Different groups of people have different wishes, ideas, needs and wants. Think carefully about what appeals to the group you are trying to convince.

For example, if you are student arguing that school break times should be longer to your student friends, they may be easier to persuade than the teachers!

Students love to hang out with their friends, go outside, do sport and eat delicious food.

However, if you are trying to convince the teachers at your school that break times should be longer, they may feel stressed and unsure about this. They have lessons that they need to deliver to you, work goals to meet, and your education and learning is at the forefront of their minds.

If you can convince them that you can complete your learning is less time, they might just agree that longer break times are a good idea!

Always try and appeal to each person’s perspective so that you can convince as best as you can.

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (2)

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (3)

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (4)

Be kind and respectful

We can all have different ideas about what is right, wrong, correct and unusual. Be respectful and kind when arguing in your speech or writing about what you are standing for. We are all entitled to our opinion, and for many issues, there are pros and cons for each side that we take.

Here are some key phrases that you can use to help yourself get your point across clearly and politely:

‘In my opinion…’

‘I feel that…’

‘Others must agree that…’

‘It seems to me that…’

‘Some people believe that…’

‘For this reason…’

‘I agree that…’

‘On the other hand…’


100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (5)

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (6)

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (7)

Introduce your argument in the first paragraph

Start your piece with an introductory paragraph that states your argument. This paragraph will clearly tell the reader what your opinion is and what you are standing for.

Support your argument with at least three pieces of evidence

Most people will not be convinced of your ideas unless you can show them evidence. This evidence can be qualitative or quantitative.

Qualitative evidence

Qualitative evidence is descriptive information that can come from a personal story, an interview, a drawing or a photograph. You can find this information from personally talking to people about their experiences.

Quantitative evidence

Quantitative evidence is about numbers, statistics and concrete data. This information can come from surveys, official records and experiments which carefully follow methods to try and ensure accurate information. Many people prefer to see quantitative evidence, as personal stories collected for qualitative evidence can sometimes be inaccurate.

Show that you understand the different sides to your argument

A clear and coherent writer who is putting their argument forward will have taken the time to consider other points of view different to their own. Show the reader that you understand and can see what else people may argue. Try and have a good answer back to these thoughts.

If you have evidence to support your counterargument, even better!

Ask questions

Ask your reader questions to get them to think about what you are arguing. This way, you can challenge their point of view.

They will start thinking about other perspectives that they may not have considered before.

If you’re stuck: think about a time where you did convince someone

Has there been a time in the past where you did successfully manage to persuade someone to see your point of view? Think about this time carefully.

How did you manage to convince the person? What strategies and language did you use?

Has there been a time where you were persuaded by someone?

Channel these techniques into your writing to put forward the best argument you can.

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (8)

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (9)

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (10)

Finish your argument with a strong closing statement

Summarise your ideas and reinforce your argument so that readers are reminded about why your argument is valid. This is your last chance to sway their opinion!

Find below our 100 essay writing prompts to help you practice your persuasive skills.

25 Persuasive Young Kids Writing Prompts

Are you looking for 4th grade and 5th grade writing prompts? Or prompts for ages a little younger or older for kids? Here are our 20 writing persuasive prompts forstudents aged 8 to 12!

I should be able to go to bed when I want.

All classrooms should have a class pet.

There needs to a be a non-school uniform day every week.

You can only eat apples or oranges for the next week. Which one will you eat? Why?

I should be allowed to stay home alone.

There should be no homework at school.

Break times at school should be longer.

People should be fined for dropping litter.

I should be allowed to eat ice cream every day.

All students should learn how to cook.

Persuade your family to let you open a birthday present the day before your birthday.

Persuade your family to give you twice as much pocket money.

If you could have any pet, what would it be? Convince your family why you should care for it.

Convince your friend to swap their packed lunch with yours.

Students should be allowed to pick their own seats in class.

Persuade your family to watch the film you want to watch.

Dogs are better than cats.

School holidays should be longer.

Imagine in the future, you can live on land or underwater. Which one would you choose? Why?

You have to live in another country. Which one do you choose? Why?

Convince your family to let you watch your favourite TV programme.

Students should be allowed to choose their teacher.

Students should have 3-day weekends.

You can only play one sport for the next month. What is it? Why?

Students who are late to school should do a chore for their class.

You can choose one superhero power to help others: fly or stop time. Which one do you choose? Why?

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25 Prompts for Persuasive Writing for Older Kids

Here are 25 writing persuasive prompts forstudents aged 11 to 15. If you’re looking for 7th grade and 8th grade writing prompts particularly, these are for you!

Mobile phones should be allowed to be used in the classroom.

It should be made mandatory to eat vegetables every day at school.

The school day should start later and end later in the day.

There should be a computer game room at school.

All students should learn at least 2 languages in school.

Students should be able to wear whatever they want at school.

Students should be taught only how to type; not write with pen and paper.

The first lesson of school every day should be exercise.

Facebook states that you must be at least 13 years old to have a Facebook account. Is this fair?

Persuade your brother/sister to do your house chores for one week.

Smoking should be banned in all public areas.

Teachers must wear a uniform to school. What is the uniform? Why?

Family should only give pocket money if chores are completed.

Persuade your teacher to let you eat your favourite snacks in class.

We should all learn how to grow our own fruit and vegetables.

Persuade your family to take you on holiday to a destination you want to go to.

Persuade your friend who doesn’t like sports to play your favourite sport with you.

Fast food like chips and pizza should be served everyday in the school canteen. Yes or no?

Persuade your family to let you stay at your friend’s house.

Teachers should not be allowed to have their cell phone in the classroom.

There should be one day per week where the whole nation must be vegetarian.

Fizzy drinks should be banned from school.

Students should be paid for getting good grades.

Is it better to have enough money, or too much money?

I should decide what time my bedtime is.

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (11)

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (12)

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (13)

25 Ideas for Argumentative Writing Prompts for Teenagers

These writing prompts are great forstudents aged 13 to 16!

The school day should start later and end later in the day.

Teenagers should not do any chores at home.

All students should teach one lesson to their class each term.

Students should be allowed to use their mobile phones at any time in school.

All students should volunteer in their community once every week.

Persuade your friend to help you with your homework.

Imagine you can create a new class to be taught in your school. What subject would it be? Why should it be taught?

Students who commit cyber-bullying should be suspended from school. Yes or no? Why?

The voting age should be lowered to age 13.

Persuade your teacher to have their lessons outside in the Summer.

Persuade your family to let you redecorate your bedroom.

Imagine that you have been granted a ticket to live on Mars. If you go, you are not allowed to come back to Earth. Would you go? Why?

Textbooks should be replaced by tablets or e-readers.

Persuade your teacher to end their class 10 minutes early.

Persuade your teacher to let your class have a party.

Imagine that you are given 1 million pounds to improve your neighbourhood. What would you do with the money? Why are your ideas the right thing to do?

Persuade your teacher to not set your class homework for the next month.

Everyone under the age of 17 should have to stay in after 9pm.

People should only be allowed to drive their cars 4 days a week to minimise pollution.

Country life is better than city life.

All students should be allowed to study abroad once per year.

Teenagers under the age of 15 should not be allowed to have a Facebook page.

The internet should be free for everyone.

Everyone should eat vegan food one day per week.

All school classes should be outdoors in the forest.

Study English Abroad with Summer Boarding Courses

Find out more about how we can help you with your ESL writing, speaking, listening and reading.

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25 Young Adult Persuasive Essay Prompts

These quick writing prompts forstudents aged 15 to 17will have you scribbling away to get your point across!

All students should learn how to make YouTube videos.

People should pay extra tax when they buy drinks in plastic bottles.

Humans are living longer, to the point where we may become immortal in the future. Would living forever be a good? Argue your point of view.

Students should be allowed to listen to their own music on headphones when working in class. Argue your viewpoint.

Teenagers around the world should not be allowed to drive until they are 18.

You have been given money to hold a major event in your hometown. What would the event be about or for? Why should people come?

Imagine you want to be the next president of your country. Why should people vote for you?

Convince your friend to lend you something special of theirs.

Persuade your family to let you study overseas at a Summer School next year.

Imagine that you have been given the chance to interview for your dream job. Convince the boss that you are the person they should choose.

Persuade your family to watch a movie on Netflix that you want to watch.

You have just started a new business making a phone better than the iPhone. Explain what features your phone has, that makes it much better than Apple’s.

Persuade a friend to come to a new activity group with you that they are feeling anxious about.

Aliens exist. True or false? Argue your point of view.

All young adults should be required by law to volunteer in their community once every week. Yes or no?

Mathematics class is more important than music class. Yes or no? Why?

City life is better than country life.

Driving tests should be mandatory every year after you are 65 years old.

Students who bully others should be suspended from school.

There should be one currency for the whole world.

Recycling should be a legal requirement for every household.

Life is better than it was 10 years ago.

Girls and boys should study separately in school.

You can choose to put one celebrity on your country’s highest-value banknote. Who is the celebrity? Why should they be placed on the note?

Life is better without a computer.

Are you ready to improve your persuasive writing?

We hope you have enjoyed these free writing prompts! This is your chance to change the world in which we live through your thoughts!

If you want to work on your writing in English, try and aim to make these your daily writing prompts! We also recommend using pictures as writing prompts. Looking at pictures with writing prompts, rather than just seeing a sentence, can help you create your arguments and ideas if you are avisual learner.

And if you are ready to fully immerse yourself in a thriving and educational setting, come and study with us this Summer!

At Summer Boarding Courses, we run many courses for all international students aged 8 to 17 years old and would love for you to join us. We can help you improve your ESL writing as well as your English speaking, listening and reading skills with many other nationalities.

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18 | Summer Boarding Courses (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.